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Newsfeed > Mwenda's Profile
Mwenda's family
Forestry (e.g rubber tapping)
Kenya Basic Income
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33rd Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 14 days ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I currently live in a small one-room house with my children, and my plan is to use the transfers I receive to gradually buy building materials until I have enough to construct a two-room house that can comfortably accommodate us. This new house will fulfill my long-time dream and bring me immense happiness. In addition to building our new home, I plan to continue saving a portion of my transfers. Once I have pooled enough funds, I intend to buy goats. I hope these goats will multiply, providing a valuable resource for the future. By selling them, I will be able to fund my children's education, especially as they transition to higher levels of schooling, which can be quite costly. I am excited about setting up this valuable asset that I can rely on, especially when this program comes to an end.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My dream is to establish a herd of livestock that will serve as a valuable asset I can rely on when this program comes to an end. To work towards this goal, I have been saving a portion of my transfers in my local savings group. Recently, I saved $30 with the intention of using it to buy goats in the future. I hope these goats will multiply and increase in number. I also had a debt of $10 from our savings group, which I paid off using my recent transfers. Additionally, I run a business selling dried sardines, and I invested $20 to boost its capital and help it grow. Recently, my daughter was sent home to collect school fees, so I used another $18 from my transfers to pay her fees and purchase some necessary books for school. Furthermore, I allocated $10 to buy building materials for a house that I intend to build for my family. Lastly, I spent the remaining $14 on food for my family to ensure we wouldn’t go hungry. Each step I take brings me closer to a more secure and prosperous future for us all.
30th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 4 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I live in a small one-room house with my children, and my plan is to use the transfers to gradually buy building materials until I have enough to build a two-room house for my family. This new house will fulfill my long-time dream and make me very happy. Additionally, I plan to use part of the transfers to buy goats. I hope they will multiply and increase in number, providing a valuable resource for the future. By selling the goats, I will be able to fund my children's education.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
As a mother of two school-going children, my primary goal is to ensure they can continue their studies without interruptions. To achieve this, I spent $16 on their school fees, ensuring they were not sent home for unpaid fees. Additionally, I spent $3 on required school supplies. Unfortunately, one of my children was sent home because her school uniform was completely tattered, and she was not allowed back until she had a new one. I spent $9 to buy her a new uniform, allowing her to return to school and continue her studies. Seeing her happy in her new uniform fills me with joy. To supplement our food supplies, I spent $4 on groceries for my family. I am also engaged in dried fish selling business and to boost it, I used $35 of my transfers to increase its revenue potential. Additionally, I have been saving in our local savings group for future needs. I saved $30 of my transfers with the intention of using these funds to buy goats once the savings mature. I hope the goats will multiply and increase in value, providing a financial resource to sell when needed. Lastly, my son was unwell and required medical attention, so I spent $5 to take him to the hospital. He is now doing better, and I am happy to see him going to school and playing with the other children.
26th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($24 USD)
access_time 7 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
More than anything, I want to own goats. I have been hoping to buy livestock ever since I started receiving the cash transfers, but there has been no chance to do so. This is because I am mostly constrained by the school fees of my three children, who look up to me to provide for them. I still hope that I will be able to save to buy goats and start creating wealth. I also wish to build a house. I currently share a one-room structure with all my children, and I feel that sharing the space will prove inappropriate as they grow older. I would be glad if I built a two-room one. To achieve these goals, I have been saving $10 every month through a savings club, and I hope to accumulate a significant lump sum next year to get started.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Things became tough after my husband passed away, especially because I was left with four school-going children to take care of. Sometimes I engage in charcoal-making practices to raise funds, put food on the table, and run a small sardine-selling business. I am happy that cash transfers have relieved me of some of the challenges that I used to experience, such as the physical demands of producing charcoal. From the recent cash transfers, I saved $30 through a savings club. I anticipate collecting a lump sum savings next year to start buying goats. I believe that owning goats will stabilize my financial situation, as I could sell them in the future to provide for my family. There was also a time when my children had spent a couple of days away from school due to unpaid tuition, and I had hit rock bottom in raising the money. The transfers came just in time, and I paid $32 to their school, enabling them to resume their studies. I also spent $18 to boost the stock of my sardines, as I had dipped into the stock money. The remaining amount went towards buying food, ensuring that my family did not have to go to bed hungry.
22nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($23 USD)
access_time 11 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Looking ahead, my goal is to build a new house. The current structure that my children and I occupy is a single room, which is too cramped for all of us. I have been saving some funds from the previous cash transfers whenever I get the chance, to build the new house. I anticipate receiving a lump sum of cash next year around April, and I plan to use that money to buy building materials for the new house. I also want to use some of the savings to buy at least two goats for rearing.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
As a widow, my children rely on me to provide for their needs, including school fees for my four children and food. I am happy that the cash transfers have alleviated some of the hardships I used to face when I relied on making charcoal to support my family. I saved $50 through a self-help group to accumulate enough money to buy goats. I plan to receive a lump sum next year to make this purchase. I used $10 to buy sardines and $4 to pay school fees for my child who had been sent home from school. I had to spend the money I used to run my sardine business on my children's school fees, so I bought sardines to revive the business. I also used $4 to buy two chickens for rearing. Additionally, when one of my children fell ill and missed school, I spent $20 to pay for his hospital bills, and he received appropriate medical treatment. The remaining amount from the cash transfers was used to buy food, ensuring that my children never missed school.
