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Newsfeed > Arnold's Profile
Arnold's family
Motorcycle or bicycle taxi
Kenya Basic Income
Upcoming Stage
Next Payment
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29th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES
access_time 4 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I am currently working as a motorcycle driver while my wife deep fries chicken for sale. Inspired by the profitability of selling chicken, I am saving a portion of my income each month to start my own chicken selling project. My plan is to begin by constructing a facility where I can house and feed the chickens. Through my research, I have learned that the chicken business offers substantial profit margins and a reliable market. This venture will enable me to generate income that I can set aside for my children's school fees. Currently, I have six chickens, and I anticipate expanding this number to around forty by the end of the year. I understand the importance of managing the flock size to prevent disease outbreaks as they multiply. My strategy involves selling the chickens as they reach a manageable quantity, ensuring a sustainable and profitable operation.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I am a father of seven children, with five currently enrolled in school while two are not yet of age to attend. Upon receiving my first transfers, my wife and I made a firm decision to allocate all transfers towards our children's education. It was our priority to ensure that none of our children would face the risk of being sent home from school due to unpaid fees, and that they would have every opportunity to excel in life. I spent $102 from the transfers specifically for paying my children's school fees. Education is incredibly important to us, as we believe it is the key to opening doors of opportunity. I am particularly proud of my son Stephen, who is currently completing his Form Four studies. Another son is in Form Two and progressing well towards completing his education. Thanks to GiveDirectly, I have the means to provide them with quality education, which brings immense joy to our family. We are truly grateful for the support we've received, and we remain optimistic about the bright future ahead for our children. Seeing them thrive academically fills me with pride and reinforces our belief in a better tomorrow.
25th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($24 USD)
access_time 8 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My goal was and still remains to educate my children with this transfers. I would probably be unable to get any of them to school if I depended on my income entirely. The increase in fuel prices have reduced our profits greatly which means that whatever we make cannot do much back at home. My goal is to ensure my oldest who is in their last year of high school to complete school and the siblings that are right after to also have a similar chance to clear school. I also would like to restart the business for my wife that she was previously doing of selling food but on this I am dependent on my earnings.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My life has become very easy thanks to Givedirectly transfers. I am a motorcycle rider and at some point my wife ran a small road side food stall which contributed to our income, however one of our children fell ill and we ended up using money from the food stall until we closed it up, our child is better now but my wife has no means of making an income and so I am the sole provider from my motorcycle business. Through this business I am able to buy food but due to the high inflation Givedirectly transfers have helped with keeping my children in school. I used my transfers to buy shoes for two of my children at $20, I paid school fees for each of my three school going children of $20 each which is $60 total. I also bought sugar for the family on a monthly basis at $4
22nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($23 USD)
access_time 10 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My primary goal with the cash transfers is to invest in the education of my children. Two of them are currently in high school, and by the time the transfers conclude, they will have completed their high school education. Over the next three years, I plan to utilize the cash transfers primarily to cover their school fees. The income from my motorbike taxi business is insufficient to support the education of all seven children, making the cash transfers a crucial resource in sustaining their educational journey. I am extremely grateful to GiveDirectly for its impactful charity efforts, providing support that I have not witnessed elsewhere.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
As a motorbike rider, the cash transfers have significantly contributed to providing for my seven children and supporting their education during school days. In the recent months, the majority of my cash transfers were allocated to the preparations for Christmas celebrations, focusing on food and clothing for my children. Therefore, I spent $34 to purchase a goat. We will prepare this for the festive meal on Christmas day. I also used another $34 to buy new dresses for my four girls. Every festive season, we have a tradition of buying new clothes for the children so that they can enjoy their day, and am happy the transfers are supporting us in this. Additionally, as the region experienced consistent rainfall over the past three months, I allocated $30 towards plowing an acre and a half of my farm to produce food. Unfortunately, the heavy rains adversely affected the maize crops, as the soils became waterlogged, which led to stunted growth of the crops. I fear that this season a bountiful harvest is uncertain.
17th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($25 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My primary goal is to provide a quality education for my six school-going children. Overcoming the financial challenges associated with their school fees payment has been a constant struggle for me. To achieve this, I am determined to allocate a significant portion of my monthly income towards settling their outstanding fees, ensuring that when the project comes to an end, I can look back with pride at the education I have provided for them.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I received the GiveDirectly money at a time when I was financially struggling, it provided a much-needed support. With the transfers, I immediately prioritized my son's education and used $30 to send him back to school, rescuing him from being sent home due to unpaid fees. This brought immense relief to me. With the remaining $4.70, I bought essential food items for my family, ensuring we had enough to eat during this challenging period. GiveDirectly's assistance not only eased my financial burden but also brought hope and stability to our lives, for which I am truly grateful.
14th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($26 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Since I struggle to raise money for my two children in High School, I hope to invest my monthly transfers in their education expenses. I will be glad to see them succeed in their educational pursuit courtesy of GiveDirectly's transfers. Their success will serve as a reminder to my children of the contribution of GiveDirectly's transfers in the positive change in their life. I know it will be a thrilling moment for them to recall back their school life which would have not been a reality without such support. As a result, my income will always be diverted into food since I am the sole breadwinner in our family.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I am a father of two children, Everline and Steven. Both of them are from the same school. I heavily rely on a motorcycle which has not been profitable due to the rise in fuel and few clients. Since I have a meager income that is always insufficient to pay all the school fees, I prioritized spending $30 on paying their fee arrears. I am glad that despite the pending fee arrears, they have not been sent home. Instead, they have been able to be in school and focus on their learning. In addition, due to the large number of our household membership, ten members, I contributed the balance of $4 towards food that took us for a day.
