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Newsfeed > Ruks's Profile
Ruks's family
Casual labor
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
53010 KES ($360 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
With the recent challenges we've faced due to the prohibition of charcoal burning, I'm determined to pivot and create a new opportunity for my family. My vision is to open a grocery business, a venture that I believe will not only sustain us but also help us thrive in the long run. I plan to allocate a capital of $200 towards making this venture a success. I will be saving up from our charcoal business, though prohibited, to accumulate the necessary funds to make this a success.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
With the recent challenges we've faced due to the prohibition of charcoal burning, I'm determined to pivot and create a new opportunity for my family. My vision is to open a grocery business, a venture that I believe will not only sustain us but also help us thrive in the long run. I plan to allocate a capital of $200 towards making this venture a success. I will be saving up from our charcoal business, though prohibited, to accumulate the necessary funds to make this a success. I am satisfied with the current situation, and I believe that nothing should change.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
As a family of seven, we often depend on charcoal burning for a living. Unfortunately, this business has been prohibited lately, and now putting food on the table is almost an issue. However, I am glad to thank GiveDirectly for being our financial assistant. Indeed, education is the key to a brighter and more promising future. It opens doors to opportunities, broadens horizons, and empowers individuals to reach their full potential. So when I received my transfers, I used $80 to clear school fees for my children in grades 5 and 6. I also spent $112 on bedding,a necessity for our comfort and well-being. Unfortunately, my mother was facing health issues, so I used $80 for medication. I spent the remaining transfers on food, which is crucial for our family's sustenance.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($387 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
At around 8 AM, as I was diligently plowing my farm with my brother's assistance, he suddenly interrupted to share some life-changing news: my long-awaited unconditional cash transfer from GiveDirectly had arrived. The joy that surged through me was indescribable, knowing that this unexpected blessing would bring positive transformations to our lives. Over the next two weeks, I planned how to utilize the funds wisely. With a heart full of hope, I set the wheels in motion, ensuring my children's education would remain undisturbed, opening doors to a brighter and more promising tomorrow.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The biggest difference in my life has been the ability to secure a brighter future for my children. With the fees for their education covered, they have been able to continue their studies and pursue their dreams. After I divorced their father, he abandoned them, leaving me with the responsibility. My uncle had offered some support, but his passing left us in a dire situation, as my mentally disturbed mother required constant care. The financial burden was overwhelming, and I feared my children might have to drop out of school. However, with the support of GiveDirectly, I now have a renewed sense of hope and optimism for my children's future. I can envision them graduating and stepping into a world of endless possibilities, and that vision fills my heart with joy and gratitude.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
GiveDirectly came as a much-needed relief for me and my family. With the funds, I immediately used $100 to pay the school fees for my two children in grades three and five. Previously, my uncle had been supporting their education, but since his passing, I have been struggling to make ends meet on my own. As a single mother, life has been challenging, especially since I had to take care of my four children after divorcing my husband. We had been staying at my mentally disturbed mother's house, which added to our difficulties. Determined to provide my children with a safe and stable home, I used $300 to purchase materials and build a new house for us. The new home not only provided us with a safe and stable living environment but also gave us a sense of independence and security. No longer relying on uncertain circumstances, I could now focus on my odd jobs, making and selling charcoal to local markets, which typically brought in around $30 per month. With the remaining amount, I ensured my children had enough food, and this unconditional cash transfer truly became a stepping stone towards a better life for my family.
access_time over 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
My life at home, since I returned from my husband, has never been good. This is because, together with my 4 children, we have been sleeping on the floor with some rugged mattress. In addition, we also seek refuge from my mother's one-roomed house which serves us as a kitchen. This situation has posed us with health challenges and my mother has already been diagnosed with chest problems. I have desired to own a decent house that will spare us from this life's worries but due to financial crisis, this has never materialized. With the grant from GiveDiirectly, I intend to spend a big portion of this money to construct a two-roomed iron-roofed house that will shelter my family. I will also buy 2 modern beds and new mattresses to replace the old rugged one. I estimate a total cost of $700 to make this a reality. The remaining amount will help me to buy 5 goats to act as my long-term investment plan. Also, part of this money will support my children to resume classes. Hence, this is generally what receiving this money means to me.
What is the happiest part of your day?
As a subsistence farmer, I have been passing through difficult moments, especially during the prolonged drought seasons in our area. Currently, I am so happy about the rains which we are receiving since late March. This has allowed me to work extra hard on my farm to have enough produce that will sustain us for a long time. At the moment I have 2 acres of maize which are flourishing well. I am so optimistic about a good harvest this season and this has been giving me joy in life
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Taking care of my family of 6 poses a big challenge to me. This is because, at the moment, I do not have a job that I can depend on. This means any casual job which comes on my way tends to be my hope. The separation from my husband close to 10 years ago has been the biggest factor in my misfortunes. In addition, my mother at home is also mentally unwell and this has worsened the situation since I do not have another person to support me. The most reliable casual source of livelihood at the moment is charcoal work which is a hand-to-mouth job. In a month I earn utmost $30 which all goes to food and my children's education gets affected most. At home, I have 2 children who dropped out of school in pre-primary classes due to a lack of fees. This pains me most as a mother, as I watch them desperately. Hence, the financial crisis stands out as the biggest challenge in my life.