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Newsfeed > Kadzo's Profile
Kadzo's family
Casual labor
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
53010 KES ($367 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My biggest dream revolves around securing my children's future through quality education. If a stroke of luck brings in some extra funds, my ultimate goal is to channel those resources into their learning journey. I firmly believe that education unlocks the doors to success, and I am determined to provide them with the keys they need. My efforts in the charcoal-burning business are driven by this aspiration. With each little increment in savings, I am planting the seeds that will grow into a bountiful tree of knowledge for my children.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
In my perspective, distributing the money into two phases of transfer was another game changer. This allowed anyone who was caught by surprise by the first transfer to restructure themselves on how to utilize the second transfer wisely. I'm pleased with what I have done at an individual level, but I'm much more pleased when I consider what each person has accomplished. In my perspective, there is nothing wrong with the way GiveDirectly works.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My co-wife and I, both beneficiaries, saw an opportunity to change our family's circumstances. Together, we decided to invest in a dairy cow, pooling our resources to purchase it for $500. Our days of laboring over charcoal burning were exhausting and barely enough to make ends meet. The dairy cow held the promise of a steady income through milk production, an indication of stability in our unpredictable lives. We knew that with proper care, this animal could pave the way for a brighter future. Using a portion of my share, I immediately paid off the school fees for my two children in secondary school. It was a weight lifted off my shoulders, as borrowing money for their education had been a heavy burden. The remaining debts I owed to various shopkeepers were settled too, a step towards regaining my reputation and trustworthiness in the community. With a sense of relief, I turned my attention to the other needs of my family. It was heartwarming to see my children's faces light up as they tried on their new clothes. The cash transfer didn't just provide us with money; it provided us with choices, a chance to shape our lives, and an opportunity to rise above the challenges that once held us back.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($394 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I had gone to my farm in the evening and had left my phone charging at home. After greeting me, a neighbor passed by and asked jokingly if I had received any money from GiveDirectly. I was not sure if this was true because I had not checked my inbox, but I was curious to find out because it could be a rumour. I went back and got my phone, and when I checked, it was true because I had also received mine. I could not contain my joy at the prospect of building a new house and moving out of the grass-thatched hut that had served as my shelter for so long.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
I have been taking refuge in a small hut with a sagging roof. I was staying in the small hut with my co-wife and our grandchildren. Even for us two, there was not enough space. It was even worse when it rained because all of our belongings, including our clothes, were rained on, and water poured all over the hut, rendering it uninhabitable. I did not have a close relative I could go to for help, so I had to endure the cold with my young grandchildren. The only solution was to build an iron-roofed house, which became possible after I received the transfer. I was finally able to purchase iron sheets and building poles, and I was able to construct a spacious and decent house. Moving from a grass thatched house that had served as a shelter for decades to a decent iron roofed house has been the most noticeable difference in my daily life.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I used a large portion of my first transfer to purchase building materials such as iron sheets, building poles, and nails in order to construct a decent iron-roofed house. I have been hiding out in a grass-thatched hut for quite some time. My biggest worry was about my small grass-thatched hut, which has been my shelter for a long time. I could not stop worrying about it falling on me because it was weak and on the verge of collapsing. Moreover, despite the house's condition, I was living there with my co-wife and grandchildren. Because I could not afford to upgrade to a better house, I had to take a chance and stay in the hut. Furthermore, I was forced to replace the roof with new grass almost every month, which was inconvenient. I am relieved that I was able to finish the house and am no longer concerned about any mishaps. I also paid Mason's dues after completing the new house via the transfer. After that, I used the remaining funds to pay my children's school fees and buy enough food to last us several months. Thus, I felt relieved that my children were happily attending school, that food was plentiful in my home, and that my children were eating three meals a day.
access_time over 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
A polygamous under one room in a small grass-thatched house has been my life over the years. This is not the life I have wished to live because there is no privacy at all. Because of financial constraints, I have never been able to have a separate room and this has robbed away my joy as a parent. My desire to own a decent house is always differed since our income can not allow us that luxury. With this money, we will pool our transfers together with my co-wife and spend utmost $600 to construct a 3-roomed iron-roofed house. This will allow us to have separate rooms and save the rest for visitors. The new house will earn me the privacy that I have wished for a long time. The remaining amount will enable me to initiate a livestock project, more so, goats which multiply so fast. Having this project will mean boosting my daughter's education since I will be selling them at some time to earn profits and clear any required fees. Hence, I consider these 2 projects being the reason for receiving this money.
What is the happiest part of your day?
"They had a very colorful wedding which we attended and enjoy different delicacies". This is the story of my neighbor's son which happened last year in December. From this event, I got the opportunity to learn the importance of education. The urge for better education has always pushed me to ensure my daughter gets the best in school. Despite the financial crisis, I have maintained that she will be able to get the best skills and become competitive in the job market. This will enable her to have a better future and I believe one day, we will also invite people at home to celebrate the fruits of her hard work. The hope for a decent destiny is what has put a smile on me over the last 6 months.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
What is making my life harder is the financial constraints that I am currently going through. It is so painful to watch my daughter out of school for more than a week. If I imagine how tough it is to cater to her primary school education at the moment, I always think about what will be the fate if she joins secondary school. From my charcoal work, the income is barely enough to sustain all our needs. Our combined efforts with my husband earn us utmost $42, and this is very hard to balance between paying school fees and food. To an extent, we are at times compelled to forfeit meals or survive on one. This has been a very depressive moment for me and it has always devoured my hope in life. What a worrying situation!