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Newsfeed > Isabella's Profile
Isabella's family
Charcoal burning
Kenya Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
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access_time 3 months ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Receiving this money will be like a dream come true because I have been wishing to live in a iron sheet house since my childhood but due to lack of finance I ended up constructing local grass hatched house which is not conducive in our areas because this is a flood prone area. I am planning to build 2 room sloped house for my family so that we can stay peaceful and comfortable like other people. I am planning again to clear school fees arears for my final year child so that he will be comfortable studying at school. I will use the remaining amount of money to buy food, clothed for my children and buy livestock ( goats and sheep).
What is the happiest part of your day?
I am very great full because I managed to educate my children single handedly, working as a farmer and charcoal burner. I have two children in secondary school one child is in his final year which is a great joy for me.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
The recent floods caused a lot of destruction in my family because my two grass hatched houses was partially destroyed and my 2 acre piece of land which I cultivated this season was swept away completely. I am now relying on casual labour to pay school fees for my 2 secondary school children and also cater their basic needs which is not enough. My biggest worries is for the one in the final year because I have huge school fees arears.