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Newsfeed > Shaban's Profile
Shaban's family
Casual labor
Kenya Basic Income
Upcoming Stage
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29th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 22 days ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Currently, my health is my top priority, and I am committed to improving my life so that I can live healthily without setbacks that could hinder me from achieving my future goals. To manage my health, I attend monthly clinics and plan to continue using a portion of my transfers to obtain the necessary medication for a healthier life. In addition to my health needs, I also intend to allocate some of my transfers towards purchasing food, as nutritious meals are essential for me to effectively take my medicine. Furthermore, I have aspirations of owning a piece of land for farming. To achieve this, I plan to buy more goats with some of the transfers I receive, hoping they will multiply so that in the future, I can trade them for cows. These cows will also multiply, allowing me to eventually sell them to purchase the land I desire. Lastly, I am in the process of building a better house made of bricks. I am happy with the progress so far and hopeful that with the continued support from the transfers, I will be able to complete it by January next year. I am truly grateful for the opportunities that GiveDirectly has provided me to manage my health and improve my living conditions.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I have been dealing with health issues related to my leg for quite some time, which required me to seek medical attention. With the transfers from GiveDirectly, I have been able to manage my health by following a medication plan that includes monthly clinic visits for medicine and booster shots. Recently, I spent $59 of my transfers on medical care, and I am happy to report that I am making good progress. I am truly grateful to GiveDirectly for this opportunity. In addition to addressing my health, I also bought a goat for $20, hoping it will multiply so that I can eventually trade them for bulls to help plough my farm and reduce farming costs. Furthermore, I spent $9 on food shopping to supplement what we already had at home. Lastly, I saved the remaining $14 for any emergencies that might arise and require my attention. Overall, I feel fortunate for the support I've received and look forward to improving my situation further.
26th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 4 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Due to my illness I never got a chance to focus on my social life but now I believe I am ready to get myself a wife. I however would like to have my life in order before brining someone else in. I plan to build a new house with brick and a tin roof to replace my grass thatched house. This may need me to do more with my work but I am a very hardworking individual despite mycondition.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
In my 32 years alive I cannot think of a time when I was in good health. My health has been the thing that has taken away most of the resources from my family. I have had a leg condition that is usually made up of swelling, boils and open wounds that take time to heal. This has forced me to go hospital at least monthly to ensure I can function normally. A leg amputation was suggested but I never went for it. My cash transfers has been used solely to facilitate my treatment. I have so far spent $56 and saved $47 to be used on my next hospital visit.
22nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($24 USD)
access_time 8 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My goal is to secure my independence and build a future for myself and my future partner. I'm starting to save a portion of the GiveDirectly transfer through my phone's savings account. Once I accumulate enough to afford my own place I will relocate from my brother's place. Then, find a life partner and provide her with a source of income, allowing her to thrive alongside me as we build a life together. I'm grateful for the transfers, they have given me hope in life.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
For the past two months, I've been diligently using my monthly cash transfer to purchase medication for my right foot, which has been plagued by issues for over two decades. Doctors once suggested amputation, but I refused, holding onto hope that one day it would heal. With $94 from the GiveDirectly transfers I received, I secured two months' worth of medication. With just $8 remaining, I knew I had to stretch it wisely, so I put it towards food, ensuring I could sustain myself as I continue this journey towards healing. Reflecting on my family's dynamics, the absence of my father since my mother's passing eight years ago weighs heavy on my heart. His departure and subsequent remarriage left my brother and me to fend for ourselves emotionally and financially. Despite my brother's meager earnings as a casual laborer, barely making $10 a week, welcomed me into his home with open arms, offering support and companionship in the absence of our parents. Thanks to the monthly cash transfer from Givedirectly, I no longer have to resort to borrowing money, easing the burden on both my brother and myself. Despite the challenges I face, I am grateful for the stability this assistance provides, allowing me to focus on my health and the bonds of family that sustain me through difficult times.
17th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($23 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My primary goal is to establish my own construction business, specializing in selling construction materials such as cement and building blocks. To kick start this venture, I plan to allocate a portion of my transfers towards its development. Additionally, I am determined to seek further medical treatment for my persistent wound, as the costs of medication have been steadily rising . Any assistance from well wishers for this purpose would be greatly appreciated. Lastly, I aspire to start a family, a cherished aspiration that holds a special place in my heart.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Life has presented its share of challenges, and making ends meet has been a constant struggle for me. As a professional builder who used to work part-time at a polytechnic, I had to rely on loans from friends to sustain myself. However, thanks to the assistance provided by Give Directly transfers, I no longer find myself in need of borrowing to cover my expenses. Earlier this year, I encountered a significant setback when I developed a stubborn wound on my right leg that has been challenging to heal. A substantial portion of my transfers has been allocated to covering the costs of medication and wound dressing, with the most recent expenditure amounting to $83.Despite these hurdles, I have managed to utilize the remaining $15 from my transfers by investing in a goat. My intention is to rear and sell it later, aiming to generate a profit to improve my financial situation. I'm profoundly grateful for the support and assistance that Give Directly has provided, which has not only relieved me from the burden of borrowing but also offered me a glimmer of hope for a more stable future.
