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Newsfeed > Alyce's Profile
Alyce's family
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($479 USD)
access_time over 2 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I purchased a piece of land with the first transfer. Since I had other needs to meet, I did not manage to develop it. Therefore, with the second transfer, I used 38000 KES to both purchase the building materials and paid for the construction labor of shops for rent on that piece of land. I am a tailor but I have been renting a shop to operate my business. I am glad I am currently operating the business in one of the shops that I recently constructed. The money I used to spend on rent is currently assisting in boosting my business and meeting other household needs. The money meant for rent I now save for others. 10000 of the money I gave to my spouse for his driving school. He did not have a public service vehicle driving license, and he wanted to operate the public vehicles. He managed to upgrade and currently he has already secured a job in the public service motor operation. The rest of the money 5000 KES I spent on food for my family.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
I am thankful for the unconditional cash support we received from Give Directly. At first, we could not believe that the money was not refundable because we had not experienced such but after a series of meetings with their staff, we were made aware that it was just a free cash that was meant to change our lives. The process was fair to everyone since we were all visited and later we all received the money the same day. On the other hand, I don't have anything to complain about, but thankful that I was part of the project.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
The money came in handy when I needed it most. I am great full through it, I was able to acquire a piece of land and constructed some shops for rental. I still have an additional goal to improve the shops to permanent structures. What I could afford was semi-permanent structures made of mud, but they are not long-lasting. With the monthly rent that I will be earning from the current ones, I will save to raise funds for bricks which I will later use to construct more decent structures thereafter put down the current ones made of mud. I believe once this is done then I will charge higher for the monthly rent hence improved income.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($484 USD)
access_time over 2 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I spent most of the transfer which was KES 20000 on building a room extension for my children in preparation for when they come of age, they cease to share a room with us because it is against our community's culture and customs for grown-up children to share a roof with their parents. Also, this room will come in handy for when we get guest, we will be able to host them comfortably without having to ask our neighbors to host our guests on our behalf. I also spent KES 11000 on buying a little piece of land where I intend to build my stall where I'll be having my tailoring business. I did this because I saw it not very beneficial and economical to rent a stall for my business, therefore, having my stall on my own piece of land will make sure I don't have to share the little I make with anyone especially the owner of the stall. This will, indeed, enable me to comfortably meet my family's immediate needs with all the proceeds from my business, I am so happy and proud. All thanks to GiveDirectly.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The biggest difference in my daily life since I started receiving money from GiveDirectly is that I now my own piece of land, where I will be having and operating my business with a peace of mind. I was able, as well, to get a room extension which was never possible before I started receiving money from GiveDirectly because the little I could raise from my business could hardly meet my family's immediate needs. Therefore, I am so grateful to GiveDirectly for making that possible.
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I saw the text message confirming that I have received the money from GiveDirectly in the morning, although it must have been delivered at night. I was so happy when I got the money because I was able to fulfill my needs and desires, especially extending a room for my children so that when they come of age they cease sharing a roof with us.
access_time almost 3 years ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Our village has drought and famine now. This has really affected my dressmaking business because there is no money that is circulating in business because of the famine. People use their money for food and water. Lack of money is the current challenge that I am facing as a business woman.
What is the happiest part of your day?
In the month of August 2021, I was given six layers by world vision organization for free. This is a project that is meant to boost agriculture in our village. I did not have any chicken before. That gave me happiness because I will sell eggs in the near future and earn a profit.
What does receiving this money mean to you?
Receiving this money means building a spacious house for my family. We are a family of four members and we are leaving in a one bedroom house. I will use the money to build a three bedroom house at a cost of KES 80000. This house will have privacy. I will also use KES 20000 to boost my dressmaking business and use KES 10000 to pay school fees for my two children who are in primary school.