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Newsfeed > Elizabeth's Profile
Elizabeth's family
homeHousehold Size:
Standard Kenya
Upcoming Stage
Next Payment
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2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
50000 KES ($493 USD)
access_time 8 years ago
What did you spend your second transfer on?
I spent 20000 KES of the first lumpsum on plastering my house , paid school fee of 10000 KES, used 9000 KES in constructing a latrine and boosted by business using 11000 KES.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life.
My life has improved and I feel independent I can run my business on my own without borrowing loans.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
10000 KES ($99 USD)
access_time over 8 years ago
What did you spend your first transfer on?
I paid school fees 5000 KES, bought a mattress 3000 KES and spent 2000 to buy clothe materials for my busines.
What are you planning to spend your upcoming transfer on?
I am planning to build a toilet, buy a cow, pay school fees and spend some to expand my business.
access_time over 8 years ago
What are you planning to spend your transfer on?
I am planning to pay school fees for my children, one who is in secondary school and another one in primary school. I will also use part of the transfers to buy some oxen and a ploughing machine which I will use when tilling my farm. If the funds are remaining I will buy sand, cement and iron roofing sheets which I will use to build a pit latrine.
What is the achievement you are proudest of?
My proudest achievement is having worked as a tailor for eleven years all the while saving my profits. I eventually used the savings to plaster my house and bought another tailoring machine.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
The biggest hardship that I face right now is lack of enough money to pay school fees for my children, my business is not very profitable at my present location and if I am unable to raise the required fees from my sales my children might have to defer their studies.
What is the happiest part of your day?
The happiest part of my day is in the evening when I am from from my tailoring business with some little money which I usually use to buy food for my children.