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Newsfeed > Patrick's Profile
Patrick's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($338 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
In my view, GiveDirectly has excelled in empowering me with the autonomy to make decisions that best suit my circumstances. The ability to receive cash directly has been transformative, as it has given me the freedom to chart my financial path. I appreciate the trust placed in recipients to determine how to allocate the funds based on our unique needs and desires. This approach acknowledges that individuals understand their situations better than anyone else. Having the agency to plan and decide what to buy has not only addressed my immediate needs but has also given me a sense of control over my financial destiny.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
As a retired teacher with limited resources, pushing my seven children through university, secondary, and primary schools was an uphill battle. I directed a significant portion of the funds, approximately $320, towards settling school fees for my kids. This ensured that they could continue their education without disruption, allowing me to fulfill my role as the breadwinner for our family of nine. The relief was immense; knowing that I could support my children's academic journeys and witness them pursue nursing careers filled me with pride. Realizing the need for diversification, I allocated $60 to revive my struggling retail shop business. Initially on the verge of collapse, the injection of funds breathed new life into the venture. With careful management, I have managed to turn the business around, generating a profit of $2 where none existed before. This additional income has brought a sense of stability to our household. The remaining cash was wisely used to purchase sufficient food supplies, ensuring that my family's basic needs were met for an extended period of time. The unconditional cash transfer has not only eased the financial burden but has also given us a chance at a more secure and hopeful future.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My steadfast dream is to provide a continuous education for my children through the income generated from my business and the sale of livestock that I own. Ensuring that they receive a solid education until they graduate is not just a financial goal but a commitment to nurturing responsible, capable individuals for the future. I believe that education is the key to unlocking their potential and empowering them to contribute meaningfully to society. As I navigate the challenges of business and livestock management, the driving force behind my efforts remains the vision of a brighter, more educated future for my children, where they can forge their own paths and make a positive impact on the world.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($364 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I received the transfers at a much anticipated time when the financial burden was overwhelming. School fees were needed, but farming, which is the primary source of income for the family, had been unproductive. I am excited that the transfers were a sigh of relief, as I spent $362 on paying the school fees for my children who are in college, grades 11, 10, and 9. Education is a top priority for our family, and this investment ensures their continued learning and future prospects. In addition, I used $130 to open a retail business, a step toward diversifying our income sources and providing ongoing financial support for my family of eight. A further $50 was spent on securing food for our household, addressing our immediate dietary needs. I am grateful for these changes, which have brought both financial relief and food security to our family.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The weight of school fees and providing food for our household could often be overwhelming. I am immensely grateful for the transfers, which have provided relief in these areas. Before the transfers, life was undeniably hard, and my children would sometimes be sent home from school due to unpaid fees, a source of great worry and hardship. With the support from the transfers, I have managed to pay the school fees and set up a business to support my family of eight. It is a significant milestone, and I am delighted to have completed the school fees for the entire year, ensuring that my children can continue their education without interruption. The transfers have brought about substantial positive changes, lifting the financial burden that used to hang over our family.
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I received a message while I was at home, taking a well deserved break after tilling the land. The SMS was about the transfers, and my immediate reaction was to call my wife to share the news. The thought that crossed my mind right away was the financial burden of my children's school fees. My wife and I sat down to discuss our plans. The excitement I felt upon receiving the transfers was overwhelming, as it offered a ray of hope in light of the financial challenges we were facing. I wasted no time informing my family of eight about this welcome development. However, I chose not to withdraw the transfers immediately, but rather on the second day. This delay allowed my wife and me to carefully organize and plan how we would use the funds to address our family's needs in the most effective way.
access_time over 1 year ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I am a retired teacher with a family of 11 members. Seven of my children are still schooling and this has put a lot of pressure on me. Imagine in a term, I am expected to raise around $400 as school fees because I have a son who is in college. Since I receive $100 as a pension, this amount can not sustain my burden, and I am forced to sell my livestock to support them. I used to have a herd of cattle but currently, I have remained with 9 cows. Since the burden of school fees is still on me, I am worried this will completely take away my investment. Hence, the financial constraints stand out as my biggest challenge.
What is the happiest part of your day?
The burden of school fees and food insecurity complicated my life. But luckily, in August this year, I managed to harvest maize that can sustain me for a month. This means I will be able to save whatever little amount I get to support my children in school. Hence, the food availability at the moment is what has brought me joy.
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Education for my children is what matters a lot at the moment. This is because as a retired teacher, I understand the importance of education. Supporting my children in school will mean a better future once they are done with their studies. With this money, I intend to spend $700 on school fees. This will help them to stay in school and focus, which will translate to good performance. On the other hand, I will spend the remaining amount ($390) to start a small shop at home that will act as my source of income. This will be operated by my wife and I because we are all at home. What a great achievement to have this done!