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Newsfeed > Karisa's Profile
Karisa's family
Small business
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
53010 KES ($428 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
As our economic backbone, I am currently providing strong support to farming in order to ensure the mass production of short-season crops such as beans, vegetables, and Irish potatoes. These are not only for our own consumption, but we will also sell the surplus to generate income. I am currently in the process of clearing the land ready for farming simply waiting for the rain to start so that I kick off. In the long run, I believe the savings from farming activities will be useful in purchasing a lactating cow to provide an immediate solution to my family of 12's high milk costs.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
Since GiveDirectly came to our village, a lot changed in terms of livelihood. Previously, many people lived in old structures with mud walls and grass roofs. Since then, housing conditions have improved, and every household now has a better house roofed with iron sheets. No one had a water tank, and we all spent a lot of time walking to the river to get water, but after the transfers, a large number of the population purchased water tanks and are now collecting clean rainwater from their newly constructed roofs. Most of our children, who had stayed at home due to a lack of school fees, are now back in school, along with other diverse spending patterns in every household since they gave us the freedom to choose our spending. In my case, I was able t lend a hand in paying my brother's son's school fees of $100 who had been sent back home. I am glad my of ten families currently lives happily because they got enough food on a daily basis
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
When I got the second transfer, I used part of the transfers for my farming activities, which had always been our primary source of income. With my 10 children, I believe that improved farming will ensure food security while providing a source of income from surplus produce as well as get enough to educate my children in the future. I also bought 4 goats and 2 cows for $420 to help with an extra source of income. I had been purchasing milk, and hopefully, as they mature, I will be able to reduce my purchasing costs and instead produce enough to sell the surplus. I also chip in to pay my brother's son's fees arrears since he had been sent back home to collect fees. I am glad that I was able to lend a hand hence improving the relationship between me and my brother. The remaining amount I spent on foodstuff to feed my family of 12 people hence improved health due to good eating habits
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($447 USD)
access_time almost 2 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
Illiteracy was almost robbing me of a happy occasion. It wasn't until the evening of the second day after receiving the transfer that I realized I had money in my account. My grandson had just used my phone to make a call at that point. He spotted an indicator on the screen that resembled an envelope before he made the call, and he was curious to open it to see what kind of message it contained. He stopped making the call and walked to the kitchen where I was cooking to let me know that I had been walking around aimlessly with a large sum of money for the previous two days. I stood up and jumped in happiness for getting this transfer.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
It is a marvel to receive an investment of cows and goats. I never saw myself in a position to buy livestock, given the type of work I do producing and selling charcoal. I am overjoyed with the help I got from GiveDirectly. Without this organization, I would still be reliant on charcoal burning, which cannot provide for my family. I am incredibly appreciative of this organization's assistance.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
When I withdrew the money, I opted to do an investment in livestock keeping. I chose this path because it does not disappoint. After all, livestock does multiply and they can be exchanged for monetary value if the need arises. Therefore, I bought two cows for $300 and five goats for $150. This is an assurance that soon I will have a big flock and it will aid me in sustaining my family. For the remaining amount, I bought some food for my family and took a break from the usual tiring work of charcoal burning which I had been relying on to make ends meet.
access_time over 2 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
Improving my family's security is basically the main ambition for receiving this money to me. At the moment the house I am living in is not in a good condition. This is because it has a leaking roof, and also it cannot withstand the strong winds around our area. Sometimes, I am scared that, it might fall on me. This has made have a feeling that I should have a better shelter. I am planning to spend KES 60,000 to build a decadent house that will spare me from this nightmare. I will also invest the remaining amount in some indigenous goats that will act as an asset to help me in the future.
What is the happiest part of your day?
I have lived in this place for over 20 years now. Life has been tough moving up the hills and down the valleys. If I say that I am not happy then It will be a lie. The fact that I wake up in good health and spirit gives me joy and happiness because I get the drive and determination to work and earn a living.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I am an old man with no child to depend on. I have to fend for myself by doing casual agricultural jobs and charcoal production. The jobs need one to be energetic but due to my age, this has posed a great challenge to me. This is because they are cumbersome and therefore I have to take some time to rest. The fact that I have no dependents makes it worse. I separated from my wife after one year of marriage and decided to live alone. Since then I have been living from hand to mouth as a result of the low income I get from charcoal production. Therefore financial constrain is the challenge that I am currently facing.