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Newsfeed > Sidi's Profile
Sidi's family
Small business
Kenya Basic Income
Upcoming Stage
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24th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 1 month ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the near future and beyond, my plan is to expand my house by adding an extra room to provide a comfortable sleeping space for my children. Currently, they are sleping at their grandmother's house due to our tiny, one-roomed living space. Additionally, our current house requires repairs to make it more secure. I hope to finance these plans using my monthly transfers. In addition to expanding the house, I've also started raising goats as a means of ensuring my financial security in the future. I plan to start buying iron sheets for expansion once I have accumulated enough funds, thus I'm focused on ensuring we have a secure and comfortable home.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I'm excited to share that I was able to purchase two plastic chairs for $18, which is a significant achievement for me. In the past, I used to borrow chairs from my neighbors whenever I had visitors, and I'm pleased that this is no longer the case. With the remaining $16, I bought food for my family as we running low. I also invested $10 in purchasing two chickens to secure my future finances. I'm love poultry farming because it has a ready market. Lastly, I set aside $4 to buy body lotion and soap since I had run out.
22nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 4 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the coming year and beyond, I plan to expand my house by adding an extra room because my children currently have nowhere to sleep. Right now, they are staying at their grandmother's house since our house is a very tiny, one-roomed space and cannot accommodate us comfortably. Additionally, our current house needs some repairs to make it stronger. To achieve this goal, I intend to use my monthly transfers. Apart from this, I want to rear goats, which I have already started doing, as this will serve as my future financial security.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Since we have school-going children, I decided to spend $15 on their school fees. My spouse depends on unreliable casual jobs, so when I received my most recent transfer, he had no money. I used this amount to ensure my children wouldn't be sent home for fee balances, instead of waiting for my husband to get a job, get paid, and then take care of our children's fees, which was uncertain. Additionally, I bought them books worth $4 that were required for school. I also bought three plastic chairs because I didn't have any at home. Whenever I had visitors, I had to borrow chairs from neighbors or give out jerrycans for them to sit on. With the remaining amount, I spent $17 on food for my family since we had none in the house. Finally, I saved $20 to buy a goat for future financial security and $14 for cultivating my land, as it was planting season. This transfer has really benefited me, and I am grateful.
18th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($24 USD)
access_time 8 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Repairing the collapsed section of our house is currently my top priority to safeguard the health and well-being of my children, particularly the youngest one, from exposure to cold and potential health risks. Once this renovation is completed, my focus will shift towards investing in goats, which have long been my preferred type of livestock. Goats are an ideal investment due to their ease of care and ability to generate income during times of financial need. They are resilient animals that can thrive in various environmental conditions, making them suitable for our circumstances. Additionally, goats have a high reproductive rate, allowing for the expansion of our herd over time. By investing in goats, I aim to create a sustainable source of income and a financial safety net for my family. In times of financial urgency, I can easily sell some goats to meet immediate needs, while also benefiting from their ability to provide milk and other products for consumption. Overall, repairing our house and investing in goats represent critical steps towards enhancing the stability and resilience of our household, ensuring a better future for my children and myself.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Receiving my monthly transfers has significantly impacted my ability to manage various household needs and unforeseen expenses. Upon receipt of the transfers, I allocate $10 towards savings within a local group comprising six other GiveDirectly beneficiaries. The remaining funds are then distributed across essential expenditures, including food, clothing, medical expenses, school supplies, and occasional investments, such as purchasing chickens. In November, I utilized a portion of the transfer to acquire two chickens for $10, while allocating $12 towards covering my son's medical expenses. The following month, December, saw me invest $20 in purchasing new clothes for the children. As January approached, the entirety of the $34 transfer was dedicated to procuring essential school items for my son, who was transitioning to junior secondary school. Moreover, the transfers have been instrumental in addressing unexpected emergencies, such as renovating sections of our house damaged by rainfall. By leveraging the transfers, we have been able to procure necessary construction materials, including poles, thereby advancing progress towards completing this renovation project. Overall, the transfers have served as a lifeline for managing our household's financial needs, addressing emergencies, and facilitating investments in the pursuit of long-term stability and prosperity.
14th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($23 USD)
access_time 12 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My ultimate goal is to own goats. I've been trying to keep chickens, but they often succumb to coccidiosis. I bought two hens with the cash transfers, and they also fell victim to the disease. This has discouraged me from continuing to raise poultry. I believe that goats have a better survival rate and are more resilient, which is why I'm now focusing on them. I aim to build wealth by raising goats so that when the transfers end, I can sell them to support my children's education.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I usually save $10 from each cash transfer in a savings club. My goal is to accumulate enough money to buy livestock, particularly goats. I've always wanted to own livestock, but the lack of funds has been a challenge. I believe that having livestock will allow me to build up enough wealth to generate funds in the future to support my children's education. Currently, their father is the sole breadwinner, but his work in house construction is quite scarce, making it difficult for him to cover all the school expenses for our three children. I'm grateful that the cash transfers have helped bridge that gap by allowing me to contribute to the children's school fees. I also used part of the money to settle $12 in tuition debts and spent $6 on new shoes for each of the children to wear to school, as their old shoes were torn beyond repair. Additionally, I recently had a baby, and the funds helped me acquire new clothing for her, for which I spent around $44.
