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Newsfeed > Kabunda's Profile
Kabunda's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Basic Income
Upcoming Stage
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18th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 4 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Three years ago, my tiny one-room mud house was washed away by floodwaters from heavy rains, leaving me homeless. I took refuge in my eldest son's house, living with him and my daughter-in-law. Despite intruding on their privacy, I had no other option, as I am very old and financially dependent on my son. When I enrolled in the cash program, I set a goal to use the transfers to buy building materials like poles, iron sheets, and timber to build a new house for myself. Today, I am very happy to say that I have achieved this goal. Last month, I moved into my new house after more than three years of living in my son's home. I spent the entire $102 to purchase three pieces of iron sheets, timber, and to pay off the arrears to the mason who built the house. Words cannot express how happy I am to have achieved this goal and finally have a place to call my own. When my house collapsed three years ago, I was traumatized and stressed. Today, my heart is filled with joy, and I cannot thank Give Directly enough for the financial support I have received from the transfers.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Having completed the construction of my house, my next goal this year and beyond is to purchase a bed and a wooden mattress. Currently, I own a sisal twine bed, which is not comfortable and often leaves me with severe body pains. Acquiring a new bed and mattress will ensure that I get good sleep and alleviate my body aches.I am very happy and deeply appreciative of the financial support. It has greatly helped me achieve one of my long-held goals, and I look forward to further improving my quality of life.
14th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($22 USD)
access_time 8 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I have made significant progress toward realizing my lifelong dream of owning a home. The collapse of my previous house occurred when heavy rains washed away its mud walls. As an elderly woman, I now rely on my relatives for support, as I am no longer able to care for myself. For the past decade, I have been residing in my son's house, as he is rarely home, working in Mombasa. I have already purchased iron sheets and building poles, and most recently, I utilized my transfers to pay the mason $70 to begin construction on the new house. The construction is currently at the halfway point, and I am very pleased with the progress thus far. Although I am facing some difficulty in acquiring additional building poles, I remain optimistic that they will soon be available, allowing for the timely completion of my new home. I am filled with joy and eagerly anticipate moving into my new house in the next few months once the construction is finished.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I am on the verge of realizing my dream, and it evokes mixed emotions within me. The journey has been long, spanning over 10 years, as I patiently waited to construct my own house. Now, as the year begins, I find myself at a loss for words to adequately convey my gratitude to Give Directly for making it possible for me to own a home once again. My current objective is to utilize my transfers to acquire the remaining building poles and ensure the completion of the house.
10th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($24 USD)
access_time almost 1 year ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Last year, a devastating incident occurred when a strong evening wind caused my house to collapse. As a result, I find myself without a proper dwelling and have been relying on my grandson's house for shelter. However, he is currently away, working in the town. Fortunately, I am now in the planning phase of constructing a new house. Thanks to the transfers I have received, I have already been able to purchase fourteen pieces of iron sheets, which will be sufficient for the roofing of my new home. In addition, with the funds from my August transfers, I have acquired the necessary building poles. This progress brings me immense joy, as it means that in the upcoming months, I will have gathered all the required building materials for the construction of my new house. The anticipation of having a place to call my own is truly uplifting, as it will finally allow me to cease relying on the hospitality of others and provide me with a sense of stability and independence. The support I have received through these transfers has been instrumental in helping me rebuild my life and regain a sense of security. I am truly grateful for the assistance provided, and I eagerly look forward to the day when I can move into my own house, leaving behind the uncertainty of residing in other people's homes.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My primary objective is to allocate the financial resources I am receiving from Give directly towards the construction of my new house. The prospect of finally moving into my own home after a prolonged period of residing in my grandson's house brings me great joy. I am currently working diligently to ensure that by January of next year, my house will be completed and ready for occupancy. At present, I am in the final stages of procuring the necessary materials for the roof, such as poles, nails, and timber. Acquiring these items is a critical step in the construction process, and I am dedicated to ensuring that I have everything in place to facilitate the smooth progress of the project. I am extremely grateful for the financial assistance that I have received, as it has played a pivotal role in making my dream of owning a new house a reality. With each passing day, I grow more excited about the prospect of moving into my own space and bidding farewell to the days of relying on the kindness of my grandson.
6th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($25 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
After my house collapsed a few years ago, I moved into my grandson's space where I have been staying to date. I had always wanted to own my house but I did not have the finances to construct one. The cash transfers allowed me to build a house. For the last three months, I have been spending the money on buying iron sheets for the structure. So far, I have accumulated six pieces of iron sheets. I plan to also spend the entire amount from the recent transfer to obtain three more iron sheets. My intention is to accumulate the building materials first, then hire someone later to construct the house to completion.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Right now my focus is on building a new house. This is what I wish to have accomplished in the coming years and below. I have been staying in my grandson's house and I feel like am depriving him of his privacy. Besides, in the event he gets married, that would make me a number one inconvenience in their house. I have been spending my transfers to buy iron sheets for my house. Since it will be a one-room structure made of mud walls and a tin roof, I intend to accumulate at least 14 pieces of iron sheets and secure building poles first. After that, I will get someone to build the shelter.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($28 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I was honestly quite relieved to receive the funds when I did especially because at the time I was quite unwell and barely had any money to seek medical attention. Therefore, soon as I got the chance to withdraw the transfers I went ahead and paid KES 400 after receiving treatment. Afterwards I proceeded to save the rest of the money which was KES ,000 because I had the intention of buying iron sheets so that I could finally renovate my house. This would be a more permanent solution to the roofing of my house since at the moment it is grass patched.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
This has been my second transfer since I got enrolled into the program and I can generally say I am quite grateful for all the help I've received so far. Through this money that I'm receiving I will finally be able to build myself a better house, take care of my health since I'm quite old and quite often I fall ill and also be a great helping me cater for my nourishment.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
1200 KES ($10 USD)
access_time almost 2 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I used all of my transfer money to pay for medical expenses. The past four years have seen a decline in my health, necessitating frequent hospital visits. Due to my health issues, I am totally dependent on my daughter-in-law for both financial and physical support. My daughter-in-law works on casual jobs, such as washing other people's clothes and kitchenware, to support her family. She receives very little pay, so she struggles to pay for my expensive medical expenses. After missing the previous three checkups due to a lack of funds, I was ecstatic to receive my transfer because it provided a significant financial boost for me to seek proper medical treatment.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
By allowing me to visit the hospital and receive proper medical care, the money has greatly improved my life. I relied heavily on home remedies made of medicinal herbs for over two months. My health did not get better and kept getting worse. I'm happy to report that my health has improved since I received the transfer that made it easier for me to visit the hospital.
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I had already fallen asleep when my phone notified me of a text. Since neither I nor my daughter-in-law had any money, taking a nap was the only available treatment for my illness. My daughter-in-law informed me that I had received my first transfer while I was lying on the bed. My cheeks were dripping with tears of joy as I prayed quietly to the Lord in thanks for the miracle of the money.
access_time over 2 years ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
With my old age, I am experiencing general weakness all over my body. I cannot take care of myself and many times I feel like I am being a burden to my family because they have to attend to themselves as well as myself.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Old age is never welcomed by the fact that it comes with an added responsibility, someone to take care of me. However, I am happy with the warmth of my family. I feel a sense of belonging and I am grateful for that.
What does receiving this money mean to you?
I have been living in a grass thatched house for more than twenty years. I have been fearing for my safety since I am old and cannot sleep without lighting a fire. My house may catch fire at any moment probably when I'm asleep. I am planning to save for 10 months to a total of 30000 KES to build a mud house with iron sheets.