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Newsfeed > Dama's Profile
Dama's family
Small business
Kenya Basic Income
Upcoming Stage
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25th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 2 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the upcoming year, my top priority is to renovate my house, which has become old and now looks very weak, posing a safety risk for my family. The walls have cracks, and the roof leaks when it rains, causing us to worry about our safety. To achieve this important goal, I plan to save $20 monthly from each GiveDirectly transfer until I have enough to start the renovations. I understand that it will take time, but I believe that by consistently saving, I can restore our home to a safe and secure place. Safety is the highest priority, and I want my family to feel protected and comfortable in our home. Once the renovations are done, we will finally have peace of mind, knowing that our home is strong and will shelter us for many years to come.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My husband has been unwell for some time, and since I am unable to work due to old age, we both rely on our son, who does casual jobs to support us. When I received the latest three transfers from GiveDirectly, I knew I had to make wise decisions to secure our future. I decided to continue investing in livestock, as it has proven to be a valuable asset. I used $30 to buy a goat and $12 to purchase three chickens. Now, I am proud to say that I have seven goats, all thanks to the transfers. Livestock is not only a source of income but also a means of providing for our daily needs. Education is something I deeply value, so I was glad to assist my grandchild with $4 to pay for his examination fees. Seeing him return to school with a smile on his face filled me with joy. Another important purchase was a mattress for $40, as I had been sleeping on a mat for quite some time. Now, I sleep much better, and it has improved my well-being. With the remaining $16, I covered my husband's medication costs after he fell ill. These transfers have truly made a difference in our lives, helping us not only to survive but to live with dignity and hope for a better tomorrow.
22nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($26 USD)
access_time 5 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
This season, I faced a whirlwind that left me worried about the safety of my family, so my biggest hope for the coming year is to renovate my house to make it stronger against such storms. I want to construct strong pillars that will provide security and peace of mind for my family. To achieve this, I plan to save at least $20 every month from the GiveDirectly transfers. Each dollar saved will bring me closer to a sturdier, safer home where my family can live without fear of the wind. My goal is to see my children grow up in a house that stands firm, no matter the weather, giving us all a sense of stability and hope for the future.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Life has been a bit hard for us since we depend on our son, who works as a casual laborer. My husband is very old, and his health condition is not stable. To make the situation harder, the roof of our house had been damaged by the strong winds that we experienced in our area. With the latest three transfers, I used $30 to renovate the damaged roof. I am happy now that even if it rains, I will not be rained on. My nights will be comfortable, unlike before. Fixing the roof has brought me peace of mind, knowing that our home is secure again. I also used $20 to pay school fees for my grandchild, who is in primary school. Her parent was stuck in paying the fees, so I chipped in to assist her. It felt good to know that she could continue her education without interruption. For the remaining $52, I invested in livestock by buying two goats. This investment is not only practical but also gives me hope for a more stable future. The goats can provide milk and, eventually, income, helping us become a bit more self-sufficient. Despite the hardships, these transfers have allowed me to make meaningful improvements in our lives.
18th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($22 USD)
access_time 9 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
The repairs undertaken on my house served as a temporary solution to address its deteriorating condition. Looking ahead, my intention is to embark on the construction of a more expansive dwelling, comprising two rooms to comfortably accommodate my husband, two grandchildren, and myself. The generous support received through transfers has been a source of profound happiness for me. This assistance holds significant value as I lack a regular source of income, as does my husband. The positive impact of this support on my life has been substantial, contributing significantly to its improvement.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
In the previous year, my house faced a critical situation during the wet season, leading to the near-collapse of its structure. The persistent rain caused significant erosion of the mud walls, compelling me to acquire new building poles and initiate repairs. A total of $20 was allocated for the purchase of the necessary poles, successfully restoring the house to a stable and satisfactory condition. In addition to the structural improvements, I invested $14 in acquiring a new mattress, replacing the worn-out one. The presence of new bedding brings me immense contentment, ensuring a comfortable and restful sleep. Furthermore, I expanded my investments by purchasing two goats at a total cost of $64. These goats represent a strategic financial move, serving as a valuable asset that can be liquidated in times of need to address unforeseen emergencies. Additionally, I allocated $4 to procure light poles for the construction of a secure chicken coop. This coop is designed to safeguard my hens, providing a protective environment for them. The overall enhancement and fortification of my living conditions have been made possible through the invaluable financial support received, and I express my profound gratitude for the assistance provided through transfers.
