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Newsfeed > Kasena's Profile
Kasena's family
Small business
Kenya Basic Income
Upcoming Stage
Next Payment
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33rd Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 17 days ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My greatest accomplishment will be building a new, spacious house for my family. With the monthly savings I am setting aside from a portion of my transfers, along with the ones I will continue to save from future transfers, I am optimistic that I will achieve this goal. God willing, by March next year, I hope to have my house in place. This goal holds immense significance for me because I have long desired to provide a larger and more comfortable home for my family, but financial constraints have always been a major obstacle. In addition to my housing goal, I run a kiosk where I sell household consumables. My plan is to invest a portion of my future transfers into my business so that it can grow and better support my family’s needs. Once the house is complete, I also intend to save more of my transfers to buy bulls that I can use to plow my farm. Currently, I rely on manual labor, which is very exhausting. Additionally, I plan to hire out the bulls to earn extra income that will further support my family. I am extremely grateful for the financial support I have received so far, as it has played a crucial role in transforming my life and bringing me closer to realizing this dream.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My biggest wish has always been to have my family living together under one roof in a three-room house that can comfortably accommodate us. To achieve this, I have been saving a portion of my transfers in our local savings group. Recently, I saved $60 from the transfers I received from GiveDirectly, which I plan to use to buy building materials once the funds mature and start constructing the house I have always wanted. Additionally, I have two children in school, so I spent $22 to pay their school fees, buy uniforms, and purchase some necessary books, ensuring they can attend school without any constraints. I also invested $12 into my kiosk business where I sell household consumable items by boosting its capital base, which I believe will help it grow significantly. I am excited about the potential of my business and optimistic that it will expand into something even bigger. Lastly, I used the remaining $8 to buy food for my family to ensure we wouldn’t go hungry. Each step I take brings me closer to realizing my dream of a better life for my family.
29th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 4 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My greatest accomplishment is to build a new, spacious house for my family. With the monthly savings I am diligently setting aside, I am confident that I will achieve this goal. I have set a timeline to complete the construction by next year in March. This goal holds immense significance for me because I have long desired to provide a larger and more comfortable home for my family, but financial constraints have been a major obstacle. I am extremely grateful for the financial support I have received so far, as it has played a crucial role in transforming my life and bringing me closer to realizing this dream.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My current house is very small and unable to adequately accommodate all four members of my family. To achieve my goal of building a spacious three-bedroom house, I joined a savings group where I save $20 every month. I have already saved $60 from previous transfers towards this goal. This savings strategy will enable me to accumulate enough funds to construct the new house. Previously, I ran a small kiosk business where I used the profits mainly for immediate needs such as paying school fees, buying food, and clothes for my family. This left me with no savings for personal development projects. Now, with the cash transfers from Give Directly, I can initiate such projects, including building my house. I invested $14 in purchasing more stock for my business, attracting more customers and increasing my profits. Additionally, I bought a goat for $14, which is a wise investment for the future. As the goat multiplies, my initial investment will grow. I also allocated $10 for school fees for my two children, ensuring they can continue their education without interruptions. Furthermore, I spent $4 on two packets of maize flour and 1/4 kg of sugar for my family's consumption. Unlike before receiving the transfers, I no longer worry about failing to pay my family's bills because the money supports me in doing so, while I also work on boosting my business and pursuing development projects.
26th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($24 USD)
access_time 8 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I mentioned that I am a member of a merry go round and I intend to continue putting my money into this group. We are twenty members so far each contributing $20 monthly. When we give an individual their turn of the money someone receives $400. This is such a huge amount. My plan is to continue using my transfers to contribute here so that at the end of it I will get my $400 which I will pump into the business and also get animals for rearing which are an advantage for me so that I can sell them off when my children need money for school.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My life has had a great transformation by being in the Givedirectly program. Before being enrolled by Givedirectly in their program I had a business. I did not have a lot of money to run the business and make it attractive to buyers. When I started receiving transfers I spent a good portion working on it that now I can say it is an okay business. I still add to it from time to time. I spent $14 from my February transfers on adding to this business. I joined a merry go round to which I have made a contribution of $60 in the last three months. Two of my children are school going I spent $14 from my January transfer to get them into school. In December I bought my two youngest shoes and clothes at $7.5 while $6.5 bought some food.
17th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($23 USD)
access_time almost 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Once I receive my contribution from the merry-go-round, I will expand my retail shop business by diversifying and adding more stock of items on high demand. Additionally, there's a secondary school under construction in the village, set to open next year. I'm sure I will be fully prepared to supply their needs. Eventually I will have secured a bright future for my children and alleviate my financial burdens. I will then build a bigger house for my family as our current home is quite small and insufficient to accommodate my entire family. Following these plans, I intend to acquire two bulls for the purpose of expanding our ploughing capacity. Currently, we can only plough two acres of our six acre piece of land. We will also provide ploughing services to other farmers, generating an extra income for our family.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My wife currently stays at home and has been struggling to secure employment. During the rainy season, she fortunately engages in farming, providing food for our family. On the other hand, I operate a modest village shop. Before receiving the transfers it could not generate a substantial income, making it challenging to cover our household expenses. The GiveDirectly transfers I receive every month have been a blessing to my family. Each month I invest $14 for my shop business. This has not only boosted our income but has also contributed to addressing our household needs. Additionally, two of my children are in school, and I have allocated $10 from the monthly transfers to cover their education expenses. Further more, I've also joined a merry-go-round group, comprising of ten members, where I'm able to contribute $10 every month just like every other member. This collective effort is a promising way that will enable me to accumulate a more substantial sum of money to attain my goals.
