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Newsfeed > Mariam's Profile
Mariam's family
Small business
Kenya Basic Income
Upcoming Stage
Next Payment
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28th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 2 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My main goal is to carefully plan and invest in goat farming, a venture I have already started with the help of these transfers. Coming from a family where consistent financial support is challenging, proper planning is crucial to avoid falling into debt. My husband works as a tout, but his income fluctuates with the number of passengers, making it unreliable. Relying on such unstable jobs is frustrating, as we need to provide for our children's basic needs. To achieve my goal, I plan to save $20 from my monthly transfer each month. This will help me invest in goat rearing and build a more stable financial future for my family. Life has become easier thanks to these transfers, and I am determined not to return to poverty. I am focused on using this income to support my children’s fees and secure a better future for them.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
When I received my most recent transfer, I spent $14 on food for my family since we had none in the house. I am grateful to GiveDirectly for rescuing my family from going hungry that day. I also used $38 to pay fees for my four school-going children, distributing the amount among them to ensure they weren't sent home for having outstanding balances. The teachers understand our situation and appreciate the small payments as a sign of commitment. With the remaining $50, I decided to buy two goats for rearing. I chose to invest in goats because they multiply quickly, and in case of a financial crisis, I can sell some to alleviate any financial burdens.
26th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($26 USD)
access_time 4 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the coming year and beyond, I want to invest in goat rearing. Coming from a family where getting consistent financial support is challenging, proper planning is essential to avoid falling into debt. My husband works as a tout, and there are times when there are fewer passengers, which reduces his income. Relying on such unstable jobs is frustrating because we need to provide for our children's basic needs. To achieve my goal, I plan to save $20 from my monthly transfer each month. This will help ensure I can invest in goat rearing and create a more stable financial future for my family.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I shoulder the responsibility of caring for my six children, ensuring their basic needs such as food, clothing, and education are met. Before enrolling in GiveDirectly, I earned a living by selling charcoal, a physically demanding job that took a toll on my health, causing frequent severe chest pains. Now, I heavily rely on the monthly transfers from GiveDirectly to support my family of four. I allocated $24 to pay fees for my six children, dividing the amount equally among them to ensure they are not sent home for unpaid fees and can focus on their studies. Additionally, I bought $40 worth of food to ensure we have enough for the family as we continue to hustle. Finally, I spent $30 on a goat, aiming for future financial security.
21st Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($22 USD)
access_time 9 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Looking ahead, my objective for the year is to invest in acquiring goats, with the intention of breeding and selling them for a profit. This strategic move aims to ensure that, when the project concludes, I will have a tangible and sustainable asset. Moreover, as the goat population multiplies, the potential income generated can be utilized to meet urgent financial needs, such as covering my children's school fees. I am optimistic about achieving this goal with the upcoming transfers, as the support received has undeniably brought immense joy and value to my life.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Coping with the responsibility of raising and providing for our five children without a reliable source of income has presented significant challenges. While my husband works as a tout, I dig out trees stumps and engage in subsistence farming but our combined earnings are barely enough to meet our basic needs. The intervention of GiveDirectly has proven to be a lifeline, significantly improving our quality of life. Previously, my children faced constant school dismissals due to unpaid fees. Now, even in times of financial constraint, I can assure the school that I will settle any outstanding debts once the transfers are received. This support has also enabled me to construct a new home separate from the kitchen, a considerable improvement from our previous single-structure living arrangement. Out of the funds received, I allocated $68 for purchasing essential building poles, compensated a skilled constructor with $24 for his services, and responsibly used the remainder to acquire necessary household items. I am truly grateful for this support that I receive,it has truly changed our lives.
17th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($24 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I aim to finish building my house and then invest in buying more livestock. Currently, I have five goats and four sheep, and my plan is to allow them to give birth and sell their offspring for investment. It's a two-fold strategy to secure my family's home and financial future.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
In my one-room home, where I manage everything, I have made a heartfelt decision to build a real house for my family. With five children, their well-being is my top priority. I invested $20 to buy two metal sheets, to help me plan well for my project. As a mother, I have set aside $10 to support the education of my three school-going children, securing their future. The remaining $4 is safely saved for future needs. It's a small step, but it's part of our journey towards a brighter and more comfortable tomorrow for all of us.
14th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($25 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I currently have a house that accommodates my family of 7, the house is pretty small and I do everything including cooking under the same roof, something that is hazardous to my family. My goal was therefore to get enough money and build a separate kitchen outside of the main house, and I would achieve this by setting aside part of my monthly transfers to a certain amount that would help in starting off the construction.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The transfer that I received was of great help. It had been raining in the area after a long period of drought, and my wish was to engage in farming so that my family would have enough for that would take us for quite some time, but I did not have the money to buy seeds and do the farming but Givedirectly came to my rescue. Upon receiving the transfers, I immediately bought maize and legume seeds with part of the transfers amounting to $6.70 and spent the remaining $28 on cultivation. I felt happy knowing that my family would have enough food even if the droughts prolong in the coming months and I was very grateful.
