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Newsfeed > Rehema's Profile
Rehema's family
Casual labor
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
53010 KES ($347 USD)
access_time 10 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the future, I am determined to embark on a grocery business specializing in selling fresh fruits. The decision stems from the observation that few vendors have explored this niche, presenting a unique opportunity for me to fill a gap in the market. The driving force behind this endeavor is my desire to secure a brighter future for my children by generating income to cover their school fees. I firmly believe that education is the key to success, and I am committed to providing my children with the best opportunities. The motivation to transition from my arduous job of burning charcoal to this new business is fueled by the hope for a more sustainable and rewarding livelihood. Additionally, I plan to utilize innovative financial strategies, such as banking with goats, to multiply my resources and ensure the success of this venture. Through hard work and determination, I am optimistic that this endeavor will not only bring financial stability but also contribute to the educational pursuits and overall success of my family.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly have a simple and efficient services , allowing me to receive much-needed financial assistance with ease.The transparency and straightforwardness of GiveDirectly's process have fostered a sense of trust and appreciation. In my experience, there is genuinely nothing they should change— their commitment to simplicity and effectiveness has been a lifeline for me and others receiving assistance, and I'm grateful for the positive impact they've had on my life.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
In the past year, the cash transfer from GiveDirectly has been a lifeline for my family. With $50, I was able to clear school fees balances all of my five children in lower grades, ensuring they had the opportunity for a brighter future. Another $67 went into completing the construction of our 2-bedroom house, a significant improvement from the cramped living conditions we endured. My children used to sleep at their grandmother's place due to lack of space, but now we can all sleep under one roof. Allocating $80 for mattresses was a game-changer; no longer do we rely on uncomfortable mats for bedding, which had been taking a toll on our health. Investing $120 in new clothes has not only lifted our spirits but also boosted the self-esteem of my family. Previously, we wore torn and ragged clothes, but now we can proudly choose outfits, especially for the church. With the remaining funds, I secured a sack of 90kg of maize, guaranteeing that my children woouldn't go to bed hungry. Despite our livelihood challenges as charcoal burners, the cash transfer has allowed us to address crucial needs and build a foundation for a better life. In the coming year, I hope to continue making strides toward providing a more comfortable and fulfilling life for my family.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($377 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
The moment I received the message about the transfers from GiveDirectly around 3 pm while I was at home, my heart was filled with an indescribable joy. It was a turning point in my life and a moment that signaled a new beginning. For far too long, my family and I had endured the absence of a decent home and the lack of livestock. These challenges were not just inconveniences, but they posed serious threats to our well-being. Our home was riddled with holes, and its deteriorating condition filled me with fear and concern. The constant exposure to the elements meant that my children were at risk of contracting pneumonia and other cold-related illnesses. Each passing day was a source of worry and anxiety. But with the arrival of the transfers, everything changed. The urgent need to address the state of our home took precedence. We allocated the funds to make critical repairs and improvements. This wasn't just about aesthetics, it was also about creating a safe and healthy environment for my family. The transformation brought about by GiveDirectly's assistance was nothing short of remarkable. It wiped away the worries and fears that had haunted me for so long. It gave me the peace of mind that comes from knowing my children would no longer suffer from preventable illnesses due to our living conditions.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The impact of GiveDirectly's assistance on my family's life has been nothing short of transformative. One of the most significant improvements we've experienced is in our access to food. Unlike before, when we would sometimes miss meals due to the inconsistency of our casual jobs or the limited income from selling charcoal, we now have the assurance of regular meals. This newfound food security has relieved us of the constant worry about where our next meal would come from. It has also allowed us to maintain better nutrition and overall well-being. Another major milestone we've achieved thanks to GiveDirectly is the settlement of my debt. This debt had been a source of great distress, and I had been uncertain about how to resolve it. With the financial support from GiveDirectly, I was able to clear this burden, bringing me immense relief and peace of mind. It's a weight off my shoulders that I can't thank GiveDirectly enough for. Our family's situation has improved since we received GiveDirectly's assistance, and we are deeply grateful for the positive changes it has brought to our lives. The transfers have alleviated our immediate financial challenges but have also provided us with the hope and stability we need to move forward with confidence.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I directed $300 towards building a home. This was a crucial step for my family's well-being. Previously, our living conditions were far from ideal, and our old dwelling posed numerous challenges. But with the funds from GiveDirectly, we were able to construct a new home that provides us with safety, comfort, and a sense of pride. In addition to our home, I allocated $100 to purchase two goats. This decision was made with an eye towards the future. I believe these goats will multiply over time and become a valuable source of income for my family. This sustainable investment offers a path to financial stability and independence. To add vibrancy to our home, I used $30 to purchase chickens. This enhances the atmosphere around our dwelling and also adds a lively and active element to our homestead. Addressing debt was another crucial step, and I directed $50 towards repaying a loan I had taken when my child fell ill. This burden had weighed heavily on me, and I am grateful to GiveDirectly for helping me relieve this financial stress. Lastly, $70 was utilized to purchase food. This may seem like a basic necessity, but for a family of seven, it was often a struggle to provide an adequate supply of food. Prior to receiving assistance from GiveDirectly, I was primarily selling charcoal to make ends meet, and this was not a sustainable means of livelihood.
access_time 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
A new house! At the moment, the walls of my house are open and we have lived a life of sorrow for many years. This has exposed my privacy to others since anyone can see my beddings. The transfers will help me to offset this menace since I will be able to spend $600 to construct a semi-permanent iron-roofed house. This will spare us from the shame that we have undergone in life. On the other hand, I will also invest in livestock to depend on in the future. To make this a reality, I will buy 5 goats at $150. The remaining amount will help me to cater for other basic needs like education for my children and new beddings. Hence, this is basically what receiving this money means to me.
What is the happiest part of your day?
The good health that my family and I have enjoyed over the last 6 months is what has brought happiness to me. This is because I have always imagined how life could have been with sickness in the family yet I lack a stable source of income. I am so thankful to God for the gift of health.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
The nature of my job as a charcoal vendor is what has exposed me to this hardship in life. This is because the income I get is very minimal to sustain all our household needs. Although I have a spouse, we still have the same challenges because we are in a polygamous family. This means his support is very limited. From this job, I usually make $40 per month when luck becomes a portion of that month. For this reason, we have lived a very pathetic life with my 5 children. In most cases, we miss food, children are sent out of school not forgetting the state of my house which is open to the walls. Hence, these become the challenges that I am currently facing.