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We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Newsfeed > Mary's Profile
Mary's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
Next Payment
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES
access_time 3 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My plan is to continue farming. After harvesting the butternut, I will replant maize to ensure a steady income. With the income I receive, I will purchase more livestock to enhance our farming efforts. This will help us secure food for our family and provide additional income through milk and future sales. I am determined to improve our lives and create a better future for my family. By investing in farming and livestock, I believe we can achieve our goals together.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
When I received my second cash transfer, I felt a wave of hope wash over me. With $135, I bought two sheep, knowing they would provide us with milk when they give birth and serve as a valuable investment for our future. Livestock has always been important to our family's well-being, and I am excited about the possibilities this purchase brings. I also set aside $50 to pay for my children's school fees, which is essential for their education. In the past, I depended on farming and charcoal burning to raise enough money for their fees, but it was never guaranteed, especially during tough times. Furthermore, I realized that my family had no clothes at home; we only had worn-out outfits. I spent $100 to purchase new clothes, which made me feel proud and happy to have something decent to wear. With the remaining $165, I invested in crop farming by cultivating one acre of land. Farming is crucial for us to have enough food at home and to generate income to pay for school fees. However, the cost of fuel for the generator to pump water is very expensive, so I had to divide my money wisely to make it last. Life has been hard, especially before I received this money. Since the day we got the cash transfer, everything feels easier. My husband and I alternate our responsibilities; he looks after the animals while I tend to the farm. We are a family of three, and the support from GiveDirectly has truly changed our lives for the better. With this assistance, I feel a sense of relief and optimism for our future.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
When GiveDirectly first came to our community for the baraza, they taught us about their organization and the procedures involved with great respect. They took the time to explain everything clearly, ensuring that we understood the process. I did not notice anything wrong during their visits, and their approach made us feel valued and supported. Furthermore, their dedication to helping us was evident, and we are truly grateful for their assistance. We continue to pray for their success and hope they can reach more people in need. Overall, their efforts have made a positive impact in our lives, and we appreciate all they have done for us.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
18240 KES ($142 USD)
access_time 5 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Years ago, one of the NGOs helped me by constructing a two-room house after I was affected by flooding. The house looked nice with its cemented floor, but it was empty—just a beautiful shell without any furniture. For years, I had hoped to buy furniture for my living room, but I only had plastic chairs, which didn’t last long. I never managed to fulfill this wish due to financial constraints. This year, I was hopeful because I had planted maize on two acres and expected to harvest about 50 bags. I planned to use the proceeds to pay my son’s school fees, replant some crops, and finally buy the furniture. Unfortunately, floods destroyed everything I had worked for. Just when I thought my wish might never be realized, I received the GiveDirectly transfer. I was overjoyed, and the first thing I did was buy a three-seater sofa and a cupboard for storing my utensils. The sofa cost $52, and the cupboard was $60. Now, I’m so happy at home; you can hardly see me outside. When I have visitors, I’m quick to invite them in and show off my house proudly, unlike before. With the remaining funds, I bought $26 worth of food to ensure I have enough now that my previous supplies were depleted. I still have some food left, which is a relief. I also gave my son in high school $10 for his shopping. I used the remaining $12 for transport, both for myself and for the items I bought. Thank you, GiveDirectly
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Buying furniture using my first transfer from GiveDirectly has made a huge difference in my life. At my age of about 60 today, I had never owned any furniture due to financial constraints. I am happy now because, for the first time, I have a sofa and a cupboard in my home. My eight children, six of whom are married, have never seen a sofa or a cupboard in our house before. This new addition is more than just furniture; it’s a symbol of progress and comfort that we’ve longed for.
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I was on my way home from church when I heard my phone beep with a message. Since I can’t read, I ignored it and continued home. Once I got there, I asked my children to check the message for me. They gave me the best news ever; I had received my first transfer from GiveDirectly. I kept saying "thank you" repeatedly, overwhelmed with disbelief and joy. I had plans I had never actualized, and at that moment I knew I would fulfill them. Thanks, GiveDirectly!
access_time 7 months ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
My primary challenge currently is relying on charcoal burning to afford basic necessities such as food for my family, which is particularly challenging given my old age. Recently, all three acres of my maize farm were destroyed by floods. Originally, I had planned to use the proceeds from the harvest to educate my children, meet our needs, and ensure a comfortable life in my old age. To establish the farm, I had taken a loan from Kenya Seed, and now I am unsure how long it will take to repay the amount owed. Nonetheless, I remain hopeful that once I replant maize on my farm, I will be able to generate sufficient income to repay the loan.
What is the happiest part of your day?
In the past six months, my daughter got married, which brought me immense joy. Witnessing her find her life partner and begin their family was a cherished moment. I eagerly anticipate spending time with my grandchildren in the years to come.
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Receiving this money will enable me to pay fees for my son's secondary school education. Additionally, with the subsequent transfers, I plan to invest in purchasing three goats and further invest in agriculture. I estimate spending KES 8000 on each goat, with the remaining amount allocated to replanting beans on my three-acre farm. I am optimistic because I know that once I harvest the beans, I will be able to repay my debts and also ensure food security for my family.