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Newsfeed > Esther's Profile
Esther's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
Next Payment
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Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($425 USD)
access_time 4 months ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I was at the evening service in our church when I received a message on my phone. Since I was deeply concentrating on the sermon, I didn't check the message right away. After the sermon ended, I decided to see who had sent me the message. To my surprise, it was an M-Pesa notification, informing me that I had received my first transfer from GiveDirectly. I was overwhelmed with joy because this money would finally help me achieve my biggest aspiration: to buy a motorbike to supplement my income, provide for my family effectively, and also pay for my children's school fees.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
We have been struggling to educate our six children, one is in high school, and the others are in primary school. Many times, we found ourselves unable to raise the required fees. My husband does casual jobs and burns and sells charcoal, but it has never been enough to meet the family's needs. I've been selling vegetables and sardines to help my husband provide for the family but the business has not been successful. We lacked a stable source of income that would make it easier to support our family. Fortunately, the recent transfer enabled me to acquire a secondhand motorbike. I gave it to my son, who just finished college, and he's using it to provide taxi services. The motorbike brings in around $21 per week, some of which I can save, and the rest goes towards my children's school fees. This new income has not only helped ensure my children stay in school but also has been vital in meeting our household needs. Previously, my children would be sent home and stay for weeks, but now they are comfortably in school, no longer facing disruptions due to fees.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I used the whole first transfer to buy a used motorbike, which I've been using to provide taxi services and bring in extra income for my family. Due to the financial difficulties that we have been through, we needed to increase our income. My husband is the main provider for our family, but his casual jobs are not always reliable. Sometimes, he has to resort to tiring and low-paying work like making and selling charcoal. We have six children, all in school, with one in high school and the rest in primary school. It has been a challenge to pay for their school fees, and there were times when they had to stay home for weeks because we couldn't afford the fees on time. I tried to help by opening a small shop to sell vegetables, sardines, and other items, but it hasn't been very successful. Therefore, it has been a struggle to support our family. The new income from the motorbike has been a relief. I hired my son, who recently finished college and was searching for a job, to help with the taxi services. The motorbike now earns around $21 per week, making it easier for us to meet our family's basic needs. When my husband can't find work, we can still put food on the table. Additionally, I'm able to save money to pay for my children's school fees on time and prepare adequately for the other terms.
access_time 7 months ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
My husband does casual jobs making little income and I am subsistence farmer. I have a family of ten members and we all live in the same two room house . The house is not spacious and it lacks privacy this dressing up in the house after bath is a challenge. Most of the time I use bush as a hide out for dressing. I lack the capacity since the income we get from my husband job caters for food and school fees for the children. I will use $600 to build a one room house so that the children can use the one we have. The two house will be equipped with beddings as well. Currently the family sleeps on the ground. I will also use $150 to buy five goats as an investment. This will bring sustainable income for me. I currently do not have any investment.
What is the happiest part of your day?
I do subsistence farming and it has been long since I got any harvest. The village has been under drought for almost three years. However last year in October, we received rain and planted maize on my two acre piece of land and harvested 6 bags each 90kg. The food will sustain the family for the next five months. The harvest brought happiness in my life.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Housing is the challenge that I am currently facing in life. I have a family of ten members and we all live in a two room house. The children are grown up and they should have their own house. Currently there is no privacy in the house sometime it is hard to dress up after taking bath in the house. Most of the time after bath my husband and I dress up in the bushes .