14th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($25 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I currently have a house but it is in a dilapidated state because whenever it rained we are always rained on and the mug walls keep on being washed off. My goal is to have a permanent house that would be suitable for my family also owing to the fact that I have a family that is still growing. To achieve this, I plan to be saving part of my monthly transfers so that by September once I am done with my leg operation, I shall commence the construction.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Of late, I have been facing challenges in terms of providing food for my family because I do have a reliable source of income, I currently do odd jobs and with the little money I earn from it, I am forced to divide it amongst the all the needs in the house. But I felt a sigh of relief upon GiveDireclty sending me the transfers that played a great role. I managed to restock enough food for my family to take us for a couple of weeks; I bought maize flour and other food items worth $20. I also sent some amount of $4 as part of my contributions towards the funeral arrangements of one of my neighbors and managed to save the remaining amount of $10.70 for my medical use since I am scheduled for a leg operation in September and the savings would play a great role. I was so grateful for the support.
10th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I had always wanted to have livestock i.e cows that will be of help during farming, but due to the lack if finances, I have never been able to. My plan was to save part of my monthly transfers so that one day I would have the required amount to purchase the cows. With the animals in place, I would also be hiring them out at a certain amount to those who might require the services.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Ever since my childhood, I have had a wound that had so far cost my family and I a lot of money because it seems not to be showing any sign of healing. My family had done everything that they could but nothing better is coming through. Therefore the transfers that I have been receiving had been of great help in terms of paying my medical bills, and with my most recent one, I paid the medical expenses worth KES. 2670. With the remaining amount of KES. 800, I managed to shop a few foodstuffs for my family.
6th Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES
access_time 2 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I spent $18 on paying my hospital medical bill. I have always had a knee problem and this requires monthly visits to the hospital for check-ups. I am so happy because this has been possible through the help from GiveDirectly. Currently, I am doing well and still under some medication. Before it was a real struggle since I did not have a steady source of income. I do casual jobs to get some money but majorly this is for food. I saved $7 for any emergency that might occur and spent the remaining amount of food. I am so grateful because GiveDirectly has changed our living standards.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES
access_time over 2 years ago
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
In my opinion, giving people cash is life-changing. I have seen most recipients improve their lives in different ways since they started receiving the transfers. I will also soon go for surgery for a health condition that I have had for the past 21 years. Since it cannot allow me to engage in various economic activities, I have had to rely on pain relievers. Finally, I have the hopes of getting a permanent solution to it with help of the Give Directly money. There is nothing that they are not doing right but encourage them to keep up with the good work.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I bought a goat worth 2500 KES with the recent transfer and used 500 KES for my medication. I have been in a health condition for the past 21 years, and I was recently advised by the doctors that I need to go for surgery. I cannot afford 24000 KES for the surgery and it is also challenging saving cash since I might end up using it on other things. Hence, I opted to invest the money in goats and later sell them to raise the money for surgery.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
1200 KES
access_time over 2 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
At the time of enrollment, I planned to use my transfer to cover for my medication costs. My new goal is to use some of my transfers to promote some development programs, such as purchasing and raising livestock, once I see some improvement in my life. Although my heart desire has been to embrace livestock farming, I lacked the financial resources to effect this. However, with continuous transfers, this goal will become a reality in my life. In the long run, I will find it easy to meet basic needs such as food and medication.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
GiveDirectly, in my opinion, is a one-of-a-kind NGO that provides financial assistance to its recipients. It allows us to freely spend our transfers on areas of priority by using the model of giving cash to community members enrolled in its program. This has had a greater impact on our lives. For example, thanks to the transfer, I was able to purchase some medications, which alleviated my pain. In addition, using the transfers I received, I have started raising chickens. Since the NGO provides adequate sensitization to community members when launching a project in the community, I believe there is nothing it not does not do well.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Since I was born, I have been having an issue with my right leg. It has a wound that has never been cured even though I sometimes seek for medication to help improve my health. Therefore, upon confirmation of the GiveDirectly's transfers, I opted to spend KES 700 on buying drugs because by then I was in great pain. I am glad that currently I have some relief. Although I still have the same wound, I am optimistic that with the transfers, I will be able to continuously seek medication, and finally, I shall be fully restored. Though previously I was struggling to do some casual jobs, I am glad that courtesy of GiveDirectly's transfer, I have begun to see some changes. I am hopeful I shall fully be restored.
access_time over 2 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
At my age, I have never managed to own a house due to lack of money. This has forced me to spend my nights at my workplace which is 1 kilometer away from home. I have desired to change this status quo, and my hope is on this cash grant from GiveDirectly. I need an amount of 40000 KES to construct the house and this means accumulating my transfers to raise this. By constructing the house, I will have the opportunity to get married and live a comfortable life. On the other hand, I will spend some of my money to seek proper medication since I have suffered from femur osteomyelitis for 20 years now but I have never received any active care. Thus, with all this optimism, this money will fruition in a better life for me.
What is the happiest part of your day?
In March this year, my boss surprised me with 500 KES. Although this was very little to cater to my needs by then, I was so grateful because it facilitated me to and from Mariakani town where I received treatment for my leg. This was a great relief to me since I had desperately needed such an amount to facilitate my transport. Thus, I consider this as what has brought joy to my life.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I have suffered from femur osteomyelitis for 20 years now and I am yet to receive proper medication. This has pushed me into a tough life and I can not actively be engaged in other jobs apart from being a watchman. The income from this job is very little, (3000 KES) per month and all this goes on paying bills for food. I have failed to raise even 6500 KES as a theatre fee for my leg and this has left me so desperate in life. Thus, I consider financial instability as the biggest challenge that I am currently facing.