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Newsfeed > Zainabu's Profile
Zainabu's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
53010 KES ($374 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
With the unconditional cash transfer from GiveDirectly, I seized the opportunity to transform my family's life. The first thing I did was invest in my children's confidence and education. I purchased new clothes, both uniforms and casual wear, for my five children, costing around $150. This simple act lifted their spirits as they shed their old, worn-out garments. Additionally, I paid the school fees of $15 each for my kids who are in primary school, including my eldest in grade two. Education is the key to their future, and I wanted to ensure they had access to quality schooling. Recognizing the importance of long-term security, I made another wise decision with the remaining funds. I bought five goats for $175, considering them valuable assets that could provide a safety net during emergencies. These goats would also serve as a source of income when I sell some in the future, generating funds to support my children's education. As I am currently jobless and my husband is the sole breadwinner with irregular employment, these goats offered stability and the potential for a brighter future. Furthermore, I ensured that my family's immediate needs were met by using the remaining amount to buy food for the nine of us. This unconditional cash transfer not only brought short-term relief but also laid the foundation for a more prosperous and secure life for my family.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
I must say they have done remarkably well with their approach. The process of enrollment was fair and devoid of discrimination, which I deeply appreciate. The direct cash transfers have been a lifeline for me and my community, allowing us to address our immediate needs and make decisions based on our unique circumstances. I remain thankful for their efforts and the positive changes they have brought to our lives.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My aspirations are set on starting my own clothing business. With the support of my spouse, who has agreed to provide the necessary capital, I hope to embark on this entrepreneurial journey within the next three months. This opportunity will not only allow me to contribute financially to our family but also relieve some of the burdens my spouse has endured as the sole breadwinner, struggling with low-paying jobs. By achieving this goal, I am confident that our family will no longer suffer and that, together, we can build a brighter future filled with stability and prosperity.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($404 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
It's been my desire to invest in goat farming which to me is financial security for the family. Thus, I am appreciative of the organization for enabling me to achieve this goal. I believe that once the goats reproduce and increase in number, I can readily sell them to cater to my financial needs.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Since I desired to invest in goat keeping, I bought four Galla goats for $192. I did this so that I could start an investment. Owning the goats is a saving for the future and I can readily rely on them in case of financial need. I also bought two mattresses for $88 where one was for my children to sleep on. We had the beds but the bedding was tattered. I am happy that both my children and I sleep comfortably. Thereafter, I paid $58 school fees for my four primary school children who had been sent back home from school for school fees. Since both my spouse and I are casual laborers, we opted to keep the remaining amount for the family's upkeep.
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
It was around 2 pm when I had taken my child to the clinic when a message popped into my phone. Even though I am illiterate, I have some knowledge of interpreting M-pesa messages. The only problem is that I will not be able to know the sender of the money. I checked and realized that I had received $550 in my account. This installed confidence in my life that finally, I would be able to achieve my life desires. When I reached home, I informed my helper who confirmed and also informed me that this was the first promised transfer from GiveDirectly.
access_time over 1 year ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
My village has no tap water, we depend on water pans. It is four years now without rain in our village. This has caused severe drought and all water pans have dried up. I walk for 30 minutes to get water from the nearest water pan. Right now I get water from Jila which is approximately 15km away. It takes me around four hours to get water from Jila water pan. Drought is the current challenge I am currently facing.
What is the happiest part of your day?
My husband works at Mombasa in one of the flour mills company. He rarely comes home. He comes once in a year. On January 2023 he came home for the festivals. I felt happy for his companion and enjoyed his seven day stay at home. As a mother of the family, I normally feel happy if I have all my family together.
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
I have a family of seven members with five being children. My husband works at Mombasa and I am just a housewife. He earns approximately $200 per month and it caters to food only. I have only two children going to school and the other three are at home due to the lack of school fees problem. They need $2 each for admission. I will use $500 to buy ten goats as an investment. Goats survive the harsh climatic conditions of our area. The investment will help me pay school fees for my children in the future. I will also use $350 to buy the house furniture. Currently no bed in the house. We use sacks as family bedding. The remaining money will help me pay school fees for the two ongoing children and also enable the three to have admission at the school. I am happy for the program.