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Newsfeed > Samuel's Profile
Samuel's family
Casual labor
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
53010 KES ($346 USD)
access_time 10 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My vision is to broaden the horizons of my business by venturing into constructing a rental house. I believe this strategic move will significantly amplify my income, providing a stable financial foundation for myself and my family. The catalyst for this expansion stems from the financial discipline instilled by the merry-go-round savings initiative, which I kick-started with the second cash transfer from GiveDirectly. By diligently saving a portion of my income from the business, I've not only created a safety net but also a resource pool that allows me to access loans. In the past, my entire salary was absorbed by the basic necessity of food, but now, with careful financial planning and the support of the merry-go-round system, I am optimistic about pulling these funds to grow my business and create a more secure future for myself and my loved ones.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly changed my life in a way I could only dream of. The cash transfer they provided wasn't just money; it was the key that unlocked the door to my aspirations. Their services were not just good but they were exceptional, demonstrating a level of care and dedication that exceeded my expectations. The confidentiality surrounding the transfering the transfer through an mpesa was a testament to their respect for the recipients' privacy, allowing me to navigate this transformative journey prudently. Looking back, I can confidently say there's nothing GiveDirectly should change. They've not only given me financial support but also a renewed sense of hope and the belief that dreams, no matter how big, are within reach with the right support.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Receiving the cash transfer from GiveDirectly was a game-changer for me. Finally, I had the means to kickstart the dry fish business that had lingered in my dreams for far too long, held back only by the constraints of insufficient capital. The income generated from the business not only became a lifeline for my family but also free us from the financial struggles we faced during my days as a watchman, earning a meager $45 per month with irregular payment schedules. With the newfound funds, I invested in essentials—a wheelbarrow and a spade—items scarcely available for community use for hire. Setting up a merry-go-round served not only as a safety net for my business but also as a stepping stone for my future ventures. As a single father for the past two years, following a disagreement that led to my wife's departure, the business is not just a source of income but a beacon of hope. It enables me to meet the needs of my three school-going children, ensuring a brighter future for all of us.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($375 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I was in the middle of folding laundry when I received a notification on my phone. I quickly checked it and saw that GiveDirectly had deposited the first transfer into my bank account, just as they had promised. A rush of happiness washed over me because I knew that this money was my ticket to a better future. With this capital, I could finally start the small business I had always dreamed of, and I could see a path toward financial stability for my family. It felt like a ray of hope breaking through the clouds of uncertainty, and I couldn't help but smile as I thought about the opportunities that lay ahead.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
I remember when life was a constant struggle. I used to toil under the scorching sun, tilling other people's farms just to scrape together some money to put food on the table for my family. It was a backbreaking and exhausting way to make ends meet. But then, something incredible happened. I received a cash transfer from GiveDirectly. It was like a lifeline. I took a break from the backbreaking farm work and used the money to start a small fishmongering business. Now, I have a source of income, and I am providing for my family without constantly straining myself. No more backbreaking labor, no more worries about where the next meal will come from. Thanks to GiveDirectly, my life has transformed, and I have a brighter future ahead.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
When I received the cash transfer, I had already planned on how I would spend it and that was to start a dry fishmongering business. With $250, I constructed a simple business structure, which was like a small wooden stall by the local market. It was basic, but it was mine. I used another $150 to buy my initial stock of dry fish. The rest of the money helped me support my family with food and other essential expenses. This business is a vital source of income for us. I no longer rely on tiring casual jobs with unpredictable income as I used to. Thanks to GiveDirectly, I have a source of income that not only supports my family but also brings a sense of pride and independence. I'm truly grateful for this opportunity, as it has given us a brighter and more secure future.
access_time 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Due to the tough economic situation in my household, it forced me to sell my goats to support us with food and school fees for my children. Out of the 10 goats I had as my investment, only 4 have remained. With a passion for goat rearing, I plan to restock this and I intend to add 4 of them which will cost me utmost $200 of my money. Another plan which comes on top is the construction of a decent house because my current one is not conducive and does not provide me with maximum privacy. This project will cost me around $400 of my transfer. The remaining amount will help me to start a kiosk to sell and serve my community because there is no shop around. To buy a packet of maize flour, one is required to walk 2 kilometers. This means I will have enough customers for my business. Hence, improving the standards of my household is generally what receiving this money means to me.
What is the happiest part of your day?
The rain! Our area was hit by a very harsh drought for the last 4 years. This made our lives so difficult because I could not afford to meet the needs of my family of 4. This year, it has been a blessing for us, and the rain we have had since March enabled us to fully engage in farms. My 1.5-acre piece of land is now full of green maize. This means in the next 1 month, food insecurity will be a problem of the past in my household. Thus, I consider this as what has brought me joy.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I am a subsistence farmer and I have been for a long time depending on this as my source of income. In the last 4 years, our area has not had enough rain to enable us to harvest on our farms. This has been a pain for me because my family has had food insecurity. Since I lack the skills for a decent job, I engage myself in odd jobs like charcoal work to make ends meet. This venture is so tiresome and time-consuming and hence, it's also not reliable. Due to the unreliability, my family has suffered a lot and the children in school are not spared. What a pain as a father! Hence, I consider the lack of a reliable source of income as my biggest challenge.