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Newsfeed > Stephen's Profile
Stephen's family
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($382 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I aspire to secure stable employment, utilizing my skills as an electrician to provide a strong financial cushion for both myself and my family. This step holds the potential to bring significant improvements in various aspects of my life. Steady employment would lead to a notable enhancement in our financial situation. It would provide a consistent source of income, ensuring that we have the means to meet our basic needs. This financial stability would alleviate the constant worries and uncertainties that often accompany irregular income streams. Also, it would mean that I no longer have to struggle to make ends meet but rather, to give quality life to myself and my loved ones. Beyond my immediate family, the positive impact of steady employment could extend to my parents as well. With a more stable financial situation, I could assist and support my parents, helping to improve their well-being as well. This sense of interconnectedness and the ability to give back to those who have supported me would bring a deep sense of fulfillment and purpose. In essence, my hope for stable employment holds the promise of a more promising future. It represents the opportunity to break free from the limitations of our current circumstances and create a more prosperous and fulfilling life for myself, my family, and those around me.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
The impact of the transfers I received has been deeply personal and far-reaching. These funds have enabled me to accomplish several significant milestones that have transformed both my individual circumstances and the community around me. Personally, I was able to fulfill cultural and family obligations by paying dowry. This step solidified important relationships within my family and community. Additionally, I used the transfers to build a home, providing a safe and comfortable space for my family. This achievement represents a substantial improvement in our living conditions and overall well-being. Education, too, became more accessible as I used the transfers to pay school fees. Ensuring that my children have access to education is a priority, and the transfers have lightened the financial burden, enabling me to invest in their future. Beyond my individual experiences, the impact of the transfers has reverberated throughout my community. A notable change has occurred in the struggle for access to clean water. People in the community, have utilized their funds to purchase water pipes, eliminating the arduous task of traveling long distances to fetch water. This improvement in basic infrastructure has reduced the physical burden and positively impacted the health and overall quality of life for everyone involved, the transfers have created a positive ripple effect, resulting in improved living conditions, enhanced opportunities for us and the entire community.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
One of the first steps I took after receiving the transfers was to address the deteriorating condition of my house. With $300, I invested in timber to rebuild and fortify my home, which was gradually crumbling due to the destructive effects of termites. Additionally, the iron sheets on the roof had rusted over time, leading to leaks whenever it rained. This investment did not only revitalized the structural integrity of my house, but also provided a safer and more comfortable living environment for my family. Recognizing the significance of education, I allocated $250 from the transfers to save for my child's school fees. My child is currently in form one, and ensuring their access to education is of utmost importance to me. As an electrician who is self-employed, my income is often inconsistent, and financial stability is not guaranteed. However, with the support of GiveDirectly, I am better equipped to secure my child's educational journey and create opportunities for her future. As I continue my journey as an electrician and work towards financial stability, the support received from Givedirectly remains a beacon of hope.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($392 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I work as an electrician and had gone about my daily duties that day. While I was deeply engaged in my work, I received a message and did not bother to check it because I assumed it was from a friend or one of the standard promotional messages. When I finally calmed down, I checked my inbox, and to my surprise, it contained a Mpesa message informing me that I had received my first transfer from GiveDirectly. I was overjoyed because I could now afford to pay my children's high school fees.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The transfer helped me pay for my children's high school fees. Because they were paid on time, their studies will not be hampered by fees. This will give me plenty of time to plan for their next term's payment. Seeing my children continue their education is by far the most significant difference in my daily life, because it would have taken me months to save enough money for their tuition.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My first priority after receiving the transfer was to pay my children's fees so that they could continue their education without interruptions due to fees. When I got the transfer, I spent KES 20000 on their fees and went shopping for new school uniforms and stationery for them. After paying the fees, I bought a new mattress for KES 15000 to replace the old one, which had worn out and could no longer provide a comfortable night's sleep. I am finally sleeping well on my new mattress. In addition, I paid KES 10,000 to settle my dowry, which had been outstanding for a long time. This has allowed me to maintain good relations with my in-laws, as I have fulfilled my obligation. Finally, I spent the remaining funds on food for my family, ensuring that my household did not go hungry. We had enough food to last us months.
access_time over 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Living in a decent house means boosting my self-esteem. Currently, my house's roof collapsed and it's open. This has forced my 2 children to seek refuge from their grandmother's house. Since I do not have full control of them when they stay with my mother, I have felt this can affect their time of studies. An effect on their studies will mean a lack of seriousness as a parent. I desire to ensure I repair my house to allow them a space for them to have a good environment for their learning. With this money, I intend to spend a big portion of it ($700) to ensure this comes to reality. This will guarantee me peace of mind since I will have ample time with my children. On the other hand, the remaining amount will cater to their education expenses. Clearing all pending fees arrears will mean maximum time in class and eventually, improved performance. Hence, this is generally what receiving this money means to me.
What is the happiest part of your day?
For the 2 years that I have worked in our village, I have never managed to get a big contract until March this year when I was lucky to earn $200 from one job. This was a boost to me because I had a daughter who was joining high school by then. I was able to pay all the reporting fees for her. This brought about a lot of happiness in me since I felt the burden is slightly lifted. Hence, this serves as a reason for a smile on me.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
It has been 2 years now since my wife passed away. This has been a very tough period for me because it exposed me to depression. Since it was hard to operate my work away from home, it forced me to come back as I continue seeking medical attention. Being sick yet I have 2 children to take care of, added a burden on me. Currently, my electrical skills are not fully utilized since I am only engaged in small contracts in our nearby town including within the village. The income from my work is usually not enough to sustain our needs like school fees and food. Therefore, the lack of a stable source of income stands out as the main challenge.