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Newsfeed > Kadzo's Profile
Kadzo's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Basic Income
Upcoming Stage
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22nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 4 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My goal for the coming year and beyond is to buy more goats to add to my compound. By doing so, I can have a reliable source of income in case any challenges arise; I can sell one or two goats to sort out unexpected bills. I am planning to use the incoming transfers to make this dream a reality. I am confident that with this support, I will soon have many goats, which will be a great relief for me. This plan will provide financial security and help me take better care of my family. I am excited about the prospect of growing my small herd and the stability it promises to bring.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
As soon as I received the money, I bought four chickens and one goat for $54. I am sure that as time goes by, I will have so many of them, and at least I will have something to depend on in case of any financial difficulties since I am now old and constantly ailing. These animals represent more than just livestock; they are a lifeline and a source of security in my later years. In addition, I spent around $10 on my medical treatment since I have been suffering from high blood pressure. The constant worry and trips to the hospital were draining me both financially and emotionally. With this treatment, I am glad that for now I am doing quite well, unlike before, and I can manage my condition better, which has brought me a great deal of relief. The other funds allowed me to address some of my most immediate needs, bringing comfort and stability to my life. I bought new bedsheets and blankets, which have transformed my nights. I am now sleeping comfortably, free from the colds that used to plague me due to inadequate bedding. Additionally, I spent $27 on food, ensuring that I had enough to eat despite my inability to work due to my age and health. This financial assistance has brought about a transformative change, alleviating my worries about basic necessities and allowing me to focus on maintaining my well-being.
18th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($25 USD)
access_time 7 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Looking ahead, my objective in the upcoming months is to procure a new mattress to replace my current one. Persistent discomfort during sleep has resulted in significant bodily discomfort, which I believe a new mattress will alleviate. I am genuinely appreciative of the assistance provided through these transfers, which continue to improve my quality of life.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I invested in medication to manage my high blood pressure, a decision that has significantly improved my health. Allocating $58 towards both medication and medical expenses for regular check-ups, I've experienced notable progress. Despite a recent leg injury, I now navigate with the assistance of a walking stick, emblematic of my enhanced mobility and well-being. Recognizing the potential for returns, I purchased three hens for $11, confident in their ability to multiply and yield profits. Additionally, I allocated $14 towards acquiring new clothing, enhancing my appearance and replacing worn-out garments. The remaining funds, totaling $19, were designated for essential food items such as sugar, wheat flour, and detergent. Grateful for this financial support, I've been able to maintain self-sufficiency without relying heavily on my relatives, who have limited financial means.
14th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($23 USD)
access_time 11 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Moving forward, I intend to utilize my subsequent transfer to continue prioritizing my health. Currently, I rely on my son for financial support, but he is facing financial struggles and finds it burdensome to care for his own family of five children, as well as me. The additional funds will help alleviate some of this burden from my son's shoulders. I am extremely happy and appreciative of the financial assistance I have received, as it has made a significant difference in my life.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Over the past two years, I have been contending with fluctuating blood pressure levels that have had a detrimental impact on my health. Earlier this year, I unfortunately suffered a fall that resulted in a dislocated knee. Since then, I have been in and out of the hospital for check-ups and have had to purchase medication to manage my blood pressure. While I am grateful that I can now stand without assistance, my mobility remains limited. A significant portion of the $90 I received was allocated towards paying off medical bills and acquiring necessary medication. With the remaining $12, I purchased food, including vegetables and fruits, which play a crucial role in aiding my recovery. The financial support I have received has been instrumental in covering the substantial medical expenses I incur during my hospital visits, and I am truly grateful for it.
