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Newsfeed > Dama's Profile
Dama's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Basic Income
Upcoming Stage
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22nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($26 USD)
access_time 4 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I am a subsistence farmer, and I depend primarily on the crops I grow for my survival. Before I was enrolled in the Give Directly program, I had to rely on odd and manual jobs, including digging out tree stumps to make charcoal for sale. The little I earned from that went toward buying food for my family of four. Since being enrolled in the program, I no longer need to burn tree stumps for charcoal. The money from the transfers has significantly helped me take care of my family's needs. I spent $18 to purchase food, ensuring that we had enough to eat and never lacked anything. At the beginning of March, we received some light rains, so I promptly spent $30 to cultivate my two-acre land in preparation for planting. Although the rains have stopped, I am hoping and praying that the coming months will bring plenty of rain, allowing me to harvest enough food from the farm. I also saved $40 in a savings group with the intention of purchasing a bed. Currently, I sleep on a sisal twine bed, which is in very poor condition and uncomfortable. Buying a wooden bed will ensure my comfort and a good night's sleep. Lastly, I spent $4 on medicinal drugs after falling ill, and I am glad to say that I am now feeling well. I appreciate the financial assistance I have received from the transfers. It has greatly improved the quality of my life.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My goal this year is to purchase a bed and a mattress. The sisal twine bed I have been sleeping on is very uncomfortable. Buying a new bed will ensure that I experience good sleep. I am very happy with the financial help from the transfers. Looking at my life now, I am very positive that I can develop myself, become financially stable, and take care of my family. The financial assistance has already made a significant difference in my life. It has allowed me to prioritize my health, prepare my land for farming, and ensure that my family has enough food. I am confident that, with continued support and careful planning, I will be able to achieve my goal of purchasing a new bed and mattress. This will not only improve my comfort but also my overall well-being, allowing me to be more productive in my daily activities. I am deeply grateful for the support and optimistic about the future. I believe that with these positive changes, I can continue to improve my family's living conditions and secure a stable future.
18th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($21 USD)
access_time 8 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I've longed to replace the ageing bedding I've used for years. Sleeping on an old-fashioned bed with mats and worn-out sacks didn't provide the comfort I desired. Financial constraints prevented me from affording my dream wooden bed. However, with the recent transfers, I purchased the bed on credit for $80. Over the past three months, I used part of the transfers I received to pay $55, allowing me to obtain the bed. I plan to settle the remaining amount soon to fully own it. The new bed has significantly improved my sleep compared to the old one. In addition to the bed, I also spent $20 on medication, bringing relief after a week of illness. The support I received played a crucial role in covering the medical expenses. Finally, I spent the remainder of the transfer on purchasing ample food for my family and addressing various household needs, like toiletries. I'm grateful for the positive changes these transfers have so far brought to my life.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I've been aiming to upgrade my sleeping arrangements, replacing the old traditional bed and worn-out mats that no longer provide the comfort I need. I recently made a deposit for a new bed and plan to clear the remaining amount soon. Once I acquire the bed, I intend to also buy a new mattress, transforming my sleeping environment into a comfortable haven. Additionally, I have plans to expand my investments by purchasing more livestock, particularly goats. Currently, I own two goats, and the goal is to buy more, allowing them to reproduce. This move aligns with my reliance on subsistence farming for sustenance, and owning goats serves as a valuable investment. The intention is to breed and eventually sell the goats to address my financial needs effectively.
14th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($23 USD)
access_time 12 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I've diligently set aside $10 each month by contributing to our local merry-go-round savings group, with the ultimate aim of accumulating enough funds to purchase livestock. Thanks to these consistent monthly contributions, I successfully acquired three goats, which I now proudly own and care for. Initially, I had no goats, but through these monthly transfers, I have established a valuable livestock asset that can serve as a reliable source of income and financial security in times of need. Furthermore, after a successful recent harvest from my two-acre plot of land, I found myself with a surplus of maize. Unfortunately, I lacked sufficient storage space to protect the harvested maize. Fortunately, I was able to address this issue by utilizing some of my recent savings to acquire the necessary building materials, such as building poles and iron sheets, to construct a granary. This new storage facility has greatly relieved the problem of food shortages in my household and provides me with peace of mind. Additionally, I paid $65 to the mason who helped with the construction.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the upcoming months, I am determined to set aside a portion of my income each month for the next few months, with the intention of buying a new bed and a comfortable mattress to replace my old bedding, which I have been using for several years. The current bedding no longer provides restful sleep due to its deteriorated condition. I've been sleeping on an outdated traditional bed and worn-out mats, which were no longer suitable for a good night's rest. Given my modest financial circumstances, achieving this goal on my own seemed challenging. However, I am pleased that as soon as I have saved enough funds, I will be able to purchase the new bedding and finally enjoy a comfortable and rejuvenating sleep.
