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Newsfeed > Janet's Profile
Janet's family
Kenya Basic Income
Upcoming Stage
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25th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 28 days ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I finished tailoring school last December. After completing eighth grade, I faced financial constraints that prevented me from attending high school. Fortunately, GiveDirectly's monthly transfers allowed me to enroll in tailoring school and acquire essential skills. With this support, I was able to open my own tailoring shop and purchase a sewing machine. I’m grateful for the opportunity to run my own business thanks to GiveDirectly. I believe the quality of my work will continue to attract more customers. The income from my business helps support both myself and my family. My ambition is to improve our quality of life and raise our living standards through this enterprise. Now that my business is doing well, I plan to open a salon for my sister, who will finish secondary school in December. I’ve been saving part of my GiveDirectly transfers in our savings group to fund this project. She has a talent for hairstyling and is eager to pursue her passion. This salon will not only help her save for college but also provide me with additional income to support my younger siblings in their education.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
As a tailor by profession, I used part of my most recent transfer to buy materials for my business, spending $25. I also purchased one chicken for $5 to start my poultry farming, which I see as a way to secure my financial future. If I encounter any financial challenges, I can sell some chickens to support myself. I paid $20 for house rent since I live away from home, and the payment date had already arrived. Additionally, I bought food for my family, spending $19 to ensure we have what we need. With our transfers coming to an end, I’m planning to invest in livestock, specifically goats, as a lasting reminder of the support from GiveDirectly hence the reason why I spent the remaining $14 to buy a gaot.
22nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 4 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I finished tailoring school last December. After completing eighth grade, financial constraints prevented me from attending high school. Fortunately, GiveDirectly, through the transfers they send each month, enabled me to enroll in tailoring school and acquire essential tailoring skills. My immediate goal is to purchase a sewing machine and expand my inventory of materials for my tailoring business. I have already secured a workspace where I will create dresses and school uniforms. I believe with the good work I will do, my neighbors will make me the number one on their tailoring list, when looking for someone to make their dress. My ambition is to improve my family's quality of life and raise our living standards through this enterprise.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I completed a tailoring class last December and started my own shop. To attract more customers, I invested $10 in materials for my work. I also aimed to enhance my skills by saving $20 towards purchasing a new sewing machine, which would make my work easier and enjoyable to do. Currently, I own four goats; I spent $15 on acquiring one, with plans for them to multiply so I can eventually trade them for cows. Additionally, I bought four chickens for $9, and now I have a total of sixteen. Recently, I faced health issues and was diagnosed with ulcers, which required treatment costing $34. Thanks to GiveDirectly, I was able to afford medical care and am feeling much better now. With the remaining transfers, I allocated $14 towards personal items such as sanitary towels and new inner wears.
18th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($24 USD)
access_time 8 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
With my acquired sewing machine and honed tailoring skills, my focus now shifts towards establishing my own tailoring business. My objective is to secure a stable source of income that will not only support my own aspirations but also enable me to provide assistance to my parents, who currently rely on charcoal making to support my six younger siblings, all of whom are in school. By renting a suitable workspace and procuring the necessary materials, I am laying the foundation for my entrepreneurial venture. Through hard work and determination, I aim to transform this endeavor into a thriving business that not only sustains me but also uplifts my family. Beyond personal and familial goals, I recognize the broader impact that my success can have on the community. As a role model for younger girls in my community, I aspire to inspire them to pursue their ambitions and break free from the tradition of early marriages. In essence, my journey towards establishing a successful tailoring business is not just about personal gain, but also about creating opportunities for others and driving positive change within my community. Through dedication and perseverance, I am committed to realizing these aspirations and making a lasting impact on the lives of those around me.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Over the past few months, I have diligently saved my transfers, resulting in significant progress towards realizing my aspirations. With careful financial planning, I have successfully acquired essential assets, including a sewing machine valued at $150 and two goats valued at $60. Additionally, I have been able to address my personal needs, including clothing. Having recently completed a two-year course in fashion design, I am now ready to embark on the next phase of my journey, establishing my own tailoring business. Securing the sewing machine through the transfers marks a critical milestone in this endeavor, leaving me with the remaining tasks of procuring sewing tools, materials, and securing a suitable business premises. Moreover, these transfers have provided me with a sense of independence by enabling me to support myself and meet my personal needs without relying my parents. Despite currently lacking a stable income, I am empowered to pursue my goals with confidence, thanks to the financial flexibility afforded by the transfers. As I move forward with my entrepreneurial ambitions, I am grateful for the support provided by the transfers, which have played a pivotal role in enabling me to take tangible steps towards realizing my dreams and achieving financial autonomy.
13th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($23 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Once I complete my studies, my goal is to establish my own tailoring shop. I plan to save diligently to acquire a sewing machine and the necessary materials. This endeavor will not only enhance my living standards but also improve the quality of life for my family.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I am currently a student at a tailoring college. I used $20 to cover my school fees to ensure there would be no disruptions to my studies. In addition, I have a total of sixteen chickens, having purchased two more for $10 to add to my flock. With the remaining $4, I invested in sanitary pads and soap to maintain good hygiene.
