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Newsfeed > Markson's Profile
Markson's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
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2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($340 USD)
access_time 7 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
As the year comes to an end, I have a big dream in my heart. I want to build a nice home for me and my family. It's something I've been thinking about for a long time. Having a good home means everything to us. It's not just about having a roof over our heads; it's about having a safe and comfortable place to live. I've been planning for this, and I've decided to use the third transfer from GiveDirectly to make this dream a reality. The idea of it actually happening fills me with happiness and contentment. Knowing that we'll soon have our own place, a place we can truly call home, brings me so much joy. It will be a place where we can create memories together, where we can feel safe and at peace. Thinking about this future home gives me a sense of satisfaction. It's not just a house; it's a symbol of our hard work and determination. And soon, with the help of GiveDirectly, that dream will become a beautiful reality.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
What I really admire about GiveDirectly is how transparent they are. When they send money, it goes straight to the people who need it. There's no middleman, no hidden agenda. It's just simple and straightforward. I appreciate that they don't have anything fishy going on. Their programs are all about helping people in need, without any ulterior motives. It's clear that their main goal is to make a positive impact on people's lives, and that's something I truly respect. Because of this, I don't have any recommendations for GiveDirectly. They're already doing such a great job with their transparent and honest approach. I'm grateful for the support they provide to individuals and communities, and I trust that they will continue to do so in the best way possible.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Once, I got $450 from GiveDirectly. It made me really happy. I knew exactly what to do with it. First thing, I used $230 to build a toilet. It was important for my family's health. We're a small family, just me and my kid. Now, we don't have to worry about sanitation anymore. Then, I took $150 to pay off some school fees. I needed my KCSE certificate. It opens up doors for me. With it, I can grab opportunities when they come my way. Next, I spent $45 on a gate. It's for safety. We're farmers, and we store our produce here. The gate keeps our belongings safe. I didn't forget about the farm. I used $10 to buy fuel. It helps me irrigate the maize. Good irrigation means good crops. Finally, I set aside $15 for food. It came at just the right time. We were facing a food crisis. Now, we can eat without worrying. That's how I used the money from GiveDirectly. It changed things for us. We're healthier, safer, and more secure.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
18010 KES ($111 USD)
access_time 9 months ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I remember clearly being occupied on the farm when I heard my phone buzz with a message. Upon checking, I discovered that the anticipated transfer from GiveDirectly had finally come through. It became the happiest day of my life, filling me with immense joy and gratitude. The excitement was overwhelming, knowing that this transfer marked the beginning of realizing my long-held dream of fencing my land, which I had been unable to achieve earlier due to financial constraints. The arrival of the funds brought great happiness into our lives, and we will always hold a profound sense of appreciation in our hearts.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The most significant change in my everyday life stems from the financial assistance I received. This support has enabled me to effortlessly secure vital food supplies like maize and has even allowed me to invest in fencing my land. I am hopeful that things will continue to improve. In the past, financial limitations made it impossible for me to access these basic necessities. Now, I see the potential for increased yield on my land since we've safeguarded it from goat invasions. This brings me immense joy and satisfaction, and for that, I am truly grateful.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My wife and I depend on farming for our livelihood, and we have one child. Upon learning that we would be receiving funds from GiveDirectly, we anticipated a significant transformation in our lives. We carefully planned how to make the most of the money. We decided to spend $46 towards fencing our land to protect it from goat invasions, which had been damaging our crops. Subsequently, we invested $50 in purchasing fertilizers to enhance the yields on our farm. An additional $20 was spent on fuel for the generator used to pump water on the farm. To ensure food security, especially during drought seasons, I used $50 to buy a sack of maize. The remaining amount was utilized for clothing and transportation. Due to prolonged drought affecting our farms, we had struggled to obtain sufficient yields to meet all our needs, and fencing the land had been a challenge. I am deeply grateful for the support that has elevated our lives to a higher level.
access_time 11 months ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
We have good plans for the transfers and we believe it will change our lives for the better. For the first $180 cash transfers, we intend to do piping for water from the borehole to our compound, fence our compound and also purchase clothes for us. For the second and third transfers, we intend to purchase 5 sheep which would cost us about $ 200 of the transfers. Additionally, we intend to transform our home by adding one room since we live in a single room. We also intend to build a pit latrine which will cost us about $100. This will improve our sanitation so much. We also have a maize farm in which we intend to put fertilizer and therefore with the transfers we will be able to accomplish this.
What is the happiest part of your day?
My happiness over the past 6 months has come from the rains we have received. Even though it comes with challenges such as flooding, I'm happy that it has rained since we've stayed for about 3 years without good rains such as this. I'm very happy because my farm will be productive this year.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
The greatest challenge I'm facing at the moment is the heavy rains we are receiving. While it is a blessing, it has affected us greatly since the maize I have planted is at risk of getting destroyed by flood water.