GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Newsfeed > Joyce's Profile
Joyce's family
Subsistence farming
Standard Uganda
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
1686157 UGX ($441 USD)
access_time almost 6 years ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My life is different in that I am a stress free person because I don't move up and down looking for tuition for my children and I have paid off the debt I had.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
In my opinion, Give Directly has done well by giving unconditional cash transfers to the poor. I do not see what Give Directly has failed to do well.
What did you spend your second transfer on?
When I recieved my second transfer, I paid a debt of 800,000ugx which I had borrowed for paying tuition. I also bought a bull worth 650,000ugx for ploughing. Treated my husband with 70,000ugx and feeding costed 30,000ugx. I bought clothes for myself and my children.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
1754517 UGX ($467 USD)
access_time 6 years ago
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life.
The biggest difference in my daily life is that, my life is full of hope because the cow and bull will help me as an income generating activity which will further my children's education. Besides, I will use the bull for ploughing land for crop cultivation and the cow will provide food for the household members.
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
When I received my first transfers, I was filled with a lot of Joy.
What did you spend your first transfer on?
When I received my first transfers, I am planning to purchase a cow and a bull which I will use for milk production and ploughing respectively. In addition to the cow and a bull, I intend to buy a mattress and a bed in order to improve on our living conditions.
access_time over 6 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
Receiving this money means i will be able to buy livestock, meet the scholastic needs of my children.
What is the happiest part of your day?
The happiest part of my day is in the evening when I have made sales and there is profit since I do some small business at the centre.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
The biggest hardship I am faced with is lack of money to have my children enrolled in better schools.