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Newsfeed > Kahindi's Profile
Kahindi's family
Small business
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
53150 KES
access_time almost 2 years ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I intend to concentrate more on farming to make sure that my family is sorted food-wise. With a great supply of foodstuff, other basic needs will be easy to manage single-handedly since my wife is currently not working.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
This initiative gave a new face to every household and more so the whole village. We were given a chance to listen and decide on how to spend the transfer independently without being coerced. I don’t have anything to complain about, but to just encourage GiveDirectly to keep supporting other villages as well.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I am a farmer and one of my dreams was to have cows to help with cultivating the land. With my first transfer, I spared some money and bought one cow then added another one for $200 with the second transfer. I have been training them on the farm and soon they will be a source of income. My four children had been sent home for school fees arrears of $150, thus I cleared it for them to be allowed to continue with their studies. I also acquired a solar panel for $10 to light up the house at night. The remaining amount of $80, I used to buy corn flour and other foodstuffs that were missing in the house.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES
access_time over 2 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I felt so happy the moment I received money from GiveDirectly. This was my first time getting huge sum of money in my account. From the casual works that I normally engage in, I could only get some thousand shillings that would just be enough to buy food and meet other family's expenses. I informed my wife of the good news and she was equally very happy. For a long time I had wished that I would get some money and be able to buy oxen that would ease my farming work. I am so much happy that I have been able to buy one and waiting for the second transfer to be able to buy another and be able to start farming.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
I am so much at peace and relaxed with my family than I have ever been. Before receiving GiveDirectly transfers, I was always on the run to make ends meet and I was always worried of where we would find the next meal. Things have completely changed upon receiving money from GiveDirectly. I can now have a good time with my family and share a light moment together.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
We bought beddings worth Kes 16000 and bought 1 male cow at KES 16000. The remaining amount was used to buy food and to pay school fees for my children. The decision to buy an oxen was so that I will be able to put more land under agriculture and do so in a much more easier way. The oxen will also enable me to do farming in the neighbourhood for an income. This will make me more financially independent and put me in a position to meet the needs of my family much more easily.
access_time over 2 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
I have a family of 10 people to feed on and I am unemployed. I depend on charcoal burning business and my farm has no more tress to burn charcoal. My family depends entirely on my business and without it, they will not get their household needs. I have a son aged 5 years and has deaf signs of which he cannot speak nor hear anything. I am living in the interior parts of the village and have been thinking to take my son for a special medical check-up but have no money to cater for his medical services. I have been having psycho- social stress because my son is unable to join school while other children of his age are at school. Receiving this money will unfold some of the burning issues in my house because I will give my son's medical checkup first priority. I will take him to hospital for a thorough examination and then use the remaining part of the transfer to purchase food for the family.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Seeing my family in a good health is a source of happiness. What makes me to have a joy is, to see my family going to bed satisfied. In the past 6 months during the government movement control due to covid 19 restrictions, we were passing through difficulties because it was hard to get a customer to buy charcoal.Therefore my children were getting one or two meals in a day. Given the government uplift of the traveling burn restrictions in 2 months ago , we have seen the demand of charcoal incredible and therefore my children are getting food. This could be the source of joy and happiness to me.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Food insecurity is a challenge in my house. I have to sell charcoal inorder to feed my family. We have no drinking water in the area. My 6 children are in primary school and fee payment is also a challenge to me but the unattended medical checkup for my son who is unable to speak nor hear is the main source of stress in my mind which gives me a sleepless nights.