10th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($28 USD)
access_time almost 2 years ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I am convinced that education will improve my children's lives and help them escape the poverty I am currently experiencing. I struggle to provide for all of my five children's educational needs because of low paying job as a motorcycle taxi, or "bodaboda." My new objective for the coming months is to use the funds from my subsequent transfers to pay my kids' tuition. They won't be expelled for having unpaid school fees as a result, allowing them to concentrate on their education.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My motorcycling business has not been picking up well since the number of customers who can afford the service has tremendously reduced. Mostly, the service is preferred by those people who work from Mombasa town and only visit the village during the weekend or end month. Nowadays, instead of visiting, these individuals choose to send cash back home through mobile money to save them the transport fare. This in turn costs me potential clients. With such challenges, the most I can get from the business is $2 on a good day. This money barely provides anything beyond food for my family of nine people (my wife and seven children). As such, am afraid it will be difficult to save enough funds for the incoming Christmas season which usually bears its share of rapidly increasing commodity prices. To avoid the last-minute pressure, I aim to start planning for the celebrations as early as now. So I used $30 for celebratory foodstuffs like wheat flour, rice, sugar, and cooking oil. I spent the remaining amount to refuel my motorcycle because it had run empty and I had not earned anything the previous day.
6th Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($26 USD)
access_time 2 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Since the coronavirus pandemic emerged in 2020, it has had an adverse influence on the motorcycle business in my area, on which I depend for a living. The number of people traveling dropped while that of motorcycle riders increased from five to at least twenty, due to lost employment. A hustle that used to bring in at least KES 800 per day now only generates KES 200 on a good day. With this amount, the much I can provide for my family is at least one meal per day. Such financial constraints leave other wants unattended to, particularly farming practices.  Since it is the rain season, I planted maize on my one-acre plot of land to cultivate and provide food for the family. I had to use the entire transfer amount on hiring laborers to weed the maize field to give room for the crops to grow. 
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($26 USD)
access_time over 2 years ago
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
I would like to acknowledge the efforts of GiveDirectly in helping the poor in society. Having faced a lot of challenges to a point of spending all my savings and leaving with nothing, GiveDirectly came in to rescue the situation. I would recommend the organization observe timely disbursal of the transfers to ensure it does not affect us as we heavily depend on them.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I earn a living as a motorcycle rider, “boda-boda driver”. My wife has a small hotel business where she sells cooked food to clients. The harsh economic conditions present in the country have posed an enormous challenge in my work. An increase in fuel prices has reduced our profit margin immensely. It is now very hard to cater to the daily needs of my family (mother, wife, and 7 children). This forced my wife to shut his business to attend to my sick son, who was diagnosed with pneumonia and admitted to the hospital. She exhausted all her saving paying for our son’s treatment. I could not work for the past week because of helping my wife take care of our son. With no income from both me and my wife, the situation worsened, and lacked food for the better part of the week. Upon receiving my transfer, I bought a 90kg bag of maize that will last us for the next three weeks because of the enormous size of my family.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($27 USD)
access_time over 2 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I was working when I received the message confirming that I had received funds from give directly. I was very happy and excited. I dropped off my client then I headed to an mpesa shop to withdraw the money. After which, I rode to my son's school to pay for his rent and school fee arrears.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
These funds created for me a bridge to a different financial status. I could now pay my child's fee and he wouldn't worry about being sent home. Now I feel like this has been short lived. I missed out on this month's transfer and he is now worried about being sent home due to his current school fee arrears.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
There is a scheme that was introduced in my village that supported those who were interested in working as motorcyclist riders. This has made it hard for me to earn as I did because there were many people offering the same service. Whereby, before I earned KES600 and now even getting KES200 is but luck. Due to financial constraints, I have been late on the school fee payment for my six children. Currently, their arrears have accrued to KES4000. This was after I paid KES2000 from the KES3000 I received from give directly, for my firstborn child who is in secondary school now. As for the amount that remained, I used KES500 to pay for his rent and KES500 to buy maize flour.
access_time almost 3 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
Receiving this money will help me reopen my cafe business. The business was closed one year ago when my wife got pregnancy with conplications.I used all my savings and capital to cover her medication. With the GiveDirectly transfers, I will save 10000KES as initial capital to reopen the cafe. With the profit realized, i will be able to educate my children.
What is the happiest part of your day?
I got a part time security job in one of the secondary school around. The job came when I had no source of income. It has helped me provide for my family something that has given me a reason to smile.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
My wife got pregnancy with a lot of complications which made me drain all my money. We have struggled without food as a family.I have seven children with the first one in secondary school. My children cannot stay in school for a whole term without being sent home to collect fees. I asked a friend of mine to help me with his motorbike so that I could get anything for my family. The job is not doing well. Sometimes I make less than 150KES a day. I have longed to reopen my cafe business but financial limitations have always hindered my wish.