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Newsfeed > Rukia's Profile
Rukia's family
Small business
Kenya Basic Income
Upcoming Stage
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22nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($26 USD)
access_time 4 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I recently joined a merry-go-round savings group with my fellow villagers, driven by the vision of buying oxen in the future. This dream is becoming a reality as I managed to save $60 with my recent cash transfer. Combining this with my previous savings, I successfully purchased one ox, and now I am just one ox away from having the pair I need. The prospect of owning a pair of oxen excites me because it means I can till my farm efficiently and punctually, ensuring a bountiful harvest. This agricultural investment promises not only a better yield but also a more stable future for my family, easing the constant struggle of relying solely on my unpredictable salon job. In addition to this significant investment, I allocated $25 towards my two children's school fees. The peace of mind that comes with knowing they can attend school without interruptions is invaluable. Their education is paramount, and the frequent disturbances they previously faced were disheartening. Now, they can focus on their studies, free from the worry of being sent home for unpaid fees. With the remaining funds, I prioritized stocking up on food, a necessity that often stressed me out as I juggled meeting our other basic needs. This financial support has not only provided immediate relief but has also laid the foundation for a more secure and hopeful future. The generosity of these cash transfers has transformed our lives, allowing me to plan and dream in ways I never thought possible.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the coming year and beyond, my main goal is to buy another ox to complete the pair since, for now, I only have one. This is something I've been planning for a while, and I hope to achieve it in the next few months. Having a pair of oxen will significantly enhance my agricultural activities, making tasks like ploughing the farm much more efficient and less time-consuming. Currently, with just one ox, the workload is heavy, and progress is slow. But with two, I believe I can double my productivity and possibly even expand my farming operations. This change will not only improve my farming but also bring more stability and income to my household. I am dedicated to saving up from my current earnings to make this purchase, as I know it will be a pivotal step toward a more prosperous future for my family and me. The addition of another ox will transform our agricultural practices, increase our yield, and ultimately lead to better living conditions for all of us.
18th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($22 USD)
access_time 7 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
To pursue my investment aspirations, which demand substantial funds, I opted to join a merry-go-round group comprising seven members, each contributing $20 monthly from our transfers. Initially, I aimed to purchase two medium-sized bulls with my first payout. However, I soon realized that their cost exceeded my initial estimates, prompting me to acquire only one. Undeterred, I've continued saving within the merry-go-round, intending to procure another bull later this year. The remaining funds from the transfers have been indispensable in meeting essential household needs, particularly food supplies. With my doughnut-making business halted due to health issues, I now rely on sporadic domestic jobs for income. Despite this uncertainty, the transfers have provided stability, enabling me to address critical expenses such as my children's school requirements. Each term, these expenses, including fees, uniforms, and learning materials, amount to $35. Despite the absence of a stable income, I find fulfillment in contributing to our household expenses, supporting my husband in managing bills. This financial assistance is made possible by the transfers, which have become a lifeline in our circumstances. Looking ahead, I remain hopeful that these transfers will pave the way for me to establish a sustainable business, ensuring long-term financial stability even after the project concludes.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I had initially planned to purchase two cows with my share of the merry-go-round I joined last year, intending to enhance our farming capabilities, particularly for ploughing purposes. However, I was only able to acquire one due to the unexpected increase in market prices, costing me $185. Nonetheless, I am determined to procure the second cow with my upcoming share in June this year. Once both cows are in our possession, my family will be able to cultivate a larger portion of our vast, currently underutilized land, leading to higher yields. The surplus harvest will provide an additional source of income for us. Furthermore, the bulls will open up new business opportunities, such as offering plowing services to neighboring farmers who cannot afford tractor charges. Since bull-driven ploughs charge $5 less, they are highly preferred by locals in the region. Upon securing the second bull, I plan to invest in acquiring hairdressing skills using the transfers. With these skills, I aim to establish a salon that will also serve as a boutique, providing a diversified and sustainable source of income for the long term. This strategic approach ensures not only agricultural expansion but also the establishment of a thriving business venture, laying the foundation for financial stability and prosperity for my family.
13th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($24 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
As a mother of two children, my top concern was ensuring their education remained uninterrupted, avoiding any possibility of them being sent home from school. I happily paid $10 for their tuition fees, bringing joy to their faces. I also actively contributed $20 to my merry-go-round savings group, where I am a member. With the remaining $4, I made certain to provide them with nourishing meals to maintain their good health.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I aspire to purchase two cows, but due to life's challenges, I could only afford one at the moment. Fortunately, with the support of my merry-go-round, I will receive more funds in December and buy another cow. These cows are vital for farming, as they will assist me in cultivating the land and eventually enable me to earn additional income by renting them out to neighbors for their own land cultivation.
