GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Newsfeed > Vylet's Profile
Vylet's family
Standard Kenya
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
47900 KES ($464 USD)
access_time almost 7 years ago
What did you spend your third transfer on?
I spent my third transfer on a heifer (9,000 KES) that will produce our milk and we can sell the excess in the near future . I added stock to my groceries business (5,000 KES). I also spent on repairing a motor cycle that we had bought using the second transfer.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
50000 KES ($482 USD)
access_time 7 years ago
What did you spend your second transfer on?
I spent my second transfer on buying a motorcycle that my husband is using for taxi business. Previously my husband could do odd jobs an sometimes we could sleep on hungry stomachs if we do not get any income. That has changed as I also spent some of the money to start a business and we share the profits to sustain the family. I am great full for the transfers I received.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life.
The biggest difference in my daily is that I am able to comfortably feed my family. I am happy with this great move and I am no longer idle too.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
10000 KES ($97 USD)
access_time over 7 years ago
What did you spend your first transfer on?
I spent my first transfer on buying a new because I had been sleeping on the floor which was very uncomfortable. I then bought a sack of corn for my family's feeding and sent the rest to my mother.
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I was surprised and happy when I received my transfer, I knelt down and gave thanks to God.
access_time over 7 years ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
My biggest hardship is lack of income.Sometimes casual labour is scarce making us to lack money for our basic needs.
What is the happiest part of your day?
My happiest time of the day is the evening when all my family members are around because we get to share a meal and talk together.
What does receiving this money mean to you?
Casual labour