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Newsfeed > Sidi's Profile
Sidi's family
Casual labor
Kenya Basic Income
Upcoming Stage
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22nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 2 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
After successfully establishing myself as a livestock farmer, I've been wholeheartedly dedicated to nurturing my animals, watching them thrive, and eagerly anticipating the day when I can reap the rewards of their growth. This venture, made possible with the invaluable support from Givedirectly, is a realization of my long-held dream, and I'm deeply grateful for the opportunity it has afforded me. With my livestock flourishing, I've turned my attention to another important aspect of my life, family. I've taken it upon myself to fulfill a duty that my son, currently without a job, couldn't undertake. In our community, honoring traditions is paramount, especially when it comes to marriage. It's essential to formally meet and respectfully engage with the bride's family, often involving a financial gesture as a sign of respect. Thus, I've diligently been setting aside funds from my earnings to embark on this significant journey of meeting my prospective daughter-in-law's family. While the process requires financial commitment, it's not merely about adhering to customs; it's about fostering mutual respect and understanding between our families. By demonstrating our sincerity and commitment, we pave the way for a harmonious and joyful union, ensuring that both families embrace each other wholeheartedly.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
It's been a challenging time since my son took someone's daughter as his wife without following our traditional customs. In our culture, it's essential to formally introduce ourselves to the girl's parents and honor them with a gesture of respect, usually involving a monetary gift. To ensure we uphold these traditions, I've been diligently saving my transfers, and I recently used $90 of it, combined with my existing savings, to make the necessary visit to the girl's family. This step is not just about fulfilling tradition; it's about establishing mutual respect and acceptance between our families. With the remaining $12, I made sure to prioritize the well-being of my family by purchasing food and essential household items.
18th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($23 USD)
access_time 8 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
As I transition into adulthood, I find it increasingly challenging to partake in physically demanding tasks like farming and charcoal production. Consequently, my livelihood now hinges on investing in livestock and leveraging their reproductive abilities. By allowing them to multiply, I can subsequently sell some of the offspring at the market for a higher price, generating a substantial profit that will enable me to meet my needs. I am profoundly thankful for the financial support, as without it, I would have been trapped in poverty.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I allocated $60 from my transfers to a savings group, with the ultimate aim of using the savings to invest in purchasing goats. The rapid reproduction capabilities of goats make them a promising investment, potentially doubling my initial investment in a short period. Additionally, they serve as a valuable contingency plan, providing a tangible asset that can be sold in case of future emergencies, allowing me to address unforeseen financial needs. I am optimistic about the potential success of this plan, as it holds the promise of fostering financial stability. Apart from saving, I also spent $42 to purchase food for both my husband and myself. Given our heavy reliance on casual labor jobs, such as selling charcoal and working on others' farms, where we earn as little as $2 per day, the transfers have significantly improved our ability to provide for ourselves.
14th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($24 USD)
access_time 12 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My primary objective for this year and the years ahead is to effectively utilize my monthly transfers to invest in livestock. After enduring the challenges of drought for an extended period, I am fortunate to anticipate a bountiful harvest from my farm. This impending success will enable me to allocate my funds towards livestock investments with confidence. I firmly believe that investing in livestock holds significant potential as a lucrative venture, promising a stable source of income for the future.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
In the wake of my husband falling ill and becoming unable to work due to a paralyzed arm and leg, I have assumed the role of the sole breadwinner for our family. To make ends meet, I rely on selling charcoal, but unfortunately, the income from this venture is not enough to meet all our needs. When I received my July transfers, I immediately allocated $20 to repay a debt I had incurred from purchasing food on credit. Although I still had $10 left after repayment, I felt relieved and grateful for the help these transfers provided in settling the debt. Additionally, I wisely set aside $10 in our savings group with the intention of using the money to invest in livestock in the future. This livestock investment holds great potential as it can multiply and serve as a crucial source of income when I eventually sell them. As a responsible mother and provider, I allocated the remaining $4 to buy food for my family. In the past, my sons have occasionally assisted me when I faced financial difficulties and couldn't afford to buy food. However, during this particular period, their own family expenses placed a heavy burden on them, making it challenging for them to extend their help. I am sincerely grateful for the financial support received through the transfers, as it has helped me navigate this difficult time and continue providing for my family. I look forward to the day when my investment in livestock will bear fruit and alleviate our financial struggles in the long run.
