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Newsfeed > Josphine's Profile
Josphine's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
Next Payment
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2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($311 USD)
access_time 7 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The transfer arrived at a critical moment, just as schools were reopening and my two children had already started classes without all their fees paid. I had assured the school treasurer that the fees would be settled once the transfer came through. Upon receiving it, I promptly sent $52 for each child's fees, ensuring my children could continue their education without disruption. Additionally, I invested $60 in a small iron sheet gate to enhance the security of our home while I am away for my daily activities. I also added three plastic chairs and a table for $34 to accommodate my large family of 10, bringing much-needed comfort to our living space as some of my children previously sat on a bare floor. Furthermore, I used $77 to purchase paint and paying for labor. This made our house aesthetically pleasing and boosted our morale and sense of pride in our home. I also treated my children to new clothes for $50, which filled them with joy, especially when they wore them to Sunday school. Seeing their happiness was priceless, and it warmed my heart. Lastly, I used the remaining amount to ensure we had enough food to sustain us. With a poor harvest and limited income from casual work, providing enough food for my family was a constant concern. The transfer alleviated this worry, allowing us to enjoy meals without the fear of hunger looming over us.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
What stood out to me about GiveDirectly was the genuine care and support provided by their staff during their home visits. They were incredibly friendly and kind, taking the time to ensure we fully understood how to use Mpesa and offering valuable advice on keeping our money safe. Their level of service surpassed any previous experiences I have had, and I truly appreciate their dedication. Keep up the excellent work!
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the coming year, I have devised a new plan to cultivate mango trees on my farm. Observing my neighbors' successful harvests, I have been inspired by the profitability and low maintenance required for this venture. Initially, I aim to plant approximately 10 mature trees and expand the project over time. With a hopeful outlook, I anticipate that within two years, these trees will bear fruit, providing a valuable source of income. I intend to sell the mangoes and allocate the proceeds towards my children's education, gradually alleviating concerns about the impact of adverse weather conditions on my maize farm.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
18010 KES ($111 USD)
access_time 8 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
With the recent $200 transfer from GiveDirectly, I focused on making meaningful changes to improve my family's life. Firstly, I addressed our immediate food needs by spending $42 on essential groceries, ensuring that my family had enough to eat. Recognizing the limited space for my six kids to sleep comfortably, I allocated $40 to purchase a bed and $12 for a mattress. This decision aimed to enhance our living conditions, providing a more comfortable and restful environment for my children. To promote sustainability and address long-term food security, I invested $80 in cultivating maize. This not only tackles our immediate needs but also creates an opportunity for surplus income by selling the extra produce. The additional funds will be crucial in supporting the education of my three kids who are currently attending school.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Since I started receiving transfers from GiveDirectly, the biggest change in my life has been the ability to farm more effectively. This has directly addressed the food issue at home, ensuring that my family has enough to eat. The impact extends to the education of my kids, as I now use the farm produce to support their schooling. The positive changes go beyond the practical aspects. My family life has significantly improved, and we find ourselves surrounded by happiness and joy. The support from GiveDirectly has not only provided essential resources but has also created a sense of security and fulfillment in our daily lives. The ripple effect of these changes has made a lasting impact on our overall well-being, turning our dreams of a better life into a reality.
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
It was a regular day at home with my husband and children when a moment of impact changed our lives. We have six kids, with three of them currently attending school. The feeling of joy and gratitude overwhelmed us, all thanks to GiveDirectly. It was a generous transfer of $200 from GiveDirectly that arrived at our doorstep, providing us with a newfound sense of hope and opportunity. It involved careful consideration of how to allocate the funds to make a lasting impact on our lives. The first thought that crossed my mind was the immediate need for food. With $42, I decided to buy maize, addressing our pressing hunger. The importance of a good night's sleep led me to allocate $40 for a bed and a mattress, priced at $12, ensuring that there would be enough space for my children to rest comfortably. This simple yet significant change in our sleeping arrangements brought a sense of relief and comfort. With $80, I made a strategic decision to invest in cultivating maize. This not only addressed our food security issues at home but also created the opportunity to sell surplus produce. The surplus income would be a valuable resource in supporting the education of my children. The reason behind these decisions was rooted in the desire to not only meet immediate needs but to also create sustainable solutions for the future. The moment of receiving the transfer was not just a transaction; it was a catalyst for positive change.
access_time 10 months ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I'm faced with many challenges in my life currently, however, the biggest challenge that is most felt is the lack of money for school fees and other basic needs. Since we depend on farming for money, it has been very challenging since there have been prolonged droughts in our area which has led to low productivity. I have 3 children; Vinny, Faith, and Alonso who are in secondary school and it is very difficult to get their tuition fees. This stresses me up so much especially when they are sent home.
What is the happiest part of your day?
My happiness in the past 6 months came from the rains we have received. It has been 3 years since we received good rains such as this in our village which greatly delighted us.
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
I have big plans for the transfers which I believe will surely change my life positively. Firstly I intend to use the first transfers to purchase school accessories such as books and pens for my school-going children and also buy food and clothing. With $180 of the transfers, I will accomplish this. For the second transfer of $450, I intend to pay school fees for my children Vinny, Faith, and Alonso who are in various secondary schools. For the last cash transfers, I intend to buy 2 goats at $80 which will be an investment. I also intend to use about $150 of the transfers to do maize farming. This will assist me in securing food for my family and also paying school fees for my children. Finally, I intend to use the remaining amount to purchase food and other household goods for my family. With these cash transfers, I believe my life will be a bit easier than before I received the transfers.