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Newsfeed > Sidi's Profile
Sidi's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($421 USD)
access_time 3 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the coming year, I aim to start maize crop farming to pave the way for a better future. First, I will prepare the land and plant maize, carefully tending to it throughout the growing season. As the maize flourishes, I plan to sell the harvest and save the earnings. With the proceeds, I will buy some goats to start goat farming, which I see as a long-term investment. Goat farming will provide milk and meat for my family and offer additional income through sales. This step-by-step approach from maize to goat farming will help me build a stable and prosperous future for myself and my family, ensuring food security and financial stability.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
In my view, GiveDirectly excels in its approach of providing unconditional cash transfers directly to families in need. By removing conditions, they empower recipients to prioritize their own needs, such as securing meals and educating their children, which has a direct and positive impact on their well-being. Additionally, their follow-up after the transfers enhances trust and accountability within the communities they serve. As for areas of improvement, while I haven't observed any shortcomings, it could be beneficial for GiveDirectly to explore ways to measure and communicate the long-term impacts of their interventions beyond immediate relief, potentially including aspects like financial literacy or skills development to foster sustainable change. This could further amplify the positive outcomes they already achieve.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I am a widow with five children, and I rely on casual jobs to provide for my family. Upon receiving the second transfer of $530, I knew I had to address our immediate health needs first. My youngest child and I were both feeling unwell, so I used $34 for medication. Now, we feel much better, allowing me to focus on other pressing needs. As a widow, ensuring my family has enough to eat is a constant concern, so I spent $20 on food to make sure we had sufficient nourishment. With the remaining $492, I have carefully planned to make impactful purchases that will benefit my family in the long run. I currently sleep on a small traditional bed that is very uncomfortable, so I want to buy a proper bed and mattress. This will improve my sleep and overall well-being, making me more productive in my daily work. Additionally, I plan to buy a sewing machine for my daughter, who recently completed a tailoring course. This will enable her to start her own tailoring business, generating income for our family and easing our financial struggles. These investments will help secure a better future for us all.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($420 USD)
access_time 5 months ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I had gone to check on my neighbour who had been sick for quite some time in the evening. On my way back, I received an M-Pesa message on my phone, and I was really curious to know who could have sent me money. I was not expecting any money from anyone, so I was anxious to know who could have sent me the money. Fortunately, when I read the message, I realized that it was the transfer from GiveDirectly that I had been waiting for since I was enrolled in their program. I was excited to learn this and couldn't wait to spend it on improving my living standards, as well as sending my two grandsons back to school, who had been home for quite some time.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
I'm glad that my two grandchildren were able to return to school after I paid their fees with the first transfer. They had been at home for several weeks and were missing classes, which could have negatively impacted their academic progress. Their parents were unable to pay their fees on time, so I'm happy that I was able to help and that they now have enough time to prepare for the next semester's payment. In addition, I've always wanted to rent some productive land for farming. The land I'm currently using is no longer productive, and it hasn't been sufficient for my polygamous family. I'm pleased that I was able to lease two acres of land, hire a tractor, and purchase 100kg of fertilizer and other farm inputs. I'm happy that I started cultivating early and am expecting a good harvest soon. This harvest will not only help ensure food security in my household but will also allow me to earn some money by selling the surplus. Currently, I don't have any source of income to rely on, so I'm hoping to sell the maize after harvesting and generate some income.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I come from a polygamous family with my other two co-wives, and our farming land has not been sufficient for all of us. Due to overuse, our land had become unproductive, and my only option was to rent productive land for farming. I have always wanted to lease some land to grow maize for my family's consumption and to sell the surplus for income. Therefore, I leased two acres of land, purchased fertilizers and other inputs, and hired a tractor for land preparation. With these efforts, I anticipate a good harvest, ensuring food security at home and generating income from selling part of the harvest. In addition to this, I have two grandsons who are currently enrolled in college, learning welding skills. Their parents have been struggling to pay their fees, and they had to come home at times due to a lack of funds. When the tuition deadline approached, they were sent home for almost a week because my son couldn't cover their fees on time. I wasn't at peace witnessing them missing classes while other students were continuing with their studies. To help them, I contributed $200 and paid for their fees, and I'm pleased that they were able to continue their studies. I also bought two goats for $70, which I am currently keeping. I didn't own any goats before, and I hope they will multiply so I can sell them if I need extra money.
access_time 8 months ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
I am a widow living with my daughter. I depends on subsistence farming though we rarely receive rain in our village. This makes the family sometimes go without food . I have changed to casual jobs that helps me earn little income to buy food. I have been sleeping on the floor due to lack of beddings. I will use $300 to buy six goats as an investment . This will assure me of sustainable source of income in the future. I will also use $200 to support my grand children education. They are at secondary school. The remaining amount will help me buy beddings and also save.
What is the happiest part of your day?
On October last year , we received rain in our community and planted maize on my one acre piece of land. I got three bags of maize each 90 kg and the food will sustain the family for the next six months. The harvest brought happiness in my life.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Reliable source of income is the current challenge I am facing in life. I am a widow who depends on subsistence farming though farming is not reliable in our area. Most of the time I do casual jobs earning little income which caters for food. The income is low such that I cannot buy beddings I do sleep on the floor. This affects my healthy.