18th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($25 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I would love to establish an income stream by engaging in livestock rearing, specifically goats and cows. Currently, I rely on seeking assistance from friends or working on other people's farms during times of financial difficulty. However, this has not proven to be convenient. With the two goats I currently have, I plan to continue saving through the merry-go-round club to accumulate enough money to expand my livestock venture. This will build sustainable wealth for my family and reduce our reliance on external support.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Upon receiving the cash transfer, I contributed $10 towards a merry-go-round club. My objective is to accumulate enough funds to purchase either goats or cows for livestock rearing. As these animals reproduce, I can sell them to meet the needs of my family, such as paying for my three children's school fees. Currently, I run a business selling sardines, but before receiving the cash transfer, I had already used some of the capital to cover the school fees, which reduced the stock. So, I spent $10 to restock more sardines and keep the business running. Additionally, my children had missed two days of school due to an outstanding debt. To fix this, I used $4 from the cash transfer to settle the debt, allowing them to resume their studies. Also, hunger has been a challenge in my household. There have been times when we would go without food for several consecutive days. With the remaining amount from the transfer, I prioritized purchasing more food to alleviate this issue and ensure that my family enjoyed at least one meal per day.
14th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Since I am a single mother, I would always want my children to have a better life and also continue with their education, therefore my main goal in the next one year is to save part of my transfers every month and by the end of the year, I would want to start up a greengrocery business so that I have a source of income to support my children.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Ever since my husband departed, life had never been any better for me, getting money for food and other necessities had been quite a challenge and with the ongoing drought, the situation is getting worse. GiveDirectly had been helpful to me in terms of financial support and with the most recent transfers, I managed to pay school fees worth KES. 1000 because my children had been sent home, I bought food worth KES. 970 and saved the remaining amount of KES. 1500. I now feel happy because my children got a chance to go and continue with their learning.
10th Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($25 USD)
access_time almost 2 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I spent $20 on paying school fees for my three children in primary. They are now studying well without being sent home. This was affecting their performance since they would miss some lessons whenever they were home. I am so happy and this has given me peace of mind to do my daily activities well. I spent the rest of the money on food for the family.
6th Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($26 USD)
access_time over 2 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Two days prior to receiving the funds from GiveDirectly, my children had actually been kicked out of school for my failure in paying their tuition fee but this was because I had no money. So immediately I noticed the transfers had been sent out, I quick went ahead to pay KES 2,000 in school fees so that they would not have to spend another day staying home. I also used KES 1,000 and invested it in my business where I sell sardines from my home. Lastly I was left with KES 1,000 which I left on savings account because I planned of eventually building a house for me and children because the one we lived in at the moment was the shed where the goats used to stay previously.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($27 USD)
access_time over 2 years ago
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
Give directly has done very well when it comes to cash donations. This has helped me to support my children and improve my life. I now have a stable business and I have added ducks to my farm. I have not seen any area where give directly has not done well.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Being a widow has not been an easy journey for me. To fend for my children, I sell fish on the street. This business has not been earning me much. Whatever I get, I mostly use it to cover the food budget. When it comes to paying the children's school fees, I am forced to pay in installments. Currently, I have arrears of KES2,000 that I plan on settling using the profits I make from my business. So, when I received my first transfer, I bought two ducks. As for my second transfer, I saved 1500 in the Chama and the remaining KES1,500 I used to improve my business.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
1200 KES ($11 USD)
access_time over 2 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
All through my life I have been longing to get a reliable source of income. When GiveDirectly enrolled me in its program, I was convinced that my prayers had been answered. From then I anxiously began to wait for my first transfer. When the transfer was first sent, I was so excited. It was late in the evening at around 5.00pm and I was just resting at home with my children. I am so grateful to GiveDirectly for it's support.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The biggest difference in my life since I began receiving my transfer is having peace of mind after I had begun buying round poles for building new house. This has given me an assurance that I shall be able to finally build a new house. I am glad I shall finally be able to finish building a better house. I shall no longer live under such an extreme hard condition which I have persevered for some years. This will help in restoring my self-esteem.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I spent all of my very most recent transfer to buy 25 round poles. I am planning to build a new house. I have been living in a very old but small house that cannot accommodate all my household members. Whenever it rains, the current house leaks thus it becomes very uncomfortable. I shall be glad when my house is completed and I finally begin to live in it.
access_time almost 3 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
This cloudy weather scares me to death. If it was to rain today, my family will have nowhere to sleep. My muddy weak grass-thatched house is nearby collapsing and this means if rain falls, it will be washed away. The house doesn't have a door and I use the iron sheet to close the door during the night or when I have to go outside my company. I am scared that the sharp edges will injure my kids while trying to open the door someday. Receiving this money means that I will be able to build a permanent house and I will no longer have to be stressed when the rainy season nears.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Getting something to put on the table some days is what makes me happy. Even though we can't afford three meals a day, we have been able to eat at least one meal most days.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Food insecurity is the biggest challenge that I'm facing currently. Being in a polygamous setup family, my husband is not capable to provide for both families because of the low wages that he earns from casual jobs.