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Newsfeed > Blessing's Profile
Blessing's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
Next Payment
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Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($155 USD)
access_time 11 days ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
It was just after lunch, and I heard my phone buzz with a message. At first, I didn’t bother to check it, thinking it was just another one of those usual texts from Safaricom. After about 30 minutes, curiosity got the best of me, and I decided to look at my phone. To my surprise, I saw that I had received $200 from GiveDirectly! I couldn’t believe it, so I rushed over to my neighbor’s house to see if she had received hers too. When she said yes, we both started laughing with joy. Right away, I began thinking of how I could finally furnish my house with a proper cupboard, a comfortable bed, and a good mattress. It felt like a blessing had just arrived.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Before I received the transfer, my life was difficult because I had no proper cupboard in my house. The one I had was destroyed by floods and was too small to hold all my utensils, so I couldn’t close it. This made it easy for my children to access my things, which created a mess. However, since the transfer, I have a new and larger cupboard that keeps everything organized and safe. I am very grateful to GiveDirectly for making this change possible. Now, my home feels much better, and I can finally keep my utensils in order without worrying about my children getting into them.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
When I received my cash transfer, I felt a wave of hope wash over me. I immediately decided to spend $50 on a bed and a mattress for my children. Before this, they had no proper place to sleep and often went to our neighbor's house at night. It was not safe for them to walk outside our home after dark, and I wanted to change that. Additionally, I spent $110 on a new cupboard because the old one was too small and often left my things disorganized. My children would accidentally knock utensils down, making a mess, and I knew I needed a better solution to keep our home tidy. With the remaining money, I decided to purchase more food stock for my tailoring business. I make a modest income from my tailoring work at the local center, earning about $2 per day. This extra food stock allows me to save some of my income instead of constantly buying groceries. My husband works as a court clerk, bringing in a net salary of $350 a month, and together we strive to provide for our two children. Life has been challenging since we lost our two acres of maize in the floods, but we are learning to balance our finances. Furthermore, having a proper bed and a well-organized cupboard has brought peace to our home. My children are now sleeping soundly in their own bed, and I feel more at ease knowing they are safe. I also feel proud that I can manage my tailoring business better with the new supplies. Each improvement, no matter how small, makes a big difference in our lives. Thanks to this cash transfer, I feel more confident and hopeful about our future.
access_time 3 months ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
The past few months have been incredibly challenging, especially after my maize farm was washed away by floods, causing significant losses. This experience has shifted my focus, and I am now determined to venture into business. I used to run a hotel business before the floods, but had to abandon it due to the damage caused. Getting back on my feet has been difficult without sufficient finances. To support my family of four, I have been relying on charcoal burning and casual jobs, but these opportunities are hard to come by. However, there is hope on the horizon with anticipated transfers, thanks to GiveDirectly. I plan to spend $450 to open a retail shop in the village. The profits from this venture will be crucial for buying food and paying school fees for my children. Additionally, I will invest $150 in purchasing goats, which will serve as a future asset for the family. I am immensely grateful for the support from GiveDirectly, as it will uplift my family financially and provide stability after the hardships we have faced.
What is the happiest part of your day?
It was such a relief when Calvin ,my husband, finally received the job offer to work in Thika in March 2024 after searching for employment since he completed his grade 12 education in 2019. I could not contain my joy knowing that our financial situation would improve significantly. Taking care of our children in the village, I feel grateful that together, as a family of four, we can now combine our financial efforts to support our family. This opportunity brings hope and a brighter future for all of us.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
When the floods hit our village three months ago, they swept away all our maize crops. That was our main source of food for my family of four. Normally, we would have been harvesting them in September 2024, ensuring food for the next season in 2025. Now, I am really worried about how we will manage to get through the next season. We have been relying on casual jobs and charcoal burning to make a living, but these opportunities are scarce. It feels like we are constantly struggling to secure our next meal.