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Newsfeed > Dennis's Profile
Dennis's family
Casual labor
Kenya Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
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2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($337 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the next one year and beyond I hope to accomplish a lot and my plans are more clear now that I have received a transfer from GiveDirectly. I am happy with what I have been able to accomplish so far and looking forward to making much more informed decisions that will improve my life and that of my family as a whole. Once I get my second transfer of $450, I intend to use the money to buy water pipes that will help me irrigate my five acre farm and increase crop production from it. Once this is established, I will then quit the matatu job that I am currently doing and concentrate fully on farming. I stay in a five acre piece of land that is situated between two rivers. This will make it easier for me to implement this plan that I have had in mind for the longest time now. I also have a neighbour 2ho started off as a young farmer but who has now advanced with the help of irrigation from these two rivers. He is willing to give me the guidance that I so much need to see this implemented. This project shall greatly improve my life and that of my whole family and make us have better living standards generally. In this farm I will be planting bananas, mangoes and oranges.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
In my opinion GiveDirectly does very well by being very transparent in how they run their operations. Hustlers like me have been supported immensely and through the cash we have been able to implement the things that would only remain as just dreams and stay as dreams for the longest time. Looking at the latrine that I have been able to put up and all other plans in the pipeline makes me very happy and a proud father. These are the things that I feel most proud with GiveDirectly
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
When I received my first transfer of $180, I used part of it to buy building materials. For a long time I had desired to put up my own latrine but the little amount of money that I made from matatu industry where I work in was hardly enough to allow me make such investments. I am so happy that I now have bought building materials and also erected at least two chain links that have made my compound more secure. I can now plant crops in my farm and feel more comfortable knowing that my farm will not be invaded by neighbors' livestock and other external attacks. With my second transfer of $450 I was able to buy 12 pieces of iron sheets that costed me $120, cement that costed $40 and a solar panel that went for $60. With the remaining amount of money of approximately $200, I bought new clothes for my children and food for the family as well I am so glad that this money has brought so much joy and change in my family. Right now, I already have plans on how I will use my third transfer of $450. It will bring complete change in my life as I will be quitting my matatu industry job just to concentrate on farming. Making hardly $4 per day has made my life and that of my family tough. I can hardly safe anything since all the money goes towards meeting the needs of my family such as buying food and which sometimes is not even enough. I strongly believe that practicing irrigation farming will bring huge changes in my life and that of my family.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
18010 KES ($145 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
Around 3:00 p.m., I was doing routine casual labor in a nearby shopping center in Marigat when I received a message notification from GiveDirectly. I knew it was from GiveDirectly after reading the message because I wasn't expecting any other money. Despite having read and heard other people discuss the same news, I was unable to open up to anyone, including my wife, on the same day. I wanted to pick it up with my wife on the third day, but she had errands to run. Before coming on in the evening, I proceeded to collect the entire amount and make the first purchases.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The most noticeable difference in my daily life since receiving the first transfer has been looking at the well-built fence surrounding my compound every morning. Despite the fact that I have not yet brought in any livestock, I am hopeful that the next step will be to ensure healthy grass growth in preparation for the purchase of a dairy cow and a goat. This has also made our work easier because my compound is no longer infested by the goats of my neighbors, who roam in search of greener pastures. Furthermore, GiveDirectly has improved my family's healthy eating habits after we refilled enough food for my family of three.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
After enrolling in the program, I was eager to begin spending the money on the goals that my spouse and I had set for ourselves. When I got the first transfer, I went to the list we had and made sure I spent it in the order we had set. With the first $100, I bought a chain link fence and used it to keep out stray livestock that had been invading and feeding on the growing grass. I intend to bring in at least a dairy cow and a goat to provide milk for my family of three, but first I need to ensure that I have enough grassy grazing grounds. I also spent $11 on a horse pipe, which I plan to use to connect piped water to irrigate my land. Irrigation is completely dependent on farming in our region, and I hope to venture into irrigation-aided farming to ensure food security and reduce food purchases. I also spent $35 on food, which included dry maize, beans, and rice, all of which we still use. In addition, I purchased other household consumables and saved the remainder to inspect and replenish any depleted household items.
access_time almost 2 years ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
My ambition is to earn a living through agribusiness. When I finished my high school education, I did not proceed further for lack of school fees. Seven years down the line, I do casual jobs to make ends meet. The money I get is unreliable as it is only enough to cater to the basic needs of the family which is food and medication. I cannot invest in farming for lack of capital, even though one can access soft loans the interest rates are very high. Since the only river that we depend on for water flows through my farm, receiving this money would mean achievement of my farming goals. I am considering vegetable farming( Tomatoes and kales) because it earns high profits. I plan on purchasing six rolls of water pipes at a cost of $ 200 which I will use to practice drip irrigation and $ 300 for fencing. I project on earning $300 monthly from it. I am extremely happy with the transfers from Givedirectly because it will make me live a dignified life like everyone else.
What is the happiest part of your day?
I used to do charcoal business a year ago but due to the strict measures by the government, I had to leave it and stay at home. Six months later, I got the tout job and even though it is on a casual basis, I am happy because I can provide for my family. We used to take two meals a day but currently we have three. This gives me satisfaction because they eat balanced and nutritious food everyday.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Raising a family of three single-handedly is the biggest challenge. We have a sickly child, which means my wife has to stay at home to look after him while I fend for the family. I work as a tout at the nearest town earning $5 a day. This amount is unreliable as it is seasonal and I hardly save any for future use. All of it goes into purchasing food and medication for my child. Living like this makes me sad but I am hoping to change my life for the better in future.