10th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($28 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My charcoal selling business has stopped because a lot of people have cut down trees and due to that, I have not been getting income. I thank GiveDirectly for everything and now I want to buy something that when I look at, will remind me of GiveDirectly. So I sat down and came up with a good plan of buying a goat because I don't have any as at now.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I burn and sell charcoal for a living and at times I would go days without earning anything. Before GiveDirectly's transfers, I could go almost 4 days without food to eat. I used to survive purely on water and my children were being sent out of school because of not paying fees.The moment I received my transfers, I took $14 and paid my children's school fees. This brought them great joy and made them put more effort in their studies. The remaining amount of $ 20 I went and shopped for food. I am grateful because ever since I started receiving transfers I have never sleep hungry and when my children come out of school, they usually have something to feed on.
6th Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($25 USD)
access_time almost 2 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
We are a family of seven in my house. Although I am unemployed, my husband works as a conductor. Unfortunately, the mat suffered mechanical damage in July, and he has been at home since then. To support the family, we all resorted to doing crop farming, which does not yield much due to erratic rainfall. As soon as I received my transfer, I spent $24 on maize flour and drinking. I spent the remaining $6 on school fees for my three children. I have been able to pay school fees in small portions since I started receiving the transfer, and they've done well in school. I am always waiting for the transfer.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($26 USD)
access_time over 2 years ago
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
I am happy that the unconditional transfers from Give Directly are helping the needy in society. Since I do not have a stable income and neither does my husband, the funds will help us to cater to some of our needs. I would urge the organization to employ more staff who will help to enroll many people in the program.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The state of poverty I am living in has made me face serious challenges in providing essential needs (buying food, paying school fees and clothing) for my family (husband and 5 children). My eldest son completed his primary education two years ago but could not proceed to secondary school because I lacked the money to pay his school fees. My husband is a “Matatu” tout in a public service vehicle who does not work daily and depends mostly on favors from his colleagues. I am a casual laborer making and selling firewood, which is in low demand from the clients. We both earn very little from our jobs and hence cannot fulfill all the family's needs. Therefore, when I received my transfer, I spent KES 1000 on buying 36 exercise books for my three children. After buying the books for my children, they were allowed to resume their studies after spending three days at home. In addition, I spent the remaining KES 2000 on buying food (12 packets of 2kg maize flour, 2kg sugar, and 2 kg beans). It ensured we had plenty to eat after surviving the last month eating one meal per day.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
1200 KES ($10 USD)
access_time over 2 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
Just as I was about to sleep. I received a message confirming that I had received funds from give directly. Even in my excitement, I felt very anxious. At the time, no one in my family had had a meal. This is because my husband, who works as a tout, had not been working for about a week and thereby lacked funds to send us. Since it was late and the shops were already closed, we had to wait until the following day.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
For the longest time, we have been struggling with financial constraints. Food provision, school fees payment, and purchasing some uniforms for my children were quite a challenge. As they would wear their old patched uniform or mix it with some home clothes whenever they report to school. Now that I'm receiving these funds from give directly, I believe my life will really improve. I will now have funds to meet the needs of my family.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I used the funds to buy some food because I had run out of it. My husband, who works in the city as a tout, had not been to work that week as his vehicle had developed some mechanical damage. I, on the other hand, had no charcoal to sell as there were no logs to manufacture it. Due to lack of funds to buy some nourishments, my five children and I had gone to bed on an empty stomach for two days in a row.
access_time over 2 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
I had a kitchen that collapsed 3 years ago due to ageing. This made me resort to using the main house which sometimes is very uncomfortable because of the smoke. Sleeping in such kind of an environment can cause health issues like breathing problems and chronic respiratory conditions. For a long time, I have longed to build a new structure that can be used as a kitchen but lack of finances has not made it impossible for me to achieve this. Receiving this money will however enable me to realize my dream by saving these transfers in our women's group until it is enough to kick off the project.
What is the happiest part of your day?
I have been living in the fear that my children will end up with diseases that comes from lack of good food but fortunately, GD came to my rescue and I now have hope that all will be better. This has brought joy and happiness into my life again.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Lacking sources of income has made life very unbearable because now I cannot provide for my family's basic needs. This made me resort to taking a meal per day because that is what I can afford. My children are malnourished because of it and it is frustrating that there is little that I can do to make the situation better for them.