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Newsfeed > Mariam's Profile
Mariam's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
Next Payment
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Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($353 USD)
access_time 7 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Amidst the daily challenges I faced, I found myself juggling numerous responsibilities. Living with my mother-in-law and our young daughter, the burden of providing for my family weighed heavily on me, especially with my husband working as a mason in a distant town. The heavy rains had wreaked havoc on my mother-in-law's house, leaving it on the brink of collapse. Determined to provide her with a safe shelter, I invested $390 shillings into salvaging her home, ensuring she had a decent place to rest. Additionally, being expectant meant routine trips to the clinic for check up and for ultrasound scans to monitor the well-being of my baby. I spent $40 of the transfer on travel expenses for the scan was necessary, bringing me immense relief upon learning that my baby was healthy and thriving, easing my worries as I awaited my due date. Unfortunately, tragedy struck once more when my daughter broke her leg while playing outside. The urgency of the situation prompted her father to rush her to the hospital, costing us $40 from the transfer. Witnessing my daughter's recovery and her relief from pain brought immense joy to our family. With the remaining funds from the transfer, I prioritized purchasing food, as our supply was insufficient and in my condition a balanced diet is necessary.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
My mother now rests in a stable home without the fear of its collapse, as it was previously in ruins. I'm delighted that my unborn baby is thriving and healthy, bringing anticipation and joy to our family as we await the new addition. Additionally, my daughter's recovery is progressing well, with her leg healing and the pain subsiding. This sense of relief envelops us all, considering the myriad challenges we faced simultaneously. We're grateful to GiveDirectly for its immense blessing to our family.
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
While at home with my mother-in-law, I received a mobile money notification, but did not know where it was from. I immediately called my husband to see if he had sent money, but he hadn't, speculating it might be from GiveDirectly. Indeed, it was from GiveDirectly, and it caught me off guard because I wasn't expecting it on that day. This filled me and my husband with joy, and he planned to visit over the weekend to celebrate and discuss how to use the money. Our family includes my husband, our child, and my mother-in-law. My husband works as a mason in a different town, and his modest income supports us. My first thought was to repair my mother-in-law's house, as heavy rains the previous month had damaged it, making it lean dangerously and unfit for her to stay in it. According to tradition, she cannot sleep in the same house with us, and therefore, repairing her house was a priority.
access_time 11 months ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Food insecurity is the challenge I am currently facing in life. My husband works at the coastal towns as a casual laborer earning very little income and sometimes he goes without any job. Whenever he goes without any work as a family we go without food. I am just a house wife doing domestic chores.
What is the happiest part of your day?
The village has been under family for at least three years. In April this year, we received rain and planted maize on a one acre piece of land and harvested one bag of 90kg. That was after destruction made by elephants in the village. The maize sustained the family for almost three months. The harvest brought happiness in my life.
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
I have knowledge in dressmaking but due to lack of funds I have not been able to practice my knowledge in the village. I will use $300 to buy a tailoring machine and other materials so as to start my business. The market is good since no other person does the dressmaking business in the village. I will also use $700 to build a house for my mother-in-law who currently lives in a substandard house that can collapse anytime. My desire is to see her living in a decent house and happy. She is the only parent left the other one died and I really value her.