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Newsfeed > Chani's Profile
Chani's family
Small business
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
53010 KES ($360 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My aim is to bolster my charcoal business so that I can reliably cover the costs of my children's education. Education is the key to a brighter future for them, and I am determined to ensure they have access to the best opportunities. By acquiring more capital and expanding my business, I hope to not only provide for their school fees but also create a more stable and prosperous life for my family.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
The unconditional money they provided was a lifeline that allowed me to purchase the materials and labor needed for construction. I can't emphasize enough how much of a positive impact this has had on my life. Having a secure and comfortable place to live not only provides shelter but also a sense of stability and dignity. GiveDirectly's efficient and direct approach to helping individuals like me has truly made a world of difference.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I spent around $80 of my recent transfer on buying iron sheets, poles, and timber, which were for the addition of one room to my previous house. My family had been growing, and with seven kids, our single room could barely accommodate us all. It had been a relentless struggle to gather the materials, especially since I am their only surviving parent. There were times when I had to seek shelter from neighbors, and the embarrassment was hard to bear. Now, I feel an overwhelming sense of joy and relief as I look at our spacious new house, which can comfortably accommodate all my children. No more embarrassing moments of relying on others for shelter; we finally have a place to call our own. I also used some of the money to pay the school fees of $225 for my six children. Two of them are in secondary school, and the other four are in primary school. As a mother, it brings me immense joy to see them enjoying their time in class and studying without any worries of being sent home due to unpaid fees like before. I even managed to buy them new uniforms since their old ones had become worn and torn. With the remaining amount, I purchased food that lasted us for several days. This was a significant relief since my income mainly comes from my charcoal business, where I earn around $4 a day, and it's often unpredictable. These unconditional cash transfers have truly transformed our lives for the better, providing stability, comfort, and hope for a brighter future.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($389 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
At around 3 p.m., I returned home from the shamba, and my phone immediately rang with a message. My aide was around since I cannot read or write. She analyzed the information and let me know that I had received the initial transfer of $550 as promised by the GiveDirectly personnel who came to our home. I was overjoyed to get a large amount of money that was non-refundable for the first time in my life. This euphoria was brought on by the horrible condition my house was in since a remedy had been found for it.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
I can affirm that the primary difference is that going to bed hungry was essentially the norm before the transfer. I used to go without food even two days a week, but after the transfer, my song about hunger was rewritten. I appreciate GiveDirectly helping me out. Since I received the initial transfer, I haven't gone as long without eating. In addition, my kids are in school and doing well in their academics as a result of the transfer.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I spent the money I had just withdrawn on 20 pieces of iron sheeting, 4 ridges, construction poles, rafters, and roofing nails. Due to the terrible condition of my grass-thatched house, the goal was to build a new one rather than attempt to repair it after obtaining the transfer. The house, which frequently leaked during rainy seasons and had walls that were so broken that you could see everything happening outside while inside, sleeping peacefully was a dream I never imagined coming true. There was no protection for my life or the possessions I had in the house. These supplies cost $342 in total. The building process has currently begun, and the contractor's labor will cost $100, which I have already placed up for him. In addition, I paid $100 in school tuition for my five children, who are entirely dependent on me now that their father has passed away. While the other four are in elementary school, one of them is enrolled in secondary school. I thought it would be wise to spend the remaining money on the family's maintenance because I had to rely on charcoal burning for existence, which was quite taxing.
access_time over 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
I have a family of eight members and we all live in a one room house with grass roof. The family spends sleepless nights during rain season. My husband died ten years ago. Since then I have been struggling raising the family alone. I do casual jobs earning approximately $30 which caters for food and school fees. My family uses 2kg of maize flour per day. I have five children schooling with one being at secondary and the other four at primary school. I lack the capacity to build a spacious house for the family. When my daughter comes from secondary school she seeks shelter from neighbors. This is risk for her being a girl child. I will use $700 to build a two room house which is spacious for the family. I will also use $200 to clear school fees balances for my children and also prepay for the coming term. I will use the remaining money to buy food for the family.
What is the happiest part of your day?
My third born daughter schools at Nairobi . I do not know the school since the name is hard to spell and I never went to school. She is in form two now. Early This year she got fully sponsorship which was organized by the school. I am very happy because had it not been for the sponsorship then she would have dropped out of school.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Lack of house is the challenge I am currently facing. I have a family of ten members and we all live in a one room house with a grass roof. It leaks during rain season and lacks privacy.