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Rodah's family
Casual labor
Kenya Large Transfer
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access_time 1 month ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
When I receive my transfers, I plan on paying school fees for my three children. I intend to use $100 to cover the school fees for my daughter in grade 11. Additionally, I plan to invest $140 in cultivating Boma Rhodes on my 2-acre piece of land, which I had previously leased out. My goal is to generate income from this grass and use the profits to settle all the school fee arrears, amounting to $500, for my daughter who completed grade 12 in 2023 and has not yet picked up her certificate. As a family of five, we heavily rely on earning $4 daily from casual jobs, which mostly goes towards food expenses and partly towards school fees. I am hopeful that these transfers will alleviate the financial burden that has been weighing heavily on my family, and I eagerly anticipate the positive impact they will have on our lives.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Indeed, family love and unity are invaluable. During the December holiday, it was a joyous occasion when my grandchildren visited us after 8 months of being apart. Their arrival brought not only happiness but also relief. They generously brought clothing for us and food for the household, instantly improving our food security. This act of kindness meant I could reduce the days I spent on casual jobs because we now had enough food on the table. The memory of that day fills me with a profound sense of relief and gratitude, reminding me of the strength and support we find in our family bonds.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Raising school fees for my children has been an ongoing challenge for our family of five. We rely on income from casual jobs like charcoal burning, tomato harvesting, and weeding, earning about $4 per day. Unfortunately, all of this income is allocated towards covering our daily food expenses and paying part of the school fees for our three children. Presently, we still owe $500 in school fees for my daughter, who completed grade 12 in 2023. Due to this outstanding balance, she has not been able to collect her Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, and I fear that without it, she will not be able to pursue further education. This situation weighs heavily on our family, and we are hoping for a solution to ensure our daughter's educational journey can continue.