10th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($25 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Previously relying on farming as my main source of income, I am now a widow earning a living as a casual laborer. The recent onset of rainfall motivated me to return to farming, seeking to revive my primary source of income. Enduring over six years of drought, I resorted to burning tree stumps to produce charcoal for sale. Life proved immensely challenging prior to my enrollment in the program, often surviving on just one meal per day or even sleeping on an empty stomach due to limited income for purchasing food. However, the situation has improved, and now I manage to have at least two meals daily. Moreover, I utilized $27 from my May transfers to prepare my 11/2 acre land and promptly began planting maize and beans, ensuring my food security and generating surplus to sell for income. Additionally, I allocated the remaining $7 to purchase maize flour. Rising food costs have significantly impacted my ability to acquire an ample amount of food with the modest earnings from charcoal sales. Fortunately, I find solace in the knowledge that I will receive a monthly transfer from Give Directly, mitigating the worsening of my situation.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
The current heavy rains present both a blessing and a curse to me. After a prolonged period, I am finally filled with optimism as the unending rain promises a bumper harvest. However, the downside is that the rain is gradually eroding the mud walls of my house, weakening the poles and creating substantial openings that allow cold air and water to enter. To ensure my safety and prevent the collapse of my house due to the rain's impact, I aim to acquire two bags of cement. By utilizing them to repair and enhance the condition of my dwelling, I can establish a sense of security and eliminate the threat posed by the rain.
5th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES
access_time over 1 year ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Six of us from the same village created a group after joining the program, and we each contribute $10 monthly to distribute the funds to a different group member on a rotating basis. I recently bought two goats totaling $75 when I received my portion from the savings. I still owe the vendor $15 because I only had $60, which I want to pay up with some of the money I will get this month. I used the remaining $48 to buy food to sustain me for some period. Since my partner passed away a few years ago, I have supported myself on my own. My primary source of money is selling charcoal, but it takes me two weeks to burn $3 worth of charcoal, so I cannot maintain myself. My primary source of earnings is the sale of charcoal, but it takes me two weeks to burn $3 worth of charcoal, which is insufficient to meet my demands. As a result, I considered having goats to be intelligent because they are useful. I'm proud because I know I can sell one of the young ones to raise the money I need when I need it most in the future. The funds allowed for the important financial move that I made.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
When I started receiving the GiveDirectly transfers, I started building a house whose construction is still underway. Whenever I receive my transfer, I usually buy building materials in bits to finish up the remaining areas. I currently stay in the incomplete house because I have not been able to raise enough money to finish it up. I do not feel safe in it because it still has open walls that expose me to extreme weather conditions. With my subsequent monthly transfers and the income from burning and selling charcoal, I intend to continue building the house to have a safe and secure accommodation.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($25 USD)
access_time almost 2 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My husband died nine years ago and left me with three children. It has not been easy raising the children without him. I sell charcoal once a week in the market. It does not give me much but the $5 I get, I spend on food since I am alone at home. My children are adults and are all married. Last month I was admitted to the hospital due to dehydration and paid a bill of $24 and for the rest of the transfer, I bought food and water.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
Givedirectly has made us happy. Giving us money directly is the best decision the organization has ever made.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($25 USD)
access_time 2 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Since my husband's death, I have been the sole breadwinner in my family. As a result, it is always difficult for me to conduct business in order to support my children. Before transfers were sent, I hired someone to build me a structure in the nearby business center. Unfortunately, I was unable to pay all of his fees. It bothered me because it took me a long time to clear paying his dues. I spent KES 2,000 immediately after receiving my transfer to complete his payment. I am grateful that it relieved me of the burden of my debts. I also used the remaining KES 1,000 from my recent transfer to purchase maize flour for my family's consumption.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Being able to pay off my debts relieved me from all of the stress I was experiencing at the time. Previously, I could not pay off the debts owed to someone who had faithfully worked for me, and I felt guilty. I did not want to meet him at the market, and I could occasionally use an avoidance strategy. That made me appear to be a slave. However, that guilt is no longer present. This is the most significant change in my life. I am overjoyed to be one of GiveDirectly's recipients.
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I was overjoyed as soon as I received my transfer. Because I had no idea how to check messages, I first had to hand the phone over to my helper, who assisted me in learning about my transfer. This occurred after I had heard some community members express their delight by stating that they had received their transfer. It prompted me to inquire whether I was among the fortunate few to receive the transfer. I am truly at peace and will be eternally grateful to GiveDirectly for their prompt assistance.
access_time over 2 years ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I depend on my children for support but unfortunately, their sources of income are also not reliable which sometimes makes it hard for them to give me continuous support. I am hopeless without their full support and this most of the time makes me sleep on an empty stomach. Insufficient finances are therefore the current challenges that I face.
What is the happiest part of your day?
I had stayed for months without seeing my children since they all live in town. In April they came to visit me and brought some foodstuffs with them. The joy I had is beyond imagination because the food was enough to take me for another month without having to worry about how I will feed myself.
What does receiving this money mean to you?
Receiving this money will be of great assistance to me since I do not have any source of income. I am entirely dependent on my children who are also struggling in town to make ends meet for their families. I have always desired to start livestock and chicken farming that can help me in the future so I can also be independent but lack of capital has hindered me from achieving this. These transfers will however change that because I plan to buy a goat and chicken every month for one year. These animals will give me good wealth in the future when they start to multiply and I will not have to depend anymore on my children for support.