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Newsfeed > Lucy's Profile
Lucy's family
Small business
Malawi Large Transfers
Upcoming Stage
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access_time over 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Receiving this money means that firstly I will improve my living conditions. I will buy a bed, mattress and blankets for my family. Additionally, I will buy iron sheets for the roof. I would do this because I want to have a comfortable place of residence for my family and myself. I believe this would cost about 700$. Thereafter, I will buy 10 bags of maize for food so that I have food while I am farming for next season on the other hand. With the current high cost of maize, this would cost me somewhere around 200$. I plan on spending this money as soon as I receive the funds, thus, a day after.
What is the happiest part of your day?
I believe this has to be last month, September when my daughter Sidaya participated in the launch of her choir's music album in Utale at Catholic church. I was excited because I knew how much this achievement meant to her and I attended it.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Lack of food, clothing and poor living conditions are the challenges I am currently facing in my household. My charcoal selling business and my husband's cycling business don't sustain us on these days. We only make 4$ from our businesses, combined. We are unable to buy our children new clothes as well as improve our living conditions such as buy beds and chairs for comfortable rest in this house.