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Newsfeed > Christine's Profile
Christine's family
Casual labor
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($306 USD)
access_time 8 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the coming years, my goal is to expand the size of the land I am leasing from half an acre to one full acre to enhance its productivity. As victims of banditry, we had to leave everything behind and seek refuge in Tuitik village, where we currently reside on borrowed land. However, the land is too small for farming, prompting us to lease additional acreage to support our agricultural activities. By farming on a larger plot, I anticipate higher yields and better returns. My plan is to cultivate maize for commercial purposes, generating income to sustain my children's education. With seven students still in school, I recognize the importance of working diligently to ensure they receive the best education possible by paying their fees on time. Therefore, expanding our farming operations is crucial for securing their future.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
In my opinion, GD has demonstrated exceptional generosity by giving us a significant amount of cash without discrimination. If it had been another organization, we may not have had the chance to benefit, especially as we are newcomers to the village, having been displaced by bandits two years ago. We are immensely grateful for this support, as it has given me the motivation to rebuild my life.After losing all my livestock to the bandits, I used part of the transfer to purchase two goats, which I see as a valuable investment due to their rapid reproduction rate. I am confident that in the near future, they will multiply and contribute to supporting my children's education through their sales. Additionally, the transfer has alleviated my concerns about paying school fees, allowing me to cover my children's educational expenses without worry. Thank you for the assistance, GD.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The third transfer brought immense relief to our family, arriving just in time for the new school year. With three children in secondary school and limited income from casual labor, and my spouse's teaching salary of $80 monthly, paying school fees was a daunting challenge. Utilizing $30 from the transfer, I was able to ensure that three of our children could start school without any delays or worries. Without this assistance, I am uncertain how we would have managed, as seeking help through village fundraising is not only embarrassing but often insufficient. From my experience, the most you could raise through this fundraiser is $20. Witnessing our children heading off to school on opening day filled me with gratitude and pride. Additionally, I allocated $35 of the transfer to purchase five plastic chairs. Previously, we struggled with limited seating, but now we have ample chairs for our family gatherings and visitors. I spent the remaining funds on purchasing food to sustain us. Despite facing challenges with our leased land and limited maize production, we're grateful for the support that ensures our family's basic needs are met.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($282 USD)
access_time 9 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the coming years and beyond, my primary goal is to accomplish the education of my children. Currently, I have one child in class eight, another in form three, and one more in form four. The aspiration is to see them through their respective educational journeys, ensuring they complete their studies successfully. My wish is the completion of my children's education, guiding them through crucial milestones such as completing class eight and successfully finishing form three and four. The reason behind this goal is rooted in the profound joy and gratitude it would bring me. Education is a pathway to a brighter future for my children, opening doors to opportunities that can break the cycle of limited resources. This will involves careful financial planning and dedication to meeting educational expenses. This may include tuition fees, books, and other related costs. By prioritizing and allocating resources effectively, I hope to create an environment where my children can focus on their studies without financial barriers hindering their educational progress. In essence, my wish is to witness the academic success of my children, and the motivation behind it is the happiness and gratitude that would come from providing them with the tools to build a better future through education.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly is doing well by providing direct financial support, bringing joy to people's faces. The straightforward approach of giving money directly has a positive impact on the lives of those receiving assistance. My suggestion would be for GiveDirectly to continue with this effective method, as it is making a meaningful difference in the well-being of individuals and communities.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
With the recent money I received, I made thoughtful choices to improve different aspects of my life and my family's well-being. I used $50 to secure a piece of land for farming. This decision was driven by the desire to invest in agriculture, which I believe will provide a sustainable source of food and income for my family in the long run. Understanding the importance of education, I allocated $100 to pay school fees for one of my children who was at risk of not receiving their KCSE certificate due to an outstanding fee balance. This investment was crucial to ensure my child's academic progress and future opportunities. To address immediate needs, $50 was dedicated to purchasing food. This was a practical choice to fulfill a basic necessity and support the nutritional requirements of my family. Recognizing the significance of education, I also spent $35 on the KCSE examination fee for another one of my kids. This step was taken to secure their educational advancement, paving the way for future opportunities and growth. Lastly, $40 was used for clothing, addressing the essential need for adequate and comfortable attire for my family. The allocations were purposeful investing in farming for future sustainability, securing education for my children, ensuring immediate needs like food, and attending to clothing requirements. Each decision aimed at improving our overall quality of life in a meaningful way.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
18010 KES ($121 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
The memory of the moment I received my transfer remains vivid in my mind. It was 3 pm, and I was at home, unwinding after a long day of work on the farm. Suddenly, I heard my phone ring, and upon checking, I realized that GiveDirectly had sent the promised transfer. Words alone cannot convey the immense joy I felt at that moment. I knew that I would now be able to address the pressing issue of paying my children's school fees, which had been a constant worry. Due to our limited income, it had seemed nearly impossible to cover them all at once. I immediately shared this wonderful news with my husband, who was equally overjoyed and grateful.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The biggest difference in my life now is that all my children are attending school without interruptions. In the past, they used to be sent home frequently because we could not afford to pay their school fees all at once, resulting in arrears. I am incredibly happy that this heavy burden has been lifted from our shoulders, and for that, I am truly grateful.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The moment we received the assurance of financial support from GiveDirectly, I knew it was a turning point in my life. This was because I recognized that I could finally clear the lingering school fees arrears. My husband works as support staff in a school, and I am a farmer. Together, we are blessed with ten children, three of whom are now grown and independent. Upon receiving the transfer, I made the decision to allocate the entire amount towards settling the school fees needs of our children, a burden that my husband and I had been carrying for a while. This amounted to $180. I am grateful to have achieved this in a short span of time, unlike before when we had to pay in small installments. We are delighted that our children can now fully focus on their studies without the worry of being sent home to collect school fees.
access_time 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Since we don't own any piece of land here. We depend on casual jobs to buy food.It's important we buy food because have a shortage. We're sometimes forced to sleep hungry. Plan to spend $200 on food, clothes and other household items. We have 2 boys in secondary school. Paying fees ensures their stability in school. We plan to clear their fee areas and pay some upfront. That's approximately $300. Goats do well here, we need to invest in them. I plan to buy 5 goats costing about $200. They can be sold in the future to cater for our needs. I also need a cow, it costs around $200.We can milk for domestic use or sell them when their numbers grow. They can also act as an emergency source of income. Lastly, due to the poor state of our house. We plan to expand and repair it. It's too small for our family currently. This can cost about $150. It means we'll then have a good place to call home.
What is the happiest part of your day?
We're are happy here because of the stability. There's peace and one can sleeping comfortably without worrying about bandits attack. It's better even though one may easily lack food here.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Due to insecurity in our previous home, we were displaced. We lost some of our neighbors and other relatives due to the conflict. Bandits would attack our homes and steal our cattle. We lost all our livestock as a family in early 2022. We came here to save our lives and start over again. It's really hard here due to the unfavourable climate and rocky areas. It's not suitable for farming. We also borrowed this place to set up a home. We're always worried if the owner may send us away. This has affected our lives, we cannot get enough income to sustain a family well.