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Newsfeed > Jackson's Profile
Jackson's family
Construction (works for others)
FSD / Urban Youth
Upcoming Stage
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14th Payment
Transfer Amount
3997 KES ($40 USD)
access_time over 4 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I spent my transfer on paying my house rent. Before the transfers, I used to rely on my small income from casual work which I would start saving from the beginning of the month so as to raise the required amount to pay my rent at the end of the month. I would strain because I had a daily target which if I did not meet, I would have to forgo meals to meet the target. I am glad I eat well and buy clothes but still manages to raise money for my rent because of the transfers.
Do you have any new or additional goals for your life?
For now, I have a new goal of saving for buying a cash wash machine. I plan to use these transfers to start cash wash business so that I may have a stable income and not rely on the less paying casual work. I would want to have a reliable source of income. I know very soon I will have managed to raise the required amount.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Since I only relied on a small income from casual work of garbage collection in my area and other small cleaning jobs, I did not have much income. I had so many personal goals which I could not achieve with my small income. I had desired to have a business but due to low income, it only remained to be a dream. When I started receiving these transfers from GD, my eyes were open and I knew finally my dream will come true. I had to wait for the transfers which I have been saving part to help me buy business equipment to start the business.
11th Payment
Transfer Amount
3997 KES ($39 USD)
access_time almost 5 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I spent the larger part of my recent transfer to save 2500 KES in my Mpesa account . I intending to start a new business . I believe having this business will give me an opportunity to increase my income to a level that I won't strain much for the provision of basic needs. I bought food stuffs with the remaining amount .
Do you have any new or additional goals for your life?
My new goal is to save a larger percentage of my transfer for about five months in order to raise capital for starting a boutique shop in Ngara Market. I will sell ladies and men's wear because they are in high demand which is an assuarity for a sustainable business with a huge profit returns .
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I have been doing any available odd jobs especially on construction sites and taking charging fees in a local sanitary facility for client who came to help themselves in the facility . From this source of income my earnings in a day has always been meager . Even though It could barely meet my family's daily needs, life was challenging since my resources were unreliable due to scarcity of job opportunity. After I started receiving my transfers from GiveDirectly , I have been able to save some money on a daily basis unlike before. Being able to save so far is the biggest difference in my daily life .Currently I am hopeful that my life will completely change after few months when the business I intend to put up with the transfer is up and running.
8th Payment
Transfer Amount
5000 KES ($49 USD)
access_time 5 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I had begun a certificate course in electrical engineering but I could not continue due to difficulties in raising the outstanding tuition fees. Due to this, I resolved to save KSH 4000 from the monthly transfer I receive as I do other jobs to raise enough tuition fees to continue with my studies. On the remaining KSH 1000, I did some shopping on household basic needs like foodstuffs and paying for other expenses.
Do you have any new or additional goals for your life?
My additional goal now is to save a substantial amount every month from the monthly transfer I receive from GiveDirectly to enable me to pay for my college fees. My dream is to complete my course through which I will be able to secure a good job in future.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My dream has been to complete a course that I had begun earlier so that I would get skills that fit me to the current job market. However, I had to be discontinued since I could not raise my college fees adequately. My life is now different in that ever since I began receiving my monthly transfer, I decided to save at least KSH 4000 every month to enable me to raise the fees, which up to now I have saved a considerable amount. I am assured that as GiveDirectly sends the transfer, I will save more to resume my studies.
4th Payment
Transfer Amount
5000 KES ($50 USD)
access_time over 5 years ago
Describe the moment when you started receiving transfers. How did you feel?
I was woken up by the message notification on my phone and I went direct through my inbox to check who the sender was. On checking it, I could not hold back the happiness and joy that instantly filled my heart as I realized that GiveDirectly had sent my first transfer which they had promised us. I could not sleep anymore as I knew that I would soon accomplish the things that seemed impossible to me and I knew that my life would never be the same again.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I spent part of my most recent transfer to pay my house rent. I received this money when I had not paid the rent and I knew that my landlord would be knocking at my door any time demanding for his money. I am intending to start a new business and I do not have any starting capital. When I started receiving my transfer, I saw this as an opportunity to accomplish this. Because of this, I have been saving 2000 KES from all the transfers and this was not different on my recent transfer since I was able to save after paying my house rent.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
I have been depending on any available odd jobs especially on construction sites. Because I have a bigger family, I was not able to meet all our needs on time and be able to save even a little amount of money. After I started receiving my transfers, I have been able to save some money on a daily basis unlike before. Being able to save some money is so far the biggest difference in my daily life since I started receiving payments from GiveDirectly since I know that my life will completely change after some few months.
Do you have any new goals that you didn't have before receiving the transfer?
My goals now that I have started receiving the money is to open a boutique business. I settled on this because I will be able to sell different items under one roof hence I will be able to attract more customers since they will be knowing that they will find all the items they need for themselves in one place and this will save them time. This business is also lucrative and I will be using my income to improve the lives of my family and to cater for their needs. With this business, my life will change forever even after when GiveDirectly will have finished their program in our region.
access_time almost 6 years ago
Describe your usual day. How do you spend your time?
My usual day starts 6:30am when I wake up in the morning. I take bath, have breakfast and then I leave for work. At 8:00 am I arrive at my work place in a construction site and work until 4:00pm in the evening. I return back home, take bath and relax with my family. In my free time I like to relax at home, watch movies or news or listening to music or sometimes visiting my mother.
What are your greatest ambitions?
My ambition is to be a successful business man in future. I would like to open a chain of supermarket's all over the country and also invest in real estates to build homes and rental premises. This will enable my self to live a good life as well as that of my family. I will be able to provide basic needs for my family without any struggle.
Describe your biggest worry.
My top concern is lack of a stable source of income because I will struggle hard in life. I will be unable to meet my daily needs of providing food, shelter and clothing to my family. I may also fail to support my mother because she depends so much on me. I may result to borrow or engage in criminal activities to make ends meet or be forced to go in upcountry.
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
My first priority, I will save my transfer for about five months in order to raise capital of starting a business. Secondly, after raising the capital, l will open a boutique shop in Ngara Market in the neighbouring starehe constituency. I will sell ladies and men's wear because they are in demand and I therefore hope to make a lot of profit in return. Lastly, I will buy land in upcountry and build my home as well as rental premises to supplement my income.