14th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($23 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the upcoming year and beyond, my primary goal is to accumulate enough savings to construct a new home. My present dwelling is in an extremely deteriorated condition and lacks the necessary space. I even fear for my safety during the rainy season, concerned that my current house may collapse. To achieve this, I plan to set aside a portion of my income each month specifically for the purchase of essential building materials like iron sheets and building poles. Saving money had previously been challenging due to a prolonged drought that compelled us to buy food instead of relying on our farms. This placed a significant strain on our finances, with most of the available funds being directed towards meeting our basic food needs, leaving no room for considering a new home construction project. Fortunately, recent adequate rainfall in our region has allowed us to cultivate successfully and secure a good harvest. As a result, I am now in a position to save with the clear objective of building a more comfortable and secure home for myself. This effort will provide me with the peace of mind I need, especially during rainy seasons, as I will no longer have to worry about the safety of my dwelling.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My three grandsons were sent home from school due to unpaid fees, and I couldn't find peace knowing they were missing out on their education while their peers continued to learn. My son has been struggling to cover their expenses due to his irregular and uncertain employment in construction. In response, I decided to pay $26 to clear their fee arrears, and I'm delighted to see them back in the classroom. During the past few months, I've also managed to invest $73 in acquiring two goats and three chickens, which I'm currently raising. I'm pleased to say that I now own four goats, and I consider them valuable assets. I believe that as they multiply, I'll be able to sell them to meet my financial needs since I currently lack a stable source of income. In addition to these efforts, I've joined a savings group, which I recently started by contributing $10. My goal is to save up for building a new house, as my current residence is in poor condition. I plan to use the savings to purchase essential building materials such as iron sheets, timber, and building poles. Finally, I used the remaining funds for some much-needed household shopping to address items I lacked in my home
10th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($25 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Since my husband is not physically fit to work due to his advanced age and constant illness, I shoulder the majority of the household expenses. Burning charcoal, and now the monthly cash transfers are my only ways of trying to make ends meet. However, the income from charcoal making is often insufficient to cover all our needs and the cash transfers will soon end after few years. So, to establish a sustainable income stream, I plan to buy goats. I aim to increase the number of goats from the existing two that I acquired through previous cash transfers. As these goats reproduce and mature, I plan to sell them to generate income that will help sustain my household and support my grandchild's education.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
After receiving the money, I channeled $10 towards a merry-go-round club, marking the beginning of my savings journey. My goal is to accumulate enough funds to build a better house, as my current structure is in a dire state. One of the walls has crumbled, and the entire house is on the verge of collapsing. Am confident that by the time the cash transfers cease, I will have built my house. Aside from that, I want to use the savings to buy a decent wooden bed and mattress, as the current sisal-twined bed requires an upgrade. After saving, I purchased a chicken for $3 intending to let it breed. Am certain that once the chickens mature, I could sell them to generate income. I am optimistic about the prospects of this small poultry venture and it is all courtesy of Give Directly. Also, I cleared a debt of $5 at my grandchild's school. Am happy that since her tuition is now fully settled, she will study comfortably for the rest of the term. The remaining amount was supported in providing food for the family as the household had run out of the same. I am grateful for the cash transfers, as they provide a crucial lifeline and support for my family.
6th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($28 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I  wish to purely raise livestock as a source of income. These will help me raise funds in the future to support the needs of my family without having to rely on my son. I would be happy if by the end of the year, I would have bought 10 more chickens and four more goats to expand my herd. I trust future cash transfers to help me accomplish this goal. 
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Given his advanced age, my husband can no longer actively contribute to my family’s basic needs. There, my son has picked up that responsibility, but it has not been easy either given the nature of his earnings. His hustle of burning charcoal is barely enough to cover food costs for his wife and five children, let alone provide for his father and me. This makes hunger a serious issue in the household; last month we slept hungry at least three times because there was no money for food. This is why I directed $8 towards the purchase of maize flour when I received the transfer. At least my family never missed a meal after that and bought my son time to raise money for more food. Next, I bought building poles worth $20 to repair my room which had earlier collapsed. I used the remaining $6 to buy a chicken. When I received the December transfers, I was sick. So, I spent $5 on medication and spent the remaining on food. In November, I used the entire transfer to buy a goat for rearing. I hope these animals multiply, as I could sell them to generate funds for my needs. 
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($25 USD)
access_time 2 years ago
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
Personally I want to compliment the Organization for the great job that it has done so far. This because through the donations we are clearly getting elevated from the dire living conditions that we were in before and thus given us to some sort of encouragement through the financial aid.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
This happens to be my second transfer and during enrollment I had promised myself that I would try and invest in buying a couple of some animals so that it would have helped you financially in the future. That is why when I received the funds I went ahead to purchase a goat worth KES 2,000 which made me me quite ecstatic because it was the first step to my plan. Afterwards I was left with a balance of KES 1,000 of which I ended up spending on maters connected to having a meal so I acquired three packets of maize flour, half a kilogram of sugar and salt.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
1200 KES ($10 USD)
access_time 2 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
At four o'clock in the afternoon, I was sheltering from the sun's sweltering rays under a tree adjacent to my house. I asked my daughter to come over so she could see a text message I had gotten on my phone. She told me I got my first transfer, and I jumped up and down with joy. I cracked a wide smile because I was so delighted. We danced as a family to commemorate that joyful occasion, including my daughter.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
I've been struggling financially to support my family for the last three years due to my low income. I'm confident that after the goat has multiplied and I've amassed enough money, I'll be able to provide for my family in the near future. My hope that I shall escape the clutches of poverty and lead a happy life fills me with great excitement.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My heart was completely filled with joy when I was awarded my first transfer. I was having trouble supporting the family because I was the only provider. My husband is too old to work. I make a living by selling charcoal in the village. Due to the challenging economy, the charcoal business has gotten worse during the last three months. Because charcoal is so costly, my clients prefer to use inexpensive fuel, like firewood. I've been considering finding an alternative way to make money for some time. I purchased a goat as soon as I got my first transfer. This will be a wise investment for me in the future in order to have a reliable source of income. I'll sell some of the goats as they proliferate and use the proceeds to support my family.
access_time over 2 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
I am planning to use KES 30,000 from the transfers to renovate my collapsing house. The multiple cracks on the walls makes my house pathetic and risky. I will use the balance to fund my grandson's education. My son lost his job a few months ago and came back to the village. He has nothing to do and I feel like the education of this bright grandson is at risk. I will take him to a boarding school where he will have enough study time and score good grades.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Whenever my leg pain relieves especially at night, I feel happy because this means I will enjoy my sleep.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Food insecurity and sickness are the challenges I am currently facing. Affording to put a meal on the table has been a miracle since my son lost his job. Moreover, I always experience leg pains during the day and this adds on the misery and suffering in my household.