10th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($26 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I wish to increase my goats from 10 to 20 by the end of the year. However, am afraid that this may not happen considering the financial obligations on my shoulders now that my husband is still hospitalized. Since he fell ill, I have had no support in providing for my family, which has prompted me to rely on charcoal burning. Honestly, what I make from this practice hardly puts daily meals on the table. This is why I want to accumulate wealth through goat keeping as I could easily sell them to make money.  
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Things got tougher when my husband fell sick last year, which left him with one side of his body paralyzed. As the condition hindered him from working, he could not contribute to the household needs. To ensure that my child and husband were provided for, I started making charcoal. However, the scant earnings from the activity barely cover basic household costs like food and school fees for my grade six son. Whenever we run out of food, I usually persuade the shopkeeper to let me take goods on credit to be repaid after I get money. Am happy that I have recently not been in debt at the shop. With cash transfers, I can obtain food to last at least a week, Recently, I spent $17 on maize flour. I then sent $10 to my husband, who is still in the hospital, to help with his medication needs. Am relieved that he is recovering well. Am not sure what could have happened to him were it not for the transfers as they have been instrumental in funding his treatment procedures. Lastly, I paid $7 for my son’s tuition, who has gladly stayed in school to date.
6th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES
access_time over 1 year ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The only thing I had in mind at the moment I received the transfers was focused on matters concerning nutrition because due to frought we had barely made any harvest which had led to us almost starving. Therefore I immediately went ahead to spend KES 2,400 out of the money to purchase a bag of maize flour which contained a dozen packets which I was sure I was going to last us a while. I decided to deposit the remaining balance of KES 1,000 into my savings account because I was hopeful that eventually I would have enough money to buy a couple of farm animals preferably goats.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES
access_time 2 years ago
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
The funds provided by Give Directly have helped alleviate hunger not only in my household, but also in the homes of my neighbors. Projects like livestock rearing are also becoming more accessible to some of us as a result of the transfers. Therefore, providing unconditional cash transfers remains the organization's most important work. I do not see anything wrong with the way they work.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I live in a household of ten members that is entirely reliant on my husband for food because we are all unemployed. Working as a casual laborer in a kitchenware factory, he spends the majority of his earnings on a 24-kilogram bale of maize flour every month. This lasts us for two weeks. To reduce overdependence on him, I usually burn and sell charcoal to generate funds for food that will last us the rest of the month. On tough days, I am forced to secure food on credit from the store to make sure we do not go to bed hungry. So, when I got the transfer, I prioritized maize flour worth KES 1,200. I saved the rest of the transfer through a self-help group. Since I have always wished to own livestock, I intend to withdraw around KES 10,000 near the end of the year to buy three goats.  When these multiply and the herd grows, I will easily make money by selling them.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
1200 KES
access_time 2 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I had been waiting for the transfers with eager anticipation to help alleviate my family's hunger. When I finally got it, I felt a weight lifted off my shoulders. I was confident that the family would have food after two days of starvation. 
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The transfer came at a crucial moment when my family was grieving over the loss of a loved one. I had previously been concerned about how to provide food for the visitors we would have during the funeral period due to lack of money. The transfer relieved this stress because it allowed me to feed the visitors without strain.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I rely on charcoal burning to provide for my family. Due to the low demand for charcoal, I can make a sale of around KES 350 after every two weeks. With the rising commodity prices, the income barely covers the cost of two days' worth of food. This is why my family is accustomed to going without food for nearly half a month and surviving on a cup of tea per day. So, when I received the transfer, I prioritized most of it, KES 800, towards food. I contributed the remaining funds to my deceased sister-in-burial law's funeral service.
access_time over 2 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
Lately, I have been getting bored and agitated for nothing as a result of not doing anything all day. I would like to start a small business. A grocery business will keep me occupied. I would source the vegetables from Mariakani and sell them here in the village. This business will double up as income on top of keeping me busy. This will give me joy and peace of mind.
What is the happiest part of your day?
I am glad to be alive. My family gives me joy, especially when all my children come to visit. Seeing them and my grandchildren gives me a lot of gratitude.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
The major challenge I have is that of feeling bored being idle all day. Most times I get so irritable and unpleasant to the people around me and this makes me feel bad at the end of the day. I am looking forward to starting a business that will wear me out and get my mind occupied.