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Newsfeed > Pauline's Profile
Pauline's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
Next Payment
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Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($154 USD)
access_time 3 months ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I can remember that day very clearly. I had gone to Marigat to seek medication as I was feeling unwell. Immediately after my appointment, I was busy looking for a motorcycle taxi to take me back home since I was very weak, so I could not stay around the town for long. That afternoon, just as I was about to get in the taxi, I received a call from my neighbour. She asked if I had received the money transfer, as she had. I was unaware that the transfer had come through. I quickly checked my phone for the M-Pesa message and was overjoyed to see that the transfer had indeed gone through. I went straight home and informed my spouse about it. We planned to withdraw the money later in the week.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The transfer has made a big difference in my life, giving me peace of mind. I used $100 to pay for a portion of my children's school fees, allowing them to return to school after their midterm break. Without this payment, they would have had to stay home while their classmates continued studying. This would have worried me, as I would have had to sell two goats from my herd to manage the situation. I am reluctant to do this, especially since my herd has decreased after selling 12 goats to manage the tomato farm. Although the amount I paid was small, it was enough to ensure that the school administration allowed my children to stay until I could harvest my tomatoes at the end of the month and clear the remaining fees as I promised.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The transfer was a huge relief for me. My two children were about to return to school after their mid-term break, and I didn't have enough money for their school fees. I had recently sold about 12 goats from my herd to invest in a tomato farming project, and I was reluctant to sell more as my herd had already decreased in number. I was full of worries. When the transfer arrived, I used $100 to partially pay the school fees. While it wasn't enough, I'm glad that the amount I paid will keep them in school until I can sell my tomatoes to clear the remaining balance. I also used $60 to buy petroleum for my generator, which I need to pump water to irrigate the two acres of tomatoes. I have high hopes for this crop and expect a bountiful harvest. I plan to use the income from its sale to pay school fees for my six children, as I also have four children in a private primary school. Providing them with the best education is my greatest achievement. Additionally, I plan to buy land on higher ground if my income allows, to make a small deposit. Our current home is not safe as it is at risk of flooding, just as it occurred previously. Finally, I used the remaining amount to buy food for my family. Thank you, GiveDirectly.
access_time 4 months ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Receiving this money will enable me to pay fees and also continue with my farming activities. I plan on spending my entire transfers on farming because the proceeds will meet other needs such as fees and food for my family. I am hopeful that I will have enough capital to enable me tend to the tomatoes and get a bounty harvest.
What is the happiest part of your day?
I solely rely on farming of maize and tomatoes for a living. In the past 6 months, I was happy when I collected my proceeds of KES 200000 from Kenya Seed Company after delivering maize to them. This amount enabled me to plant tomatoes in my farm and also pay some fee arrears for my children.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I am currently stressed because I cannot afford to pay fees for my 8 children in primary and secondary school. This is because I lost two and a half acres of tomatoes due to floods that hit us recently. The tomatoes were to be harvested on the following day but floods came the night before and swept away my entire farm. I have to look for other means such as selling sume of my livestock. I sold 15 goats and 2 cows so that I could pay fees for my children and also to replant tomatoes on the farm.