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Newsfeed > Belvin's Profile
Belvin's family
Kenya Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
Next Payment
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2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($354 USD)
access_time 3 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My plan now is to use my next transfer to pay for my children's school fees for the entire year and to complete the construction of their house. Afterward, I will use the proceeds from my farm to purchase a dairy cow so that we will have a steady supply of milk at home without having to buy it from the shops.Previously, I had cows, but they were stolen because they grazed on communal land, where they mixed with other people's cows and eventually went missing. This time, I aim to secure the dairy cow properly to prevent such losses.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
Thank you so much, GiveDirectly, for supporting us in ways that have truly transformed our lives. The unconditional cash you provided has helped us alleviate many of the challenges we faced. As you continue your work and visit other villages, I encourage you to enroll everyone so that more people can experience the same positive impact we have. I deeply appreciate and value your support.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My life and that of my family are not easy. My husband and I struggle to make ends meet. He is a teacher by profession but is not yet employed, so we rely on farming and burning charcoal while waiting for our crops to ripen to ensure a steady supply of food at home.Upon receiving my cash, I used $100 to rent a farm where I plan to plant maize. I already have a maize farm that is almost ready for harvest, and my goal is to have enough food at home so we can stop burning charcoal for sustenance. I used $80 to pay school fees for my five children, ensuring they can attend school and study peacefully without being sent home due to arrears.Considering our privacy, I decided to purchase iron sheets to build a house for my children. Though the house is not yet completed, I will finish it when I receive my next transfer. My children have reached an age where they need their own space and a quiet place to study. Lastly, I used the remaining amount to purchase food to sustain us as we wait to harvest our maize.I am truly grateful for the support, which has made a significant difference in our lives.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($151 USD)
access_time 5 months ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
When I received my first transfer, I had gone to my farm at home to clear the land. I had left my phone at home, and when I returned that evening, I checked my phone and saw a message confirming the receipt of $200 from GiveDirectly. I was so happy that I smiled immediately. I notified my husband, but he was in denial until I showed him the message. We had many unfulfilled plans, and we knew that it was our chance to make them happen.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
If not for GiveDirectly, I couldn't have planted my land, and my maize wouldn't have survived the weeds. Seeing my maize and fodder crops doing well now makes me very happy. Before the transfer, my husband and I were stressed about where to get the funds to make this happen. Thanks to GiveDirectly, we now have peace of mind and can focus on our farm without worrying about money.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I spent $70 from my first transfer to plow my land, which I hadn't planned on because I lacked the capital. I was almost too late, but thanks to GiveDirectly, I was able to do it. I spent an additional $45 to buy fodder seeds and plant my farm. On my other two-acre land, I had planted maize but didn't have money for weeding or herbicides, which was affecting the crops. With the transfer, I bought herbicides for $15 and dealt with the weeds, and now my maize is doing better. I also bought a mattress for $50 for my children, as they were using a worn-out one. I spent the remaining on food. We had been depending on charcoal production and casual jobs, but now, my husband and I are focusing on our crops. Thanks to GiveDirectly, we are looking forward to moving away from casual jobs and charcoal production when we successfully harvest our crops.
access_time 7 months ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
As a woman, I believe in the importance of self-reliance and contributing to my family's well-being in any way I can. While my husband's teaching job provides the main source of income for our family of five, I have taken the initiative to open a shop business selling foodstuff to the villagers. However, I have encountered challenges in stocking the shop adequately due to financial constraints. That is why I am grateful for the upcoming transfers, which will provide the means to invest in restocking the business. I plan to spend $100 towards this endeavour, ensuring that the shop is well-supplied to meet the needs of our customers. Additionally, I recognize the significance of our land in providing sustenance for our family. With this in mind, I intend to spend $300 on cultivating our seven acres of land. I will sow maize to feed our family and cultivate pasture for our goats, ensuring both food security and the well-being of our livestock. Achieving financial stability and food security is my ultimate goal. I am optimistic that these investments will contribute to our family's overall success.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Food is the well-being of a family. Just three months ago, I experienced a significant breakthrough in this regard. Despite the challenges posed by prolonged droughts in our area, I managed to harvest an impressive 20 bags of maize from my 1-acre piece of land, which I sowed back in November 2023. This accomplishment made me happy, considering that for the past two years, I had been struggling to harvest only 12 bags per season from the same plot of land. The elnino rains last year played a crucial role in this bumper harvest, allowing me to maximize the potential of my land and overcome the challenges posed by the droughts. Having 20 bags of maize in stock provides a sense of relief and security for my family of five. With this abundance of food, I no longer have to worry about food shortages or insecurity shortly.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Being responsible for overseeing the family, the farm, and the goats while my husband, Humphrey, is away teaching in the Mukutani ward is undoubtedly a draining task. It feels like a constant struggle to manage everything on my own, from household chores to tending to the farm and animals. I will admit, it can be exhausting and draining, especially with the added responsibility of looking after the children. The lack of financial resources makes it challenging to hire a helper, despite knowing how much it would ease the burden. Unfortunately, a previous attempt to employ assistance ended in frustration, with the helper demanding money before the month ended. It is a situation I cannot afford to repeat, given our reliance on Humphrey's support as a family of five.