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Newsfeed > Chengo's Profile
Chengo's family
Small business
Kenya Basic Income
Upcoming Stage
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29th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 30 days ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Previously, my goal was to build myself a house, and I am happy to say that it is now complete, thanks to the transfers I received from GiveDirectly. Currently, I am focused on building a sustainable future by owning a herd of goats. Buying goats is quite costly, and I cannot afford it, so to achieve this dream, I plan to use a portion of the transfers I receive from GiveDirectly to buy chickens, hoping they will multiply so that I can trade them for goats. I am optimistic that these goats will also multiply and increase in both number and value, providing me with a reliable source of support for my family, especially when this program comes to an end. I am truly grateful to GiveDirectly for enabling me to have a safe place to sleep and for giving me hope for a better future.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Livestock farming, particularly raising goats, has always been my aspiration. However, buying goats can be a bit costly for me, so I decided to start with chickens. I recently spent $30 of my transfers to purchase 6 chickens, hoping they will multiply and allow me to sell them to eventually buy the goats I’ve always wanted. Additionally, since my children are in school, I spent another $60 to pay their school fees, ensuring they can continue their education without the interruption of being sent home for unpaid fees. I also spent $8 on food to supplement what we already had so that we wouldn’t go hungry. Lastly, I used the remaining $4 funds to visit the hospital because I was unwell and needed medical attention. I am truly grateful for this support, as it enables my family, especially my children, to stay in school without the worry of being sent home for school fees.
26th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 4 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
The goal that I have had in mind for quite some time is to have my own decent, spacious house. The current house condition often forces me to sleep outdoors, which is far from ideal. Luckily, I have already started the purchase of the necessary materials, and the construction is underway. Though the materials are still insufficient, with the incoming transfers, I am sure that I will finish them. Having a safe and secure place to live will give me peace of mind and immense relief. Knowing that my family and I will no longer have to worry about shelter is the motivation that keeps me pushing forward every day.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
As soon as I received my transfers, my first thought was about my children's education. Ensuring they have a stable and uninterrupted learning experience is my top priority. I have two children, one in primary and the other in secondary school, and the cost of their education has always been a constant worry. I immediately paid $40 to cover their school fees, ensuring they wouldn't miss any classes or exams. The relief I felt knowing they could continue their studies without interruption was immense. Their education is crucial for their future, and this support from GiveDirectly has lifted a significant burden off my shoulders. With the remaining $62, I took a crucial step toward improving our living conditions. I bought iron sheets and paid a mason to begin constructing a new house. Currently, we live in a temporary shelter that barely protects us from the harsh climatic changes. While the materials I purchased aren't enough to complete the house, I am confident that with the coming transfers, I will be able to finish the construction. The thought of having a sturdy and comfortable home fills me with hope and anticipation. I have been longing for a safe and stable environment for my family, and this new house represents that dream coming to life.
22nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($24 USD)
access_time 8 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Looking ahead, my primary goal for the coming year is to complete the renovation of our house. Its current condition often forces me to sleep outdoors, which is far from ideal. Fortunately, I have already started the purchase of the necessary materials and plan to begin renovations in May. To achieve this goal, I will utilize upcoming transfers and profits from my livestock business. Having a safe and secure place to live in will give me peace of mind and immense relief. I am glad to be a beneficiary of this program as it has brought hope for the future, and I eagerly anticipate the positive changes it will bring to my life and the lives of my family members.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Life before was incredibly challenging, especially when it came to providing for my nine children. Two of them often faced the disappointment of being sent home from school due to unpaid fees. Additionally, our house was in a bad condition and I often had to sleep outside, even during heavy rains. However, the intervention of this organization has brought about significant changes in my life. With your assistance, I can now afford to pay my children's school fees and have even begun the process of renovating our home. I used $68 to pay for my children's school fees as they had a pending debt that needed to be settled. I then spent $24 to purchase chickens to boost my business which will lead to increased profits. The remaining funds were invested in chicken feed and other essentials, further improving our situation. I am grateful for the positive changes these transfers have brought into my life.
18th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($23 USD)
access_time 11 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I live in a dilapidated grass-thatched house that has seen better days, particularly evident in the old roof that struggles to withstand adverse weather conditions. The ongoing rains have brought about sleepless nights for my family, as the roof leaks incessantly, creating an uncomfortable living situation. My primary focus is now directed towards addressing this issue by installing a new roof. With the upcoming transfers, my plan is to purchase new iron roofing sheets, a crucial step in providing my family with a secure and comfortable living space. The prospect of ensuring my family's well-being through the improvement of our living conditions is something I eagerly look forward to.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I make a living by farming and raising livestock on behalf of others, but the income from these activities isn't sufficient to support my wife and two children. These transfers have been a lifeline for me, allowing me to meet our basic needs. I am particularly grateful because, with these transfers, I can now promptly cover my children's school fees. Out of the recent transfers, I allocated $68 to settle a pending school fees debt that had accumulated over time, bringing me a sense of relief. The remaining $34 was invested in purchasing a study desk for one of my children, a necessary requirement for him to resume his studies. I firmly believe in the importance of education as the key to a better life, and providing this opportunity for my children is the best investment I can make in their future.
