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Newsfeed > Agnes's Profile
Agnes's family
Subsistence farming
Upcoming Stage
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20th Payment
Transfer Amount
2280 KES ($22 USD)
access_time almost 5 years ago
How do you expect your life to change in the next six months?
In the next six months, I will have completed receiving transfers from Give Directly and I would be having a reliable source of income as I got twenty chicken which is about to start laying eggs. The money which I would be earning through this venture would enable me and my family to meet our daily expenditure and even pay school fees for our children.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life in the last four months preceding the current transfer.
In the last four months, I haven't had a water shortage crisis like it used to be before I bought the water tank. January this year I opted to bring to an end the issue of water shortage in our home and this wasn't that easy. I obtained a water tank worth KES 22000 on credit. I implemented this idea as I knew that it would be easy for me to pay for the water tank on instalments as I regularly receive monthly transfers from Give Directly. I thank the organization for the support.
Do you have any new or additional goals for your life for the next four months?
Since this transfers is progamme is approaching the end. I am thinking of constructing a poultry house. I have a desire to invest in poultry so that I would have a source of income through the sale of eggs. Currently, I have 20 chicken which are about to start laying eggs but the challenge is that I do not have a good structure to keep these birds. I would request my husband to complete paying for the water tank with his transfers as I save towards purchasing materials for constructing a poultry house.
16th Payment
Transfer Amount
2280 KES ($22 USD)
access_time 5 years ago
How do you expect your life to change in the next six months?
In the next six months, I would wish to complete the payment of the water tank which I obtained on a hire purchase terms. I have been paying a total sum of 2000 KES every month which I am to pay over a period of five months. The total cost of the tank was 20000 KES. I found the deal good since I am already enjoying the use of the tank even though I have not completed its payment. I also aspire to purchase a cow since in the next six months since I have been saving for. I have been hoping to accumulate my savings to around 20000 KES so that I can obtain a mature breed of a cow. All this will be possible since we joined hands with my husband and every month's savings is 4000KES.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life in the last four months preceding the current transfer.
The money I am receiving from GiveDirectly has really made a lot of differences in my daily life. I have managed to establish a lot of projects which are going on well at the moment. The biggest difference in my daily life in the last four months is the income I am always getting from the poultry projects I started. I currently have more than 40 chickens all laying eggs. selling eggs every day have enabled me to comfortably feed my family ease. I am also looking forward to increasing my savings so that I can start another project in the near future.
Do you have any new or additional goals for your life for the next four months?
Over the months since I started receiving the transfers, I have been concentrating so much on the construction of the chicken coop. Now that I have completed, I have an additional goal to complete the payment of a water tank which I brought in order to pay it in installments. We have been having a water problem for such a long time in our village since the only source of clean water is so far from where we live that we could spend a lot of time walking to and from. We have been depending on water from the dams and boreholes which were not safe for drinking which made us make this decision to purchase a large water tank. I am now glad that the payment started and soon we'll be completing so that we may enjoy fruits of our hard work. Thank you GiveDirectly for bringing this project to our village.
How is your life currently different from how it was four months ago?
In the last four months, I really had a hard time since I didn't have any reliable source of income unlike nowadays where my projects are really doing well. I thank GiveDirectly for the great changes that they have brought into our lives. Everyone in this village is thanking God for what's happening in their lives. I now have more than 40 chickens which I bought from the transfers I was receiving. I also have a new water tank which I am still paying for in installment terms after obtaining it at a deposit fee. All these have just happened in a period of four months.
12th Payment
Transfer Amount
2280 KES ($23 USD)
access_time over 5 years ago
How do you expect your life to change in the next six months?
I expect my life to change in the next six months in that I will have started building a bigger house for my family. Currently, I am living in a small house which cannot accommodate my house comfortably. My poultry project will have also expanded and my income will have increased. With this income, I can use them to start a new project like opening a retail shop.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life in the last four months preceding the current transfer.
The biggest difference in my daily life in the last four months preceding the current transfer is that I have started poultry keeping project and I now have forty chicken. With this, I have been able to help my spouse in paying school fees for my children and I no longer ask him to give me money to use in buying our needs. I decided on poultry keeping because its mentainance cost is affordable.
Do you have any new or additional goals for your life for the next four months?
My new goal is to start buying some building materials which I will later use in building a bigger house for my family. The house I am currently living in is small and cannot accommodate all members of my family.
How is your life currently different from how it was four months ago?
My life currently is different from how it was four months ago since I have been able to achieve my dream of poultry keeping. This has boosted my source of income and I can now support my spouse in paying some of our bills. Before I used to have a grass thatched kitchen which was always leaking but I am now happy since I have an iron-roofed kitchen.
5th Payment
Transfer Amount
2280 KES ($23 USD)
access_time 6 years ago
How do you expect your life to change in the next six months?
I expect to concentrate on my own crop and poultry farming in order for my kids to get a good education and increase my piece land. I also expect to complete construction of my new kitchen in the next six months.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life in the last four months preceding the current transfer.
The biggest difference in daily life is these transfers have enabled me to start building a modern kitchen and venture into poultry farming which are my own.
Do you have any new or additional goals for your life for the next four months?
My new goal is buy a dairy cow by topping up my transfers with with my husband's and also to clear school fees using beans which are due for harvesting.
How is your life currently different from how it was four months ago?
My life is currently different because these transfers have opened my eyes and motivated me to work harder in crop and poultry farming.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
2280 KES ($22 USD)
access_time over 6 years ago
Do you have any new goals that you didn't have before receiving the transfer?
I now have a new dream of owning a cow in the near future.That cow will cut costs in my family since i will not be buying milk.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I could not be having big targets as i do now,this is because i am assured of money every month that i can use to accomplish my goals.
How do you expect your life to change in the next six months?
By that time i will already be having a cow and will be looking forward to building a better house than the one i have.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The transfer brought happiness to my family,my children are able to eat food every day.
access_time over 6 years ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
The biggest hardship that I have faced in life is, when I first got married and really had to struggle in order to get food and make ends meet.
What is the happiest part of your day?
The happiest part of my day is, when I wake up in the morning and find my family healthy and happy and even my cows since we live in a place where cattle rustling is common.
What are you planning to spend your transfer on?
I plan to spend my transfer on, increasing my income through poultry keeping.
What is the achievement you are proudest of?
My proudest achievement is, when i was to make good profits from a milk business that enabled me to pay school fees for my kids and also buy a dairy cow.