10th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($25 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Looking ahead, my objective for the upcoming year is to prioritize receiving medical care at the hospital and regain my former self, capable of working on the farm without encountering any challenges. By achieving this, I will be able to contribute through small tasks, assisting my daughter-in-law who is currently grappling with the daily necessities like food. I am immensely thankful to the organization since their transfers are aiding me in managing the health-related obstacles I am presently experiencing during these financially challenging times.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
For over a decade, I have been grappling with a chronic ailment known as high blood pressure. Throughout this period, I have diligently managed my health condition by relying on complimentary medications provided by government hospitals. However, a recent incident occurred while I was en route to collect my medicine. I suddenly felt lightheaded, lost my balance, and suffered a severe injury to my knee. Ever since, my knee has been swollen, adversely impacting my overall well-being. When I consulted the doctor at the hospital, they demanded an exorbitant fee of $180 for my treatment, which unfortunately exceeds my financial means. I reside with my daughter-in-law, and our financial support relies solely on my son, who works as a casual laborer in the town. Despite our concerted efforts, we were unable to gather the necessary funds. Consequently, I resorted to traditional remedies while relying on painkillers to alleviate the discomfort. Fortunately, the monthly stipend I receive from Give Directly has provided valuable financial assistance, enabling me to purchase the necessary medications that help me cope with my condition while I wait to accumulate the required funds for specialized treatment.
5th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES
access_time almost 2 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
As soon as I began receiving transfers from Give Directly, I quit my job as a casual laborer selling charcoal. Due to the tiresome nature of the job, my health has gotten worse over the years. I am currently financially dependent on both my son and his wife. While my daughter-in-law sells charcoal, my son makes a living by raising other people's cattle for pay. Prior to receiving the money, it was very difficult to support the family. We didn't have enough money from the charcoal sales to feed the whole family. We occasionally had to skip meals because we lacked the funds to purchase food from the stores. The fact that the situation is getting better every day as the transfers keep coming in makes me happy. I spent $10 to buy food for my family when I got my December transfers, which we all ate over the joyous holidays. I set aside $20 so that when I got my next transfer, I could buy a goat. Prices for livestock rise over time. As a result, my initial investment will grow, making it a wise investment for me. I want to expand my livestock collection and start a livestock farming business. I'll become financially secure and independent thanks to this.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES
access_time almost 2 years ago
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
I am quite overwhelmed with so much joy when it comes to talking about the organization and they held that I've received so far. This is because due to my age I have constantly relied on my children to help me hisk after me and not forgetting they have their own families to care. Therefore I am glad that through the funds I am able to chip in as well and care for my own necessities.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I happen to be quite old and on most occasions I rely on my children to cater for my needs. Prior to receiving the transaction, nutrition had been quite a challenge for me and my family especially because we barely made any harvest this time around. Therefore after receivingg the money I ended up using KES 2,000 by purchasing ten packets of maize flour, a kilogram of sugar, two packets of wheat flour, sardines and groceries. I was left with a balance of KES 1,000 and I deposited it in my savings account.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES
access_time 2 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
The moment the notification came in on my phone I asked my son to help find out the details because personally I could not read. Immediately after he confirmed the arrival of the transfers from the Organization. I was so elated I literally did a small dance out of all the excitement I felt at that moment.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
I am really glad that I personally was finally able to purchase the goat because it was an investment that I was really looking forward to making with the hope of gaining financial benefits when I struggled financially.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I have always had plans to invest in growing my farm and this is by buying a couple of farm animals which include poultry and livestock as a future investment during financial strain. For that reason, when I received the transfers this time around I decided to use KES 2,000 to purchase a goat. As for what I was left with which was KES 1,000 I went ahead to sort out nourishment by purchasing two kilograms of beans, one kilogram of sugar and three packets of maize flour for myself and my extended family.
access_time over 2 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
Everything comes to us at a right time. We are currently struggling to have decent meals due to lack of money. I will give some of my transfers to my son so that they can buy food and cook for all of us. I also think it is wise to keep some money aside for my medical expenses because I seek that frequently.
What is the happiest part of your day?
The situation at home is too sad. I am unwell, some of my grandchildren do not go to school, we do not have enough food and I do not think any one of us is happy. We can only hope for a change.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I struggle a lot with hearing and my vision is blurry. Holding conversations with my family is too strenuous and that makes me sad.