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Newsfeed > Sheila's Profile
Sheila's family
Casual labor
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($305 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the coming years, my goal is to grow and diversify my tailoring business. I plan to introduce Ankara materials for sale and offer custom-made outfits for special occasions like weddings. My focus will be on providing top-notch service to attract a broader customer base. Through this expansion, I anticipate an increase in my income, which will, in turn, allow me to provide the best possible education for my children.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
What truly touched my heart about GD were the compassionate officers who personally visited our homes. Their kindness and the respect they showed us made a lasting impression. Moreover, I greatly appreciated that the organization provided us with a substantial sum, enabling us to undertake significant projects that could elevate our quality of life. Fortunately, thanks to this generous support, I achieved the remarkable feat of owning a house, a dream that once felt out of reach but is now a cherished reality.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
As I previously mentioned, we are among those who have been displaced by the insecurity caused by banditry in our area. My family and I were reliant on the goodwill of my brother-in-law for shelter, a situation that could sometimes be uncomfortable, given the uncertainty of relying on someone else's generosity. However, when GiveDirectly stepped in, I made a commitment to use the funds to provide a stable home for my family on the land we inherited from our father. Initially, I had purchased some construction materials, but they were insufficient for the project. With the third transfer, I allocated $350 to acquire additional building materials, including iron sheets and posts and covered the labour costs. I am delighted to share that we have now moved into our new house, and I could not be happier that we finally have a place to call our own. It's a significant relief not to depend on someone else for shelter. I utilized the remaining amount to ensure that my family of six had an ample food supply. This is crucial because my income from my tailoring business only amounts to $2 per day, which is insufficient to meet the family's needs. Knowing that they have enough food to sustain them for a while is a source of comfort, as it helps prevent them from experiencing hunger
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($319 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My objective is to increase the amount of money I make from the tailoring business I am now operating. I believe that once I get there, I'll be able to achieve a lot. I will also have enough money saved by the time my children enrol in higher education to pay for their schooling. Since I have a plan to grow the business over the next two months, I'm optimistic that this is going to happen promptly.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
By making sure that everyone was fairly enrolled without any discrimination, in my opinion, GiveDirectly did well. Additionally, I appreciate the unconditional nature of the money because it allowed me to acquire assets that would have taken years to obtain with my own money. In light of this, I see nothing that needs to be reviewed even as they move to the nearby village.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My family, which consists of six family members, and I have been sheltering in a stressful environment for many years. We have been squeezing under the same roof, and I felt I was depriving my kids of their privacy. In addition, I was frequently hospitalized for pneumonia illnesses brought on by cold nights. I've been disturbed by this for a while, but I couldn't do much about it because I was the family's primary provider and my tailoring business was my only source of income. I could make $2 on an average day. This could hardly cover our basic requirements, let alone renovating the house. So, after I got the second transfer, I went out and bought everything I needed to build a new one-bedroom house. With labour costs included, the materials cost about $216. I am currently a grateful and happy mother for being able to finally regain my respect as a parent and the happiness of my entire family. In addition, I spent close to $120 on buying three goats. I chose them because I have trust in their ability to provide my family with a reliable source of income over time. I can easily sell one or two to take care of any issues that may occur. I also managed to settle a $20 hospital charge for my child, who had malaria. I am glad she's recovered entirely thanks to GiveDirectly. I later spent $94 on food, which lasted for close to three weeks. In contrast to before, when it was difficult to even get one complete meal.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($144 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
Receiving funds from GiveDirectly stands out as one of the most unforgettable moments in my life. I can still vividly remember the instant when I was at home, taking a moment to unwind, and suddenly my phone buzzed. To my surprise, it was a notification from GiveDirectly, informing me that they had sent me money. The sheer joy that flooded over me is difficult to put into words. I immediately shared this wonderful news with my husband, and we were both overwhelmed with excitement. With funds at our disposal, our primary focus became planning how to utilize the transfer, particularly for securing food, which had been a pressing concern for us.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
My heart is brimming with joy and happiness as I reflect on its profound impact on my daily life. One of my most significant accomplishments is that I successfully managed to pay off a long-standing debt. The relief and satisfaction I feel are indescribable, as I have finally achieved my goal and freed myself from that burden. Additionally, the contentment I experience stems from being able to provide an abundant supply of food for my household. The knowledge that we will no longer have to endure nights of hunger brings me immense peace. I will forever be grateful for the incredible gift that has truly transformed my life.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
When we received the news about our transfer, one of our top priorities was ensuring that our home had an ample supply of food. This was the most immediate and pressing need we had to address. As a tailor, and with my husband relying on casual work for survival, financial constraints had always made it challenging for us. However, with the transfer, I immediately purchased a sack of maize for $60 and two cartons of milk for $12, providing us with essential sustenance. Additionally, I was able to finally pay off a debt of $80 that had accumulated due to our previous financial struggles. This debt had been incurred to cover our basic food needs during a difficult period when my husband worked in a school without receiving proper compensation. The relief and joy I feel now, reflecting on how far we have come, are immeasurable. I am deeply grateful for the positive changes we have experienced.
access_time over 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
A year ago, due to insecurity in our original land , we were displaced by bandits. We had to flee for safety, and borrowed a house to live in. Receiving this money means we will be in a position to own a house. We are thankful to Give Directly for the transfers because our lives will change. I will build a two-roomed house and start- up a small grocery shop at a nearby shopping. This will ensure a sustainable source of income and we shall live a comfortable life thereafter.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Three days ago, I was blessed with a bouncing baby boy. I am thankful to God for his protection and safe delivery of my fifth-born child. This has brought us happiness having added another member to our family.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Food insecurity is the biggest challenge in this area. Prolonged drought and unpredictable weather patterns have been contributing factors as for the past three years we did not harvest from our farms. I have been relying on casual jobs to put food on the table for my family of six. Most of days we have two meals as I cannot afford three meals with the other basic necessities.