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Newsfeed > Rodah's Profile
Rodah's family
Casual labor
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($295 USD)
access_time 11 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the coming year, my primary goal is to construct a latrine for my family. The current situation, where we share one with our neighbour, has been a source of discomfort and embarrassment for me. The need to ask for access to a latrine and, at times, resort to using the bush has brought forth a set of challenges that deeply affect our sense of dignity. To address this, I am determined to save the proceeds from the sales of honey to fund the construction of the latrine. This will provide a sense of security, privacy, and dignity for my family.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
In my perspective, GiveDirectly has truly excelled in providing generous support through the transfers. The impact on our village has been nothing short of remarkable, with beneficiaries making substantial investments that promise to lift them from the grips of poverty. Personally, I am immensely grateful it allowed me to realize a dream that once felt unattainable—I now own two cows. This ownership of cattle holds profound significance in my life as I am optimistic that these cows will serve as catalysts in enabling me to provide the very best for my daughter. The gratitude I feel towards GiveDirectly is heartfelt, as their support has not only made a tangible difference but has instilled a sense of hope and empowerment for a brighter future. Thank you, GiveDirectly, for being an agent of positive change in our lives.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Over the past thirteen years, I have shouldered the sole responsibility of caring for my daughter since parting ways with my spouse. Taking on the full responsibility of providing for her, my main income source involves irregular casual work, which is usually unpredictable. With a focus on securing funds for my daughter's future education, I invested $250 in purchasing a cow. My optimistic outlook hinges on the potential for the cow to reproduce, providing a means to finance her secondary and tertiary education through the sale of offspring, as she will be joining in the next three years. Additionally, I plan to generate income by selling its milk to cover our daily expenses. Expanding my ventures, I invested $75 in acquiring three beehives to initiate a beekeeping business—a promising endeavor in our area through the sale of honey. Recognizing the importance of personal comfort, I allocated $20 to replace my worn-out mattress. I used the remaining funds to complete the construction of a house that I had begun with the second transfer. I am thrilled to report that the house is nearly finished, requiring only the installation of doors and windows. This new residence will offer additional living space, bolstering my confidence in hosting visitors in the future. The current cramped living conditions have limited my ability to welcome guests, and the new house effectively addresses this constraint.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($306 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Constructing a new house has undoubtedly been the highlight of this year for my family. Although it is not yet fully furnished, I am eager to accomplish more in the coming year by obtaining new furniture, including utensils, chairs, tables, and bedding, to replace the old ones we've been using, including the tattered mattresses I have had for over a decade. I rely on farming as my primary source of income, and right now, I have beans growing on an acre of land. These beans will not only provide food for my family of two but also serve as a source of income. I am looking forward to these changes in the coming year, which will make our lives more comfortable and improve our overall quality of life.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
I am truly grateful to God and GiveDirectly for the generous support I received upon enrollment. The entire village shares in this gratitude, as the support has not only granted us a new lease on life but also the autonomy to make our own choices, different from traditional aid programs where donors predetermine how the aid were used. We have witnessed remarkable transformation in our village, and we hope that GiveDirectly will extend this support to other communities, thereby fostering positive change in more lives. However, one area for improvement could be providing educational or vocational resources to help us maximize the long-term benefits of the support we receive.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Currently, my daughter and I reside in a modest single-roomed house that's just enough for both of us. I had been contemplating building a new house, and I am thrilled that I managed to begin construction after receiving the second transfer. With $159, I purchased 16 iron sheets, nails, and round poles for the construction work. This new house not only offers additional space but also provides me with the confidence to accommodate visitors in the future. I also invested $90 in acquiring a sheep and a dairy goat, in addition to the two I already had. This expansion has resulted in increased milk production from the goat and ensured an easier path to covering my daughter's future school fees. To ensure we have enough food to sustain us while I work to buy more, I spent $45 on a sack of maize and $30 on 20 kilograms of dry beans. Furthermore, I purchased new clothing for both my daughter and myself for $55, bought household consumables, including toiletries and kitchenware, totaling $30, and utilized the remaining funds to manage my farm, which included weeding the beans and millet. I am incredibly grateful for the support and am eager to accomplish even more with the remaining support.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
18010 KES ($127 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
Receiving the first transfer from GiveDirectly brought a lot of happiness, as I received a message from the service provider confirming the arrival of the money around 3:00 p.m. The clear information provided during the early meetings by the staff made it easy to recognize the source of the transfer. At the time, I was alone on a farm within the village, unable to share the news with anyone. Later that evening, upon returning home, I shared the exciting news with my son. Since I had already planned and set specific goals for the money, there was no need for further discussion or changes. Given that my only daughter, who is 10 years old, would not fully comprehend the significance, I proceeded with my plans without further deliberation after collecting the money on the following day.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The biggest difference in my daily life since receiving the first transfer has been the newfound hope and breakthrough I experienced by investing in a heifer. Prior to the transfer, I faced numerous challenges, including the struggle to make long-term projections for my daughter's future school fees. However, as soon as I received the first transfer, I seized the opportunity to purchase a heifer, which has brought about a significant positive change in my daily life. The heifer represents a source of hope, as it holds the potential for future growth and prosperity, giving me renewed optimism and a tangible means to overcome my previous challenges.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
As a single mother raising my daughter, our living situation hasn't been too challenging thanks to the various family activities I have been engaged in, despite the harsh climate conditions. When it was time to enroll in the program, I had already decided to allocate part of the second transfer to purchase a heifer. After collecting just $5 from the mobile money shop for household essentials, I transferred the remaining $175 to a neighbor who was selling me the heifer. I am pleased to report that since bringing the heifer home, it has been thriving and showing positive progress. My hope is to witness its growth and maturity in the future. Looking ahead, I have a long-term goal of selling the offspring of the heifer to generate funds that will cover my daughter's school fees as she progresses through grade three. I am truly grateful to GiveDirectly for the support they have provided, as it has already made a significant difference in our lives.
access_time over 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
I live in an inadequate house. Made of mad. I plan to build a more decent house. Will build a one roomed iron sheet house. That will cost me $150. This means I will have a comfortable place to stay. To ensure a better future, I plan to buy a cow. It costs about $300. When they grow, I can sell for extra income. The cow will also provide me with milk for domestic use. To make tea and for drinking. Dairy goats do well here, I will buy two for $100. This will provide me milk and also sell them in the future. Their numbers will expand. I also have 2 children in primary school. I will save the rest of the transfer amount for their education. Education will give them a better future.
What is the happiest part of your day?
I haven one sheep. It brings me joy. I am hopeful that one day they will be more and bring me income through sales.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Hunger is the biggest challenge. I must get a casual job to buy food. Additionally, food is very expensive now. One gets paid $2 a day. This amount is very little and cannot sustain my family. Meaning we have inadequate food for us. During very difficult days we're forced to sleep without eating food. This makes me sad, being unable to feed family.