We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
With the most recent transfer that I received, I was able to improve my home and address some immediate needs. I started by renovating my small kitchen and old house, which required a significant investment in roofing materials. I spent $156 on 13 iron sheets at $12 each, as well as $150 on roofing frames and $50 on 2 kg of nails. Additionally, I spent $50 on transportation costs to bring the materials to my home and paid the constructor $90 to complete the work. As someone who values a healthy lifestyle, I decided to fence around my garden to plant vegetables, and I spent $60 on two rolls of chain link wire. I also prioritized my health by spending $25 on medication when I was feeling unwell, and I am glad to report that I have since recovered. In addition, I invested in a metallic storage box for my clothes, which cost $20. Finally, I used the remaining funds to purchase utensils and kitchenware, which will be helpful in preparing food for my family. Overall, I am grateful for the support from GiveDirectly, which has allowed me to make important investments in my home and well-being.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly performed outstanding work by giving us a large sum of money, which we are able to utilize for home basic necessities. We were happy and grateful that they chose our village, and we acknowledged the importance of their support by making wise and diverse decisions within our houses. We are now satisfied with the transformations we made and appreciative for GiveDirectly's expert management from start to finish.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the coming year and beyond, I have several goals that I hope to achieve. As someone who lives alone and is blind, collecting water can be a challenge, especially since it is expensive to buy from water vendors. Therefore, I plan to connect water from the nearby government line to my doorstep to make water collection easier. To achieve this goal, I will need to purchase a water tank, which may cost me $50, but it will be worth it since I will not have to go to the river anymore. In addition, I would like to improve my sleeping conditions by purchasing a bed and a mattress. Currently, I sleep on a tattered one over cold floors, which affects my quality of sleep. By investing in a bed and mattress, I hope to sleep better and wake up feeling more refreshed.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
18010 KES ($139 USD)
access_time 2 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
With my vision problem, I occasionally have one of my grandchildren check on me, fetch water and firewood, and occasionally visit to cook for me when she is available. I used to get a lot of help from my older son, who was a driver, but he died in a car accident just a few months after my wife died. Life has never been easy since, but I am grateful for GiveDirectly's generous support. I intend to build a new house to replace the one I am currently living in. With this in mind, I purchased some construction materials, including two $24 iron sheets and nails. I also paid $20 in tuition for my dearest grandchild, who has always come over to check on me when I was out of school. I also appreciated my helper's efforts and gave her $20, which she promised to use to buy food for her children. Because I live far away, I made sure to include 5 kg of beans at $2 each, 50kg of dry maize grains at $1 each, and 5 kg of rice at $5 in my food basket. As I expect the second transfer, I am grateful for the food that has served me this far. In addition, I spent $18 on a metallic box that served as a storage facility for both my clothes and other useful documents, and the remainder was spent on utensils and other household goods.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
My children and grandchildren have consistently found enough food in my household since the first transfer. They are no longer concerned that I will go to bed hungry, and they are no longer required to bring food because they are confident that I will not go hungry. This was not the case for a long time, and I am grateful for the significant difference in my daily life.
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
For a long time, I could not see, and any operations that required a closer look were always made possible by my children and grandchildren who came along to assist. The first transfer occurred while my assistant, Beatrice, was holding my phone, and as soon as she confirmed the receipt, she came home to inform me of the exciting news. I was delighted and grateful to God for making this possible at a time when I desperately needed support. I made an arrangement with my assistant and collected them the next day at a nearby shopping center.
access_time over 2 years ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I lost my sight 40 years ago after being struck in the head with a machete by an estranged wife. Because I can't take care of myself, I view this as having been and continuing to be my challenge for many years. Despite the fact that they have their own families to care for, my grandchildren are the only people I rely on to take care of me. This makes me sad a times since they struggle also to cater for their families. Due to my condition, I haven't been able to construct a decent home for myself, and as a result, this semi-permanent building is currently in poor shape and is also quite small and freezing at night. Since I must rely on others for everything, including sitting down, I often feel depressed.
What is the happiest part of your day?
I have drawn my happiness, in the past six months from my grandchildren. Last month (October) schools were closed and my school going grandchildren came home. The now take care of me doing house choirs such as sweeping the compound and cooking for me. I feel delighted and very happy because of them. They are the reason I wake up every morning knowing that I have someone who takes care of me.
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Food is the first thing I intend to use the transfers for. This is because I depend on my children and grandchildren for food. Being able to purchase food 2 bags of maize at $100 dolars using the transfers will remove a great burden from their shoulders. The remaining transfers I intend to build a better house or repair the one I'm living in at the moment. Atleast, I will live in a more descent house which would increase my dignity among the villagers. I also plan to buy 4 goats at $200 dollars. This is a good investment for me since I will have something to sell and also leave an inheritance for my grandchildren who take care of me.