10th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($25 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I have a plan in the near future to enhance our living situation by expanding our house with an additional room that will serve as our children's bedroom. Presently, our single-roomed house is already quite crowded. Additionally, I intend to acquire a goat for raising, which will not only serve as a lasting reminder of the positive impact of GiveDirectly but also provide a means of sustenance for our family.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
In our savings group, consisting of five members, we regularly save $10 each month from the transfers we receive from Givedirectly. This month followed the same pattern, and I saved $10 as usual. However, this time it was my turn to receive the savings. With the savings I received, I finally fulfilled my long-held desire to purchase a mattress, which cost $56. Previously, due to financial constraints, I couldn't afford it. I used to sleep on an old, worn-out mattress that was so uncomfortable that I would wake up feeling more tired than when I went to bed. Additionally, I allocated $18 from the transfers to pay the school fees of my three children: Saumu, Pendo, and Ezra, who are in grades 6, 5, and 3 respectively. The remaining amount from the transfers was used for buying food.
6th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I would like to buy a mattress for myself. My current mattress is so old and is totally worn out you can feel the ground. It is so uncomfortable to sleep on this mattress due to this issue. I want to make sure that when I get some money I can buy a new mattress at $36. I also want to add another room to my house. My house is currently one roomed. My wish is when I get money i may buy iron sheets, at least 2 sheets when I can, so I can add that room. I want to buy goats too when things get better. If my husbands gets jobs at a better rate, It will take care of the needs at home and so I can buy goats and chicken.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My husband is our breadwinner. He works in construction as a casual worker and his work has been going down since December last year. We have had a hard time since, we sometimes have money for food sometimes we do not, and even school fee debts have been had to resolve with this state. I also started a small business out of house where I sell general items but it is small and hasn't been making much. I have three school going children, the eldest is in class 6, the follower is in class 5, and another is in class 3. I had a debt at their school which I am still being asked for. I used $8 from the transfer and bought books, $1 for pens, and paid school fees worth $15 to reduce on the debts. I also bought four bags of flour at $1.9 as their was no food at home.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($25 USD)
access_time almost 2 years ago
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly plays a pivotal role in ensuring that its potential recipient is well-informed. It conducts sensitization programs that aim to make recipients comprehend its way of operation. It does not practice partiality and ensures that every household is visited during the enrolment stage. Furthermore, it ensures that recipients' safety is upheld by using mobile money platform to send the transfer. As a result of this cash transfer, villages are experiencing positive transformation. However, I have not yet witnessed what it does not do well.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
To be a good mother to my children, I run a few small businesses to supplement my income. Fortunately, my husband works in construction, so we are always assured of daily meals despite the hard economic times. However, his work is irregular, and he may go days without working. This makes it difficult for us to raise school fees and purchase new uniforms for our children. So, when I got my transfer, I spent $6.5 on a new uniform for my daughter, Saumu, who is in fifth grade. Her uniform was old and unappealing to her classmates. I also paid a $5 school fee for one of the three children. Lastly, I bought four hens for $8 and am planning to raise them as part of my live assets.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
1200 KES ($10 USD)
access_time 2 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
After having finished doing the house chores, I decided to peruse through my phone message log where I realized that GiveDirectly had already sent me cash. For a moment, I could not contain myself for I was overwhelmed with joy. Since it was already late, no withdrawal could be affected. However, I woke up very early in the morning went to the nearest Mpesa agent, withdrew some cash and bought food for my family. It was quite remarkable that it was the first time in many days that my family was cooking it's own food. Moving forward they have never gone with out any meal.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The biggest difference in my life since I started getting GiveDirectly's cash transfer is that we have never missed food in our house thus desisting from seeking hands out from relatives. We are now self dependent courtesy of GiveDirectly Cash transfer program.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Two days before getting the cash transfer, I was down financially thus I could not fend for my family. This made me depend on hand out from my relatives for the survival of my family. However, things became better when I received the cash transfer and bought foodstuff for we did not have to beg anymore. Even though my husband is a casual labourer, he has not been able to fend for the family due to his deteriorating health. To add salt to the injury, my business which would supplement our income also crumbled down. However, we were quick to forget our tribulations since GiveDirectly had come to our rescue. Thanks GiveDirectly.
access_time over 2 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
I used to run a business, selling fried potato chips at the market center. Due to increased cost of living, I spent the capital to provide food for my four children and also pay school fees. It has been my desire to have the business back and this is going to be made true upon receiving the GiveDirectly cash. With 5 000 KES, I am going to order a sack of potatoes and also spend 5600KES to purchase a 20litre jerican of cooking oil. I will use the profit (which is double capital) to buy food and pay school fees for my children.
What is the happiest part of your day?
It had taken over three months since I last met my husband. This was mainly contributed by the distance from where he is working and unavailability of off days since he has only one day off a week. Paying him a two days visit (two weeks ago) plus the change of environment is what has turned to be source of my happiness.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I currently depend on my husband who is doing casual jobs in Mombasa. The cash he sends home( 500KES on demand and based on availability of cash) is so minimal that we often sleep hungry. I used to run a small business (selling fried potatoes) to boost in fending the family but it collapsed after spending all the cash inclusive of capital. It hurts me if I am seated, making no effort for my children who often sleep with empty stomach.