We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
53075 KES ($533 USD)
access_time almost 6 years ago
What did you spend your second transfer on?
Previously I only had three weak chairs which were risky sitting on because one could easily fall when sitting. It was harder when I had visitors because I had to walk around the village borrowing seats and at times some of my neighbours would mock me for that. I bought decent seats with the larger part of the money that I received from GiveDirectly. The remaining amount I bought a bed, mattress, leased a piece of land to cultivate on and food for my family's consumption. Therefore I am so grateful for the support it has really changed my standard of living.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
In my opinion, GiveDirectly has done an excellent job than any other organisation that has ever worked in my village . The money was unconditional which has changed the living standards of my community and mine as well. I do not see what GiveDirect does not do well.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Before I was living in squeezed five iron sheet house and when it rains I would sacrifice a certain corner for my children not to be soaked with water but when it was too much we had to outsource for shelter at my brother in law. This was a tough life since my children could get a respiratory attack due to exposure to cold. The biggest difference in my life is that I have been able to acquire a decent house which I have been longing for in my whole life. We are a happy family enjoying family time together because we are no longer exposed to cold nights.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($547 USD)
access_time over 6 years ago
What did you spend your first transfer on?
This transfer changed my life tremendously as I used it to buy building materials e.g. iron sheets,nails,timber,poles to build a new house as I had very old house that had cracked walls and leaked whenever it rained.
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I have never received such kind amount of money. I felt so happy.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life.
I now have a bigger house that can accommodate my large family and looks beautiful too.
access_time over 6 years ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
The biggest hardship that I currently face is lack of a sustainable source of income, my spouse is the sole breadwinner but his wages are not enough to comfortably provide basic needs for my family, thus we often have to beg our immediate family for loans and this is often embarrassing.
What is the happiest part of your day?
The happiest part of my day is around noon especially when I am having a meal with my family. Whenever I am eating with my family I usually feel very happy because the atmosphere is very lively.
What does receiving this money mean to you?
Receiving this money means that I can finally build my family a larger iron roofed house which will include a bedroom for my children as we currently share one room which is uncomfortable. I will also be able to start a small business where I will sell common household items like sugar,salt,bread,cooking fat,bread,soap and beans. This will enable me to have a sustainable source of income instead of relying on my spouse for everything that needs to be provided in the house.