10th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($25 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
With the unwavering support of GiveDirectly, I am on a remarkable journey towards a brighter future. As the day of completing my studies draws closer, my heartfelt desire is to acquire a sewing machine and turn my passion for tailoring into a thriving business. Their invaluable assistance has not only eased my financial burden but also ignited a sense of purpose and determination within me. Grateful for their unwavering support, I eagerly anticipate the day when I can set up my own sewing machine and embark on an entrepreneurial endeavor that will bring fulfillment and success to my life.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
As a dedicated college student, I manage my finances responsibly while pursuing my passion for tailoring. Each month, I prioritize reducing my school fees debt by allocating $25 towards my educational expenses. Recognizing the potential for additional income, I invest $5 in purchasing chickens, exploring new entrepreneurial opportunities. To maintain my physical well-being, I wisely spend $4 on nutritious food that keeps me fit and energized. Through this balanced approach, I pave the way for financial stability and personal growth as I excel in my studies and pursue my tailoring dreams.
6th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
The only dream I have right now is to complete school with a good grade and open my fashion shop. I will be sewing clothes that I will be selling to my clients at affordable prices and I also ensure I buy a sewing machine that will make my work easier. Life is really becoming tough and it needs tougher people with divided ideas of making it in life. I would also want to start my poultry farm where I will buy a lot of chicken and as I wait for them to hatch I will be selling the other ones. With increased profit, I will be able to build my house and live the kind of life that I have always dreamt of having.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I am currently in tailoring school and I believe by the time I complete it, I will do so with high grades and I would have gained more skills that will make me be outstanding in the fashion industry. I joined tailoring school almost immediately after I received my transfers because my parents were not in a financial position to enroll me at school. I normally pay school fees of $32 monthly and thanks to GiveDirectly I am able to easily pay my school fees without any difficulties. I have no job at the moment because all my time and energy I invest in the betterment of my tomorrow. The moment I received my January transfers, I used it to settle my fees and I made a promise to myself that the next transfer I will go shop for clothes and sanitary towel. I took $20 and went and bought new clothes, shoes and sanitary towel that made me feel comfortable about myself. It was so difficult to afford a sanitary towel before, but I can comfortably buy them without any difficulties now. I also went ahead and bought two chickens that cost me $10 that I am praying they hatch so that I can easily sell without any difficulties.The remaining amount of $4 I bought food that really sustained me for a week. Thanks to GiveDirectly for bettering my life.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($25 USD)
access_time almost 2 years ago
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
It gives me strength whenever I feel like giving up. The organization is a blessing.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I did not complete my Secondary education due to school fees. My parents sell timber for a living getting a profit of $2 a day which is not enough to pay school fees for my six siblings who are in school. My family is known for debts in the village. On most days when my parent have not sold timber, we all sleep hungry. Receiving this transfer has enabled me to enroll in a three-year tailoring school I pay $20 per month and the rest I use for transport and food while at school. I am in my second year and come next year I will have finished it and start up my tailoring business to help out my parent.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
1200 KES ($10 USD)
access_time almost 2 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
It was on a Thursday evening and had spent the whole day thinking about where to look for a job to pay for my tuition that month. I was incessantly goading. Suddenly, I could not believe that a tiny beep of my phone would turn the day over. As soon as my eyes saw the message of the funds received, my heart skip a beat and I was on cloud nine. I was impatient and rushed to school before they closed to pay for my tuition fee. It was the best day. As the night crept in, I was looking forward to the next day at school.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The biggest difference in my life is being enrolled in a tailoring course. I never thought it would be possible to even attend college after completing my high school education with tuition difficulties. Currently, Give Direct has not only made my dream of being a tailor closer but also enabled the whole village to embrace communication through the support program that enabled all the beneficiaries to have a mobile phones and also knowledge of mobile cash transfers.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I am the first child in a family of eight children. After completing high school, I developed an interest in tailoring. I joined a tailoring college within the village, which would allow me to pay for my tuition every month. I spent $10 to partly pay for my tuition and used the $2 to buy sanitary towels. I was relieved because with the current financial constraints in my home and village, getting sanitary towels is a luxury, yet it is important.
access_time over 2 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
I am a student at Tsangatsini Sayuni Tailoring College. I had hoped to complete my tailoring course by mid next year but I have been having school fees challenges. It's my second month at home now due to a balance of 4,000 KES. Receiving this money will restore my hope of completing the course without those challenges. Every month, I require 2,000 KES for tuition fees which I will be sorted once I start receiving the transfers. I also commute each day and the transport cost is 200 KES by a motorcycle. My long term is owning my own tailor shop.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Towards the end of last year, I heard about the Give Directly project. This sparked a lot of hope in my life. Now that the long wait is over, I am glad that I can soon become a beneficiary. I have friends who have benefited through this project and have continued with their studies. This always brings happiness to my life.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I dropped out of school last year due to lack of school fees. I was in my second year of secondary education. This was my lowest moment. My parents are struggling financially especially now that my father is still recovering from tuberculosis. I have 5 siblings who are also in school. This year, I enrolled for a tailoring course in a training college which is around 15 km from home. Most of the time, I walk to school because I cannot afford the transport of 200 KES every day. To add insult to injury, it's been 2 months now since I attended classes because of the fees arrears. I have been undergoing challenge after challenge.