18th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($25 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
As I look ahead to the coming year, my main focus is on improving the small business I currently run by buying more stock and hopefully extending it. However, my long-term goal goes beyond just the business itself. I aspire to invest in two oxen that will greatly aid in land tilling, seizing the opportunity presented by the high demand for such services and the scarcity of available oxen. With these mighty creatures by my side, I hope to provide an invaluable service to the community while securing a brighter future for myself and my small business.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
When I received this month's cash transfer, I made sure to save $20 in the savings group I've been a part of for the past six months. The group is made up of 30 people, and once we reach a certain savings threshold, we become eligible for a loan. The thought of using that loan to invest in my small business filled me with excitement and determination. In addition to saving, I took care of some pressing matters by paying off $10 in school fees arrears for my two children, who are in grade one and two. I spent the rest of the transfer on food for my family of five.
14th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I have a big piece of land that I always cultivate but it had been more costly for me since I always hire livestock(cows)from a friend at a higher fee to help me with the land cultivation. But in the next one year, I would want to have my own two cows to help me with the cultivation work and one dairy cow as well believing that the profits I would be getting from selling the milk would be of great help in terms of fending for my family. And to achieve this, I would continue saving part of my monthly transfers to a certain amount that would be enough for the purchase of the livestock
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I received the transfers at a time when I was financially straining. I had two of my children in school who needed school fees and getting money for food was also a challenge. Upon receiving the transfers, I bought food worth $14 and, managed to pay $10 for school fees and deposited $10 to my savings account to help me with my future project and I currently feel a bit of relief.
10th Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($25 USD)
access_time almost 2 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I am married with four children. The support program has enabled me to open a small shop within my village but hardly get enough to sustain my family of six members. I have spent most of my cash transfers on food and school fees. Recently, I joined a savings group that takes up $10 of the cash transfers, leaving me with $20 for any other expenses. Drought has affected this village and food is a major challenge. I spent $12 to buy food, which would last for a week, and the remaining balance of $8 was used to settle the school fees arrears for my child.
6th Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($26 USD)
access_time over 2 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Nourishment has been one of the biggest concerns for me and my family especially due to persistent drought. Meanwhile the cost of living has gone extremely high which makes things even more tough for me and my family. Therefore when I received the transfers I went ahead to purchase four packets of maize flour which cost me KES 1,000. I also happen to own a store so I used KES 1,040 from the transfers I had to add more more stock to my store so I purchased sugar, tea leaves, maize flour just to mention a few. Afterwards I used KES 800 to pay a debt in tuition fee since my child had been kicked out of school two days prior to receiving the funds. I am still left with about KES 160 which I have yet put to use.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($27 USD)
access_time over 2 years ago
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly is doing well because through this funds,so many of us have achieved our small goals and changed our lifestyle. In my village I can attest that some have started small business which is an empowerment to meeting our basic needs like having atleast a decent meal once in a day and educating our children. I have not seen anything that this organisation is doing wrongly.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I have been in business for more than two years ,I own a grocery shop .Recently when I received the cash transfer I used the whole amount to buy more stock .I bought tealeaves,sugar and maize flour in wholesale because those are the commodities that are high in demand and I almost ran out of stock which is not good for business.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
1200 KES ($11 USD)
access_time over 2 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I was sitting outside my shop waiting for customers when I received the message confirming the received of the transfers from give directly. I had placed an order of KES8780 for some items but I only had KES8280. So, my plan was to sell more products so I may get the KES500. This plan was changed since I had the money. I immediately topped it up with what I had and got the goods I ordered for. The remaining amount helped with the purchases of some nourishment for my family. I felt relieved
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The biggest difference I have witnessed in my life from the funds I received is that my business is now operating smoothly and my wife, who is still in maternity, can feed well.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
In January 17th, my wife put to bed a set of twins, making me a father of four girls. One of my children is in kindergarten the others are yet to start school. My job as a shopkeeper hasn't been bringing in much. So, at the time I had some financial constraints and providing for my family was a challenge. My wife, who was on maternity, also had special needs. Therefore, when I received the funds from give directly, I used KES700 for food purchases and KES500 to top up the amount I had so I could purchase more stock for my shop.
access_time almost 3 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
I have a small retail shop in my village, I started it 6 years ago but due to financial constraints, it has not grown as I had hoped. My wish has always been to grow my business so I can have good returns, with GD transfers my dreams will come true. My plan for these transfers is to boost the business every month by adding something that has not been there before.
What is the happiest part of your day?
I am grateful f that my business is still running amidst the hard economic situation in the county.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I take care of my aging mother, plus my expecting wife, and our two children. The responsibility is overwhelming, especially with the current drought. Water and food have become rare commodities in my village. For water we have to walk 12km away from my village, prices of food, on the other hand, have also hiked up.