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Newsfeed > Karisa's Profile
Karisa's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
53150 KES ($367 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My main ambition revolves around kick starting my crop farming venture, with a particular focus on cultivating cashew nut trees. This choice is rooted in the promising market demand for cashew nuts within our region and the favorable climate that naturally complements their cultivation. With the prospect of financial stability and growth, I am eager to embark on this journey, transforming a simple plot of land into a thriving orchard that not only secures my future but also contributes to the local economy.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
Receiving financial assistance from GiveDirectly has profoundly changed my perspective on this organization. I am genuinely grateful for its unwavering dedication to ensuring fairness among beneficiaries. Its approach of granting every individual an equal opportunity, regardless of their past or present circumstances, is not only praiseworthy but also a potent weapon against bias and disparity. The aid it delivers suffuses every corner of the community, enabling each of us to strive for a better life on equitable terms.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I was overjoyed when I received the cash transfer from GiveDirectly. With $475 of the second transfer I received, I decided to invest in a brighter future for my family. I bought two cows, understanding that this investment could bring us some income. These cows would not only provide us with fresh milk for our consumption, promoting a healthier living but also become a source of income through their milk sales. After purchasing the cows, I still had some funds left, and I was determined to make every penny count. I used the remaining amount to buy essential food items and household supplies. This not only ensured that our immediate needs were met but also relieved a significant burden from our daily lives. The relief of having enough food and necessary items was immeasurable, allowing us to focus on improving our livelihoods without the constant worry of scarcity.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($393 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
It was around 1 pm while I was on the farm clearing the bushes in preparation for the planting season when I receive a message on my phone. Due to curiosity since that was the week I was expecting to receive some money from GiveDirectly, I immediately confirmed what kind of a message it was. When I checked and confirmed that I had received $550. Even though the sender’s name did not appear as GiveDirectly, I was quite sure they are the ones who had sent the money from the sensitization that we were taken through. My heart cooled down in happiness and I was filled with peace knowing that, the hardships I had been going through were finally going to be addressed.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The biggest difference in my life is that I own and live in a nice iron sheet-roofed house like others in the village. I feel happy and more secure since I am no longer worried about my safety like before when my house was collapsing. Sleeping in a collapsing structure was unsafe for me. Since I had no alternative and my income from casual labor could not sustain me, I had to cross my fingers till morning. Currently, I am very happy because I have a better house compared to where I was initially. I also have access to food unlike before when I solely relied on charcoal–burning business which was unreliable due to the scarcity of trees.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I had been sleeping in a partially collapsed house for a while after termites destroyed the supporting poles. Since I had no choice but to take the risk, I did. There was no difference between living inside that house and being outside during the rainy season. Upon receiving the transfer, I decided to build a better and more secure two-room mud-walled house because I used to sleep in fear. Therefore, I spend $400 to purchase 14 iron sheets, roofing timbers, nails, building poles, and rafters plus the contractor’s labor fee. Currently, I am content because I now live in a safe house, thanks to GiveDirectly. I also spent $30 on plowing and weeding for my maize crops. I then used the money that was left over to maintain the family. I am delighted to see how well my maize crops are growing which is a positive sign of good harvest season. Using the remaining amount, I bought some food and other personal effects. I opted for this to ensure there is food security at home bearing in mind that we were going through a drought season
access_time 4 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
"My desire has been to marry. This is after the first one went back to her parent's homestead when I failed to pay for her dowry. She was later married by someone else. This dream has never materialized due to financial challenges. Receiving this money means fulfilling my long time dream. I planning to spend 110,000 shillings paying for the dowry for my second wife who is going to take care of my 4 children. By doing this,I feel like it's going to back my peace of mind."
What is the happiest part of your day?
"My happiest part of the is at the night. It is at this time when I have time to sleep after a long day of thought on how I am going to marry again and have a company."
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
"My biggest challenge is the lack of support from my family members. After my first wife went back to her parents, I suffered depression which later forced me to resign from my working place. I came back home with nothing, hoping to be supported by my family members who later abandoned me. Since then life has never be the same again. I always rely on well wishers who supports me with basic needs such as food and clothes."