13th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($25 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My main focus is to prioritize the education of my daughter, Halua. I understand the importance of her academic journey and the long-term benefits it can provide for her future. Therefore, my primary goal is to use the cash transfers to support her education and ensure that she can complete high school successfully. With the limited financial resources that I have, I aim to allocate the funds toward her school fees, supplies, and any other educational needs that arise. By investing in her education, I hope to provide her with the necessary tools and opportunities for a brighter future.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Earlier this year, my daughter Halua started junior high school. As a parent, it was my responsibility to ensure that she had everything she needed to settle into her studies, including essential materials like a desk. However, up until I received the recent cash transfer, I had been unable to gather enough funds to purchase a desk for her. The income from my job of buying and selling the livestock only covered our basic food needs, leaving no room for additional expenses. I was worried that not having a desk would jeopardize Halua's education and could lead to a temporary suspension of her studies. So, I decided to use my small savings along with the entire amount of the cash transfer to buy her the desk she needed. I'm relieved and happy to see that she is now well-settled and able to study comfortably with her new desk. Knowing that she has the necessary tools for her education brings me joy and satisfaction as a parent.
10th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($28 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Seeing my children through high school and possibly college is the greatest accomplishment I hope to realize in the next few years. Since the money I make from my job can only cover needs like food, I wish to channel the monthly amount I receive from Gice Directly towards paying tuition for my two children (in form two and grade seven respectively). The cash transfers are the surest chance my son and daughter have to go through high school and college education. 
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The commission I earn from selling livestock on behalf of other people can only provide food for my family and nothing beyond that. If it were not for the cash transfers, am not sure if I would have been able to keep my two children in high school and junior high school respectively. Though their elder brothers sometimes chip in to pay the school fees, it is not always enough to clear the huge balances. This is why I direct every penny from the cash transfers toward tuition fees. The recent three transfers were entirely spent in that manner. By doing this, my children have stayed in school without being frequently sent home to collect the balances, unlike how the situation was before the cash transfers. I could never be more grateful! 
6th Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($25 USD)
access_time almost 2 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I've been struggling for a while to pay my kids' tuition. This is a result of the nature of my work, which involves acting as a middleman in the sale of livestock like goats and cows and earning very little money. The village's livestock industry has suffered greatly as a result of the drought, as many animals have perished for lack of enough grass to feed on. My children's education has been impacted by my meager income because they are frequently sent home for nonpayment of school fees. In secondary school, my oldest son owes $830 in outstanding fees, while my youngest son owes just $7. When I received my transfer, I used a significant portion of it to help them resume their studies by paying off a portion of their school debts. I am glad that they are back in school and continuing their studies just like their colleagues. Last but not least, I used the remaining money to buy a packet containing two kilograms of maize flour and one kilogram of sugar. The fact that my family ate supper and did not go to bed hungry makes me happy.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($26 USD)
access_time over 2 years ago
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
I commend Give Directly for the initiative to help the needy in society by providing unconditional transfers. This has helped uplift the lives of the vulnerable in society by empowering them financially. I recommend that the organization should ensure that everybody in the village is enrolled so that they can change their life for good.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I spent all the money from my transfer buying stationery for my son, who was joining secondary school. My son passed his primary education with flying colors scoring 315 marks. Because of my low income selling livestock in the market, I could not raise all the money required to pay his school fees, buy stationery, and buy school uniforms and pocket money. I raised enough money from relatives and friends that would cater to paying his school fees. The drought that has lasted for over three years affected my livestock business and, as a result, I earn very little from the job. My wife too earns a living selling “Mandazi” in a local shop. Our earnings together are not enough to cater to all the needs of the family. Receiving the money helped me a lot in ensuring that my son moves ahead and joins the secondary school.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
1200 KES ($10 USD)
access_time over 2 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
While on my way to the market, my phone vibrated and upon checking, I found out that I had received my first transfer. I became thrilled as I wore a big smile on my face. I whispered a small prayer to the almighty God, thanking him for the miracle.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Buying stationery for my daughter as she waits to join a secondary school in a few weeks to come is the biggest difference in my daily life since I received the funds. I did not have any money left to buy her the stationery required. Thanks to the funds, she will have a smooth transition and continue with her education.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I run a business by buying and selling livestock. My business has been on a downward spiral since the commencement of the drought. Providing essential needs (food, school fees, and clothing) for my family (wife and 3 children) has proven very difficult with a reduced income. The increase in prices affects my wife's business dealing with selling chapati, hence making a little profit from it. Together with my wife, we could not save a lot of money. That way, we can use it to pay school fees for our children. When I received my first transfer, I spent Kenya Shillings 700 buying stationery for my daughter, who is to join Secondary Education early next month. Besides buying stationery, I spent the remaining KES 500 to buy two hens for rearing and for future investment. In times of need, can sell some and use the money to settle my most pressing needs. 
access_time over 2 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
Receiving this money will help ease the school fees burden that has really drained me financially. I have two children who will be joining secondary school in May. I will therefore use the whole amount of 3000 KES for school fees. Other projects that this money will help me in future is building a decent house. The recent one has mud walls and a grass thatched roof. It is very old.
What is the happiest part of your day?
What has brought happiness in my life is the peaceful co-existence that we have as a family. We live together as an extended family and for the last six months we have not experienced any quarrels or misunderstanding.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Getting school fees for my children has been giving me sleepless nights. I had two candidates this year who are now graduating to secondary school. I know it will not be an easy task as they proceed with their studies. I am business man who sells and buys livestock in my locality. What I get is not enough to cater for all the family's needs given that they all depend on me. My spouse does not have any source of income.