10th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($25 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I participate in a five-person merry-go-round savings group where we all make a monthly $20 cash contribution from Givedirectly's cash transfer. I was thrilled to be able to buy a solar power panel after receiving my savings from the first round of saving a few months ago. In June, when I get my next round of savings, I plan to spend it all on an ox that I will use to till the land for myself and my neighbors in exchange for a fee. $10 of May's transfers were used to cover the school costs for my two children, and the remaining funds were used to purchase food for my family.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My short-term goal is to purchase two or more oxen. The oxen will work on both my own farm and those of my neighbors, generating income for my family. My long-term goal is to purchase a small plot of land because we currently live on family property, which limits our ability to make decisions about how to run the farm.
5th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($28 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The cash transfers allowed me to finally pay for my son's circumcision after five years of struggling to source money for the procedure. I had struggled to save the required $10 for the operation considering that my plaiting job yielded very little, more so, rarely came by. Furthermore, my husband's earnings from his hawking hustle could barely cater to anything beyond food. Gladly, the cash transfer is possible and I could never be more grateful. Also, I used $15 to buy Christmas clothes for my two younger siblings. At that time, my parents' efforts to buy the attire had proved futile, and being their first child, it felt appropriate to support them and put a smile on my siblings' faces. The remaining amount went towards the purchase of food, that would serve my household until either my husband or I would raise more money through our casual jobs.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($25 USD)
access_time almost 2 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Life has been easier for me since I began receiving transfers from GiveDirectly because I am assured of monthly support of $30. This amount has made a significant difference in my household by paying school fees, purchasing food, and consistently saving. With the recent transfer, I spent $10 on school fees for my son, who is currently enrolled in preschool. Previously, I would struggle a lot due to the hard casual labor whose payments would sometimes be delayed, causing my child to miss some classes. I am relieved that he is currently able to attend all classes and hope that his performance will improve by the end of the semester. I also spent the remaining $20 on the savings plans I had been developing - one with KCB Mpesa, where I saved $10, and another with an informal saving group of four women, each of whom channels $10 every month to one member beneficiary. When my turn comes, I hope that the money I have saved will help me get into a beauty college, where I will be able to open and run a cosmetic shop in the future.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
So far, GiveDirectly has improved the living conditions of many households in the village. Their equitable enrollment, which gave everyone a chance to participate in the village program, was an encouragement that lifted those who were on the verge of giving up in their lives. I am pleased that everything went as planned during the initial meetings and during the enrollment period.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
1200 KES ($10 USD)
access_time 2 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My husband and I both operate small businesses to fend for ourselves. He owns a small shop in Mombasa town while I bake and sell half-cakes in my village. However, by the time we received the transfer, the businesses were crushing due to insufficient stock to keep them going. So, I sent him KES 450 to boost his kiosk and used KES 200 to buy more things for mine. The remaining amount went towards the purchase of food for the family since the household had run out of foodstuffs.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The biggest difference the transfer brought to my life is helping to improve my husband and my businesses. Both of them were going through a tough time due to insufficient stock such that I started to worry we would stop operating. However, the transfer helped us get back on track after using it to procure additional items for the businesses. Unlike before when I used to earn nothing, I now make a profit of at least KES 200 per day.
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I received the transfer at 4 p.m. while I was selling half-cakes by the water stream in my village. I skipped with happiness because I had not sold anything to help raise money for the food that day. The money lifted a weight off my shoulders. At that moment, I felt the sun burns and dust I had experienced all day wear me off as a result of the excitement.
access_time over 2 years ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
My biggest challenge is lack of a source of income. It's been a lot of time struggling to get capital to start a business in the line of beauty products and also to join a beauty college to get skills as a make up a artist. We discussed this with my husband but he hasn't made enough yet to pay for me the asking amount. Until then I'm stuck to being dependent on him.
What is the happiest part of your day?
It hasn't been a very good year for me, but I enjoyed a lot the last Eid celebrations that happened two months ago. On that day, my husband and his brothers came together and decided to hold the celebrations right here in the village as a family. It was big and was attended by all relatives. Everyone was happy because we got to meet after a long time of being away for different reasons.
What does receiving this money mean to you?
I have two children whom I'm living with in the village, one is already attending a preschool while the other is still young. I do not have a source of income at the moment and only dependent on my husband's income from fruit business to be able to support my family. He lives in Mombasa where he operates his business while I live in the village with the children. Receiving this money will surely get me a source of income as I have planned to save up the money and later on use it as fees for beauty course. I want to learn hair dressing and temporary body tattoo that I know would start me up very fast due to high demand.