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Newsfeed > Florence's Profile
Florence's family
Motorcycle or bicycle taxi
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
25500 KES ($246 USD)
access_time almost 5 years ago
How do you expect your life to change in the next six months?
In the next six months l expect to have started saving for my project of buying a land and having a plan of putting up a nice house.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life in the last four months preceding the current transfer.
The biggest difference in my daily life is that since I managed to started a car wash site, from it I am getting enough money that I am able to catter for my family needs without too much struggling as compared to before. I am also able to pay school fee for my children with ease and they are no longer being sent home for fee frequently as they were being sent before.
Do you have any new or additional goals for your life for the next four months?
I am staying in a rental house where I am paying rent because I do not have enough land to put up our home. My goal is to start saving from the car wash business l started using GD cash transfer and from there l will be able to buy land where I can put up a house.
How is your life currently different from how it was four months ago?
My life is currently different from how it was four months ago because l no longer struggle so much to make ends meet. I am able to pay fee for my children with ease and the living standard of my family has really changed because I am able to get enough money to provide for them.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
23675 KES ($235 USD)
access_time over 5 years ago
Do you have any new goals that you didn't have before receiving the transfer?
In the next four months, I wish to a new motorcycle. This will be an investment which will earn us an income on a daily basis. The income will help me get money to solve other family needs on a daily basis. I can also save some for another business.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
The other difference is that I find it easy to handle my issues. I no longer have to worry about school fees anymore. I only work hard to raise money to feed my family and other needs. This has given me a peace of mind because I am not worried abourt my children being sent home anytime again. I feel thye burdens I have now are equivalent to what I earn. Thanks to GD.
How do you expect your life to change in the next six months?
In the six months, I want to boost my foodstuff business. I would want to add more stock so that I can stabilise my business. I know through this I will have a stable source of income which will help me provide for my family well.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The biggest difference in my daily life since I started receiving these transfers is that I already have school fees for my children. This has been my biggest burden since I depend on my farming and small foodstuff business which does not always give much. This is why I could not be able to keep up with paying school fees in time. I am glad the struggle for school fees is over because I have the money to pay. I thank GD for the transfers and making my work easy.
access_time over 6 years ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Tje biggest hardship I have faced in life is imprisonment. A month ago, my husband and I were imprisoned for involvement in sale of illicit brew. We suffered much in the prison under pathetic and unhygienic conditions with solitude and worrying thoughts. My children suffered a lot in our absence. It was a tough experience.
What is the happiest part of your day?
The happiest part of my day is mid morning when I am going to the market to sell sugarcane. I am curious, happy and hopeful that the day will end with good rewards in my hand. I feel delighted as I interact with my customers.
What are you planning to spend your transfer on?
I plan to spend my transfer on farming and educational costs. I will lease land from landlords because I do not own any piece of land and stay in a rented house. When I invest in farming, my family will have sufficient food and surplus sold for other needs commitments. I will also spend the transfer on paying school fees for my daughter who is in secondary school. We have been struggling to pay her fees. This will be a relief to us.
What is the achievement you are proudest of?
The achievement I am proudest of is owning a motorcycle. I invested much in maize and beans farming and the produce was much that we sold the surplus to buy a motorcycle. It is put into a Boda Boda business where I earn Kshs. 500 a day from which I am able to pay rent and take